
King Abdullah; American OCCUPATION of Iraq illegal

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I enjoy this remarkably intelligent, and inquisitive reponse for Speaker's Corner nevertheless:

ad (i): "ppl always preferred being tortured/mutilated/killed by one of their own vs from members of an outside force".

You can go back thru history to the present day and will find support of that statement.

For example, Iraq was a perfectly contained (but violent) society until somebody from the outside decided to take the lid of the kettle. Everybody was accepting of being tortured and killed by their own countrymen. I don't believe that you can honestly argue that intervention from the outside has ameliorated the situation.

As far as GWB chemically nuking Nebraska goes: I believe, you'll be accepting as long as the Canucks don't try to intervene. At that very moment, your anger will turn towards them.



However, historically (incl. my country, Iraq), ppl always preferred being tortured/mutilated/killed by one of their own vs from members of an outside force.

I'd prefer neither I think. If I had to choose though, I suppose whoever had the least brutal reputation would do.

BTW, thats a very interesting argument towards this whole situation that I can honestly say I've never heard before.

If GWB started testing his chemical weapons on the state of Nebraska, even if all the other 49 states didn't see a problem with it, I sure hope another country would be ever so kind to step in for me.
I also think its very sad that you believe that its our goal to torture/mutilate/kill the Iraqi people. We eliminated the dictator that did these things to his own people. Some Iraqi's were happy, but the loyalists were not. We either pull out and let the civil war be fought and let the tyrrany continue, or we try to continue to stabilize the region and keep the reputation that we are there to kill/torture/mutilate the Iraqi people. [:/] I will never understand what's going on over there now, and its just plain sad. Yup, we screwed up, but I don't think we intended to turn the country into what it has become.

Trust me. I helped build what we thought was a oil refinery in an (I can't say where) state in 1982 I think. Years later after a little digging I come to find out it was a poisonous manufacturing plant. SO. We can have so called WMD but no one else can?;)
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Exactly..no oil and no old family resentments to nurse against one individual. Make daddy proud GW, daddy loves you now, I am quite sure and so do his friends. The biggest brainwash on a large group of people since that german guy with the mustach. He should be impeached and tried for committing crimes against humanity. No sympathy for this man...too many dead-wounded people. Too many lives ruined! Free-dum?

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Exactly..no oil and no old family resentments to nurse against one individual. Make daddy proud GW, daddy loves you now, I am quite sure and so do his friends. The biggest brainwash on a large group of people since that german guy with the mustach. He should be impeached and tried for committing crimes against humanity. No sympathy for this man...too many dead-wounded people. Too many lives ruined! Free-dum?

It was/is all about oil. Didn't it start with Saddam in 1990 attacking Kuwait for their oil? That's when this shitstorm started, and it started with Iraq. It's called reap what you sow. But wait, I called GWB this morning, he agreed to start a pullout!!B|

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I can honestly sympathize: my country (and continent) was also occupied by the US, and the US troops overstayed their welcome by about 50 yrs.

With love, from Germany (and Europe).


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday rejected Saudi Arabia's charge that Iraq is under an ''illegitimate foreign occupation''

Oh yes, poor Germany, and poor Japan, they had nothing to do with the mess in WWII. It was the evil USA and their intent of having Germany as a colony-surrogate state, European style right? What was West Germany's political rebuilding? Was it the same style of all the European colonies elsewhere, or to really help Europe rebuild? Maybe you would have preferred to be on the Eastern side of things....:S
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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I can honestly sympathize: my country (and continent) was also occupied by the US, and the US troops overstayed their welcome by about 50 yrs.

With love, from Germany (and Europe).


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States on Thursday rejected Saudi Arabia's charge that Iraq is under an ''illegitimate foreign occupation''


Do they teach you about the Marshall plan in Germany these days or are the Aryan morons too busy getting ready to slaughter the undermenchen again?

Are you even aware of how the Germans started squealing like stuck pigs when it was hinted that the U.S. bases there were no longer essential with the collapse of the Soviet Union? That's right America wanted to leave but the Germans got their begging bowl out and asked America to stay.

Get a clue.

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