
Do u beleave in God

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I'd say millions and millions of Christians have come to Christ w/o the benefit of scriptures.

I'd say you are wrong. If the indiginous people of wherever had never heard of Christ or had access to scripture, how in hell could they ever get to him?

In order for someone to come to a particular religion, they need to be taught or they will remain ignorant of that religion.

I said w/o scriptures, not w/o evangels. The first Christians did not have a bible (as we know it now) for 100s of years. The message was brought by the Apostles and other disciples. Letters of Paul, Peter, James John, and other writers were circulated, but not available to everyone. The message was word of mouth.

For the most part that is how it is today. While most homes in the USA may have a bible the majority of the people who became a Christian did so through the preaching or teaching of someone else. (info from Barnha Research)

It really amazes me the imaginary world religous people build up around themselves. All the things you must do and believe to achieve this unseen prize that is only received once you are dead. There is nothing to support this but one book and intangible feelings. How is your faith any better then the faith that other religions have? Are the Muslims wrong you are right? Are the Hindus wrong and you are right?

You seem to believe that all Christians are on the right path and their difference are just minor quibbles over minutae. I can tell you right now you are in the minority on that one.

I know for a fact that Jehovah's Witness think that they are right and everyone else is wrong. That includes all other Christians. They consider all other religions to be "false religions".

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No, instead I find it funny when someone is trying to prove something using quotes from the book they never read, having no idea themselves what it means.

That happens a lot here in SC when atheist quote texts out of context from te bible. Especially parables from JC. While they may have read portions of the bible (or even all of it), undoubtedly they have no understanding based on how they misues the different genres of scripture to prove their point. :|

The same could be said of some who "study" the Bible.
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I know for a fact that Jehovah's Witness think that they are right and everyone else is wrong. That includes all other Christians. They consider all other religions to be "false religions".

No debating you here. There are others who feel they have the path and no one else. They are either telling the truth or deceived. Good theological study reveals the latter. One thing I have discovered in my years of studying theology, the more narrow minded the interpretation of scripture, the less scholastic principles of theology are applied.


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I know for a fact that Jehovah's Witness think that they are right and everyone else is wrong. That includes all other Christians. They consider all other religions to be "false religions".

No debating you here. There are others who feel they have the path and no one else. They are either telling the truth or deceived. Good theological study reveals the latter. One thing I have discovered in my years of studying theology, the more narrow minded the interpretation of scripture, the less scholastic principles of theology are applied.

So you have expanded your interpretation of the Bible so that it isn't so narrow. How do you know you are right? How do you know your interpretation is correct? Do you think that all non Christians wrong and are going to suffer for not being Christians?

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So you have expanded your interpretation of the Bible so that it isn't so narrow. How do you know you are right? How do you know your interpretation is correct?

I've been intelectually honest in my studies. I believe I have been thourough and open minded. I have purposedly sought out ideas (universities) from many different backgrounds. To say I'm 100% right would be rather arrogant. I have been open to ideas that challenge my faith from professors, atheists/agnostics, and other religous ideaologies, and I continue to learn. At times, my ideas and insights have changed, sometimes dramtically, at other times I simply tweaked an idea with further insight.


Do you think that all non Christians wrong and are going to suffer for not being Christians?

I believe in an equality of people and a exclusivity of ideas. Sadly, what I see more of is a demand for equality of ideas and exclusivity of people. :|


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I cannot accept this concept of religion (christ/god etc.. ).

Christians as I see them.

(instill fear)
1. The single most important issue about 'human' life is to make it to heaven. It is not to beleive in god.. it is to make it to heaven - cause the alternative is to 'burn in hell'.

(to gain control)
2. To acheive this goal you have to submit to the ideas, rules, etc - of the religion.

this screams - typical control tatics -

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So you have expanded your interpretation of the Bible so that it isn't so narrow. How do you know you are right? How do you know your interpretation is correct?

I've been intelectually honest in my studies. I believe I have been thourough and open minded. I have purposedly sought out ideas (universities) from many different backgrounds. To say I'm 100% right would be rather arrogant. I believe I have been honest in my study and I continue to learn. At times, my ideas and insights have changed, sometimes dramtically, at other times I simply tweaked an idea with further insight.


Do you think that all non Christians wrong and are going to suffer for not being Christians?

I believe in an equality of people and a exclusivity of ideas. Sadly, what I see more of is a demand for equality of ideas and exclusivity of people. :|

So do you believe that all religions are just different paths to the same place? Are Muslims equally correct as Christians?

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STEVE: I believe in an equality of people and a exclusivity of ideas. Sadly, what I see more of is a demand for equality of ideas and exclusivity of people.

