
Tancredo: Bomb Muslim holy sites first

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Maybe I misunderstood your question. I thought you were asking if all Muslim countries are intolerant. So I gave you the answer that it depends on the country not on Islam. Using Turkey as a example of one that is not intolerant. So what is the norm in Saudi isn't the norm in all Muslim countries.
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>What did the following have to do with my question?

You asked if other countries were intolerant. He said no and gave an example (Turkey.) That would be considered an answer outside of Speaker's Corner.

This has been a public service announcement.

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For starters, Muslim is a gutter religion, opposed to all our values. Please don't tell me there are "moderate, peace loving" Muslims either. If there were, they would be ratting out their co-religionists who are supposedly giving their religion a bad name... The Muslims have already started it. So the deal is simple; either they can knock it the fuck off, or we can simply destroy their religion, period..

This is one of the most ignorant posts I have ever seen. How many muslims do you know? how can you judge them? Would it be right for me to assume that all Americans are as bigotted and ignorant as you?



You've already lost the war before you even starting fighting it...

How appropiate from a French perspective:D:D:D

Thanks man I needed that.

i think the latter one just proved the first correct..
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-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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This is one of the most ignorant posts I have ever seen. How many muslims do you know? how can you judge them? Would it be right for me to assume that all Americans are as bigotted and ignorant as you?

You mean like someone wishing death and destruction on America, like you?


. . =(_8^(1)

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