
10 steps to Fascism in America?

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It can never happen, cause American population has the right to firearms to prevent this from happening. Isn't that the intent of the 2nd Amendmend. I would assume that all the lobby groups who have been working hard to keep the 2nd active and in froce would be the first groups to ask their members to fight against the government, since that is the intent of the 2nd.

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It can never happen, cause American population has the right to firearms to prevent this from happening. Isn't that the intent of the 2nd Amendmend. I would assume that all the lobby groups who have been working hard to keep the 2nd active and in froce would be the first groups to ask their members to fight against the government, since that is the intent of the 2nd.


Most of the vocal gun owners around here seem to adore Bush.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I doubt you'd find the majority of any group around that "adores" Bush.

except when he's dancing and playing the bongo drums (much like other presidents playing the sax)

why are they always dancing? Old people dancing is scary

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy - like FDR, Kennedy, Wilson, etc.
2. Create a gulag - like FDR
3. Develop a thug caste - like FDR, LBJ
4. Set up an internal surveillance system - like FDR, JFK, LBJ
5. Harass citizens' groups - like FDR, LBJ
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release - like FDR, LBJ
7. Target key individuals - like FDR, LBJ, RMN
8. Control the press - like FDR, shit, like everyone.
9. Dissent equals treason - like FDR, Woodrow
10. Suspend the rule of law - like FDR, Lincoln, etc.

I find it odd that this is something for which FDR was most responsible, and yet he is loved. And Lincoln was the only POTUS to ever suspend habeus corpus.

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I'm not a gun owner and I don't like Bush. I DO believe it's in our best interest to maintain our freedoms. A fascist government would aim to take them away.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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From George Orwell:
The word ‘Fascism’ is almost entirely meaningless. In conversation, of course, it is used even more wildly than in print. I have heard it applied to farmers, shopkeepers, Social Credit, corporal punishment, fox-hunting, bull-fighting, Kipling, Gandhi, Chiang Kai-Shek, homosexuality, Priestley's broadcasts, Youth Hostels, astrology, women, dogs and I do not know what else... almost any English person would accept ‘bully’ as a synonym for ‘Fascist’.

I don't think Bush is "like Hitler." He's done a lot of bad things and made a lot of mistakes, but in two years he will be gone and we'll have someone who will (hopefully) start to repair the damage.

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1. Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy - like FDR, Kennedy, Wilson, etc.
2. Create a gulag - like FDR
3. Develop a thug caste - like FDR, LBJ
4. Set up an internal surveillance system - like FDR, JFK, LBJ
5. Harass citizens' groups - like FDR, LBJ
6. Engage in arbitrary detention and release - like FDR, LBJ
7. Target key individuals - like FDR, LBJ, RMN
8. Control the press - like FDR, shit, like everyone.
9. Dissent equals treason - like FDR, Woodrow
10. Suspend the rule of law - like FDR, Lincoln, etc.

Gee why are you forgetting all of these???? Partisan politics perhaps???

1. Axis of Evil and terrorists.... Bush

2.Sending off people.. who we do not know.. to where we do not know....BUSH

3.Do The republican thuigs that broke into the Miami Election HQ durint 200 count???? BUSH

4. ILLEGAL wiretaps by the thousands circumventing the FISA Court.. BUSH

5. wiretaps and survellance and indictments for things outside the intended scope of the Patriot Act. but its used anyway against any group who is not WITH him on the war... BUSH

6. Seems a few americans have dissappeared to secret locations where they are tortured because of their ethnic group...BUSH

7.Target Plame etc for their non support of the Bush War.....BUSH

8. Fox news aka NEW-PRAVDA or NEO-TASS ..BUSH

9. You are either with us or you are against us..vetting ANYONE who goes to ANY Bush speech or address or political function....BUSH

10. Gen Tommy Franks.... any attack with WMD in America= Martial Law....BUSH and all this fascist buddies WETDREAM.

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It can never happen, cause American population has the right to firearms to prevent this from happening. Isn't that the intent of the 2nd Amendmend. I would assume that all the lobby groups who have been working hard to keep the 2nd active and in froce would be the first groups to ask their members to fight against the government, since that is the intent of the 2nd.

Don't count me in that crowd. I love my guns BUT I have em to defend myself and TRY to take out the govt.(wrondoings) doin their thing. I will use em if I have to. Can you say WACO,RUBY RIDGE ect et al ;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Gee why are you forgetting all of these???? Partisan politics perhaps???

No, not partisan. It's a given abot Bush. My point is that the dastardly shit the Bush Admin does is nothing new. In fact, I'd like to expand on my thoughts.

Our country took its largest leaps toward fascism under the following Presidents:
1) FDR
2) LBJ
3) Bush, Jr.

I am not disagreeing with Bush's failures toward freedom. I'm not . Are we fascist now? Have we ever BEEN fascist?

Now, I'm not spinning these. FDR DID create gulags! FDR and LBJ and RMN DID create a thug caste. Clinton did, too with the "Bimbo eruption" squad.

Internal surveillance? LBJ and Vietnam protestors ring a bell? Which is part and parcel of harrassment of citizen's groups, and look at Woodrow Wilson and his ant-sedition proposals.

Arbitrary detention and release? Ask the Japanese.

Targeting key individuals? Yeah, let's ask the Japanese and the SUpreme Court and any businessman who were the targets of FDR's rhetoric and police.

Control of the press? Yes, everyone.

Shooting down dissent? Yeah, pretty much everyone, though it was last REALLY powerful during the Vietnam era.

Suspend rule of law? Well, Ask the Japanese. Lincoln's suspension of habeus corpus ring a bell?

I'm telling you Jeanne, this shit ain't cool what Bush's Admin has been doing. It doesn't mean his administration is the only one that has been doing it. That's not partisan.

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"oh look we are no worse than XXX" is not a very credible defense is it?

nor is "well it is only business as usual" when there are several clear violations of our fundamental documents

Such abuses of power should not have been tolerated then anymore than they should be tolerated now...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I remember all of that quite well ESPECIALLy the crap the LBJ and NIXON pulled... THAT is why he got impeached.... that is why there was a flood of new laws to limit the powers of the royal presidency in the 1970's... I voted for the asshole and was GLAD when he was gone( his flying to his place on Key Biscayne FL was a pain in the ass since I was stationed at Homestead at the time) His abuses of power.. his PARANOIA... all the stupidity... and this buttstain in the Oval Office is following right along right down the same paranid path with a huge level of incompetence thrown in just for good measure of stupidity... it must be endemic.

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"oh look we are no worse than XXX" is not a very credible defense is it?

nor is "well it is only business as usual" when there are several clear violations of our fundamental documents

Such abuses of power should not have been tolerated then anymore than they should be tolerated now...

Oh, I absolutely agree. It should not be tolerated. But I do NOT think it wise to equate it to fascism. Not in the slightest.

Why the hell would we want to lessen what a fascist is?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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That's quite a stretch. :D

Maybe it's just me, but it sure does seem the Bush Administration has been consistently losing ground since November 2004.

No it ain't either. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid were assasinated on White House property, inside the gates, and it was blamed on al Qaeda. Just because the constitution says Bush can't run for a third term, don't bet he isn't working on it.

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