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John, replace immunizations with dietary improvements and you will have 3 out of 3.
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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I somewhat agree it does depend on alot of factors as to will they work or not. Ex. vitamin c once exposed to temps above 101 (i think) is destoryed so if you bought a bottle that had been sitting in a hot warehouse or on a hot truck, then yes it's not effective.
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I think it's your lack of knowledge. i'm not trying to put you down.

LOL - people in glass houses and all.

When I visit my surgeon, he asks if I need any more pain killers or anti inflammatories, but is content with my answer that I no longer require them.

Why is Hep B a required vacinnation now? Because they want to eliminate it in two generations. Right now millions of Americans have it. Sure it's true that it's spread by needles and sex - things Americans have proven to be unsafe about. Presuming your child will not succumb is wishful thinking at best, child neglect at worst.

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Hep-B is not required where I live. But injecting a vaccine into a baby who just came from the womb a few hours ago is very disturbing to me. Newborns have a limited immune system, so why are we pumping them full of vaccinations that aren't needed (unless my two year old is a drug user or is having sex). "Herd immunity" sounds great on paper, but the collateral damage (kids dying from vaccinations) shouldn't be ignored.


Why is Hep B a required vacinnation now?

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Can't speak to the when of infant shots for Hep B. Might be the best return for the smallest amount of injection. Or perhaps that infants are especially vunerable to transmission.

For adults it's 3 monthly shots. (BTW, it's recommended for any emergency workers. As a divemaster it is probably wise - if I were an active one I would. If you act as first response for organized base events, justifiable as well.)

I do know that we basically live in a world where the chances of being stricken down by disease has become pretty rare. Look at 100 years ago - FDR was born into a family of considerable wealth and he still got crippled by polio.

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But doctors are gods and know everything and, and, and.

...and centuries of medical research by thousands of trained physicians are apparently trumped by amatuers who rely on anecdotes, gut feelings, and paranoia.

I'd sooner take the MD's views than someone who doesn't know dick about medicine, other than what they hear from conspiracy theorists...
Illinois needs a CCW Law. NOW.

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>Not knocking doctors I think they want to help but
>their traning is in handing out medicine and cutting
>parts out of people.

Good point. Their 8 to 10 years of post-high school formal education, plus years of residency,plus years of practice, are really quite irrelevant.

> I'm not a doctor.

You don't say.

> Just my 2 cents

And....you get what you pay for.

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of course homeopathic medicine has no side effects becuase it has no medicine. Most Homeopathic medicnes are diltued to such an extent that they have practically no chance of having even one molecule fo the active ingredient. I went to my local health food store and looked at the average dilution , they were mostly 30c. even at 20c That means one part active ingredient to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.00 parts dilutant thats why theres no side effects its been diluted down to nothing, it is of course nothing.

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Well aren't you just a smart little cookie.

I'll i'm saying is there are A LOT of surgeries that don't NEED to be done. Taking out the wrong parts leaving stuff in the body that shouldn't be left in there ex. medical instruments:o and prescribing the wrong meds. Now with that said if a person has colon cancer and the best way to get it all out is to remove some of the colon then by all means remove that part. Geez you guys take things way to seriously.:D
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What vibration are you talking about? do you have any evidence this vibration actully exists or is just pseudo science?
I would direct you to Avagadros number http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avagadro%27s_number
the implication of Avagadros number is that homeopathic dilutions exceed physical limits for the likley of a molecules remaining in the dilution. common sense should tell us that. So homeopathy is in direct contradiction to the laws of chemistry. Its even to suggets somethign like "vibrations" get you round this glaring contradiction but perhaps you can point to something with actual evidence to persuade us?

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I've been to the doctor many times and not been prescribed anything. Often it's "you have a virus. antibiotics won't help. go home, rest, eat right, and you'll feel better in a few days." If I've sprained or broken something, the doctor always asks if I want painkillers or anti-inflammatory drugs before she prescribes them. If I go to the doc with a bacterial infection (strep throat, for example), then, yes, she'll prescribe something.

And yes, I live in the US. I just have a good doctor who takes the time to figure out what's wrong before deciding whether or not to prescribe something.

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a breif ex. homeopathy comes from the greek word homios meaning like and pathos meaning suffering. The word homeopathy simply means treating like with like. This means that a substance that causes symptoms of a illness in a well person can also be used to remedy similar symptoms when they result from illness.
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