So do you believe that all religions are just different paths to the same place? Are Muslims equally correct as Christians?

I'm sorry I thought my phrase was self-explanatory ... obviously not to all. :|

While I believe ALL people are equal in the sight of God, and I venture to not judge any person based on their race, ethnicity, or religous persuasion, I believe in the exclusive teachings of Christ.


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STEVE: I believe in an equality of people and a exclusivity of ideas. Sadly, what I see more of is a demand for equality of ideas and exclusivity of people.

So do you believe that all religions are just different paths to the same place? Are Muslims equally correct as Christians?

I'm sorry I thought my phrase was self-explanatory ... obviously not to all. :|

While I believe ALL people are equal in the sight of God, and I venture to not judge any person based on their race, ethnicity, or religous persuasion, I believe in the exclusive teachings of Christ.

So you believe that all people who don't believe in Jesus Christ will not go to heaven?

I know you don't believe in the firery hell that so many do, but what do you think will happen to you when you die? Are you going to heaven and what do you think heaven is?

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I know you don't believe in the firery hell that so many do, but what do you think will happen to you when you die? Are you going to heaven and what do you think heaven is?

I believe hell is separation from God. I believe the images of darkness and fire along with pain indicate the absence of good, the regret one has for rejecting God and his efforts to "save" you.

JC teaches there is a separation. To the exent of what heaven and hell will be like exactly I would not say with certainty. Too many of our ideas of heaven and hell come from extrabiblical sources.

A few things I'm more certain of ... Heaven will be in the presence of God. It will not be all white and I won't be playing a harp. :D


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I know you don't believe in the firery hell that so many do, but what do you think will happen to you when you die? Are you going to heaven and what do you think heaven is?

I believe hell is separation from God. I believe the images of darkness and fire along with pain indicate the absence of good, the regret one has for rejecting God and his efforts to "save" you.

JC teaches there is a separation. To the exent of what heaven and hell will be like exactly I would not say with certainty. Too many of our ideas of heaven and hell come from extrabiblical sources.

A few things I'm more certain of ... Heaven will be in the presence of God. It will not be all white and I won't be playing a harp. :D

I think it is interesting all differences from Christian to Christian. It seems as though each person has their own religion. And then there are cults or borderline cults that have very specific beliefs. Jehovah's Witnesses are very specific in what they believe. I think they qualify as a cult.

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I think it is interesting all differences from Christian to Christian. It seems as though each person has their own religion. And then there are cults or borderline cults that have very specific beliefs. Jehovah's Witnesses are very specific in what they believe. I think they qualify as a cult.

I agree with your assumption that JWs are a cult based on their non-acceptance of typical orthodox Christian teachings (such as diety of JC and the trinity)

Yes, I have seen MANY differences in the denominations of Christianity. However, my experience in studying theology is the differences are "typically" on peripheal issues.

Now some "christians" love to major on the minors, and they tend to be the most vocal ones who get the most press. (and TV time :S).


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I cannot accept this concept of religion (christ/god etc.. ).

Christians as I see them.

(instill fear)
1. The single most important issue about 'human' life is to make it to heaven. It is not to beleive in god.. it is to make it to heaven - cause the alternative is to 'burn in hell'.

(to gain control)
2. To acheive this goal you have to submit to the ideas, rules, etc - of the religion.

this screams - typical control tatics -

Not all Christian desire to use fear as a motive to evangelize. I for one believe it is the worst possible method out there. More often than not those who come to Christ simply to escape hell (or gain heaven) do not accept JC's teachings. Their position in Him is not one that I would want to have. [:/]

Yes, Christianity, as well as many idealogies, have been subjugated to gain control over masses of people. That doesn't make the teachings of Christ wrong


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Yes, Christianity, as well as many idealogies, have been subjugated to gain control over masses of people. That doesn't make the teachings of Christ wrong

It does provide strong evidence and argument against the validitiy and origon of this belief system though. IMO

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Yes, I have seen MANY differences in the denominations of Christianity. However, my experience in studying theology is the differences are "typically" on peripheal issues.

Are the entrance requirements for heaven on the 'peripheral' side of christianity?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Yes, I have seen MANY differences in the denominations of Christianity. However, my experience in studying theology is the differences are "typically" on peripheal issues.

Are the entrance requirements for heaven on the 'peripheral' side of christianity?

I don't think so, but I guess that depends on who is classifying the peripheals. The Apostle Paul said it this way.

Romans 14:1 Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters.


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Yes, Christianity, as well as many idealogies, have been subjugated to gain control over masses of people. That doesn't make the teachings of Christ wrong

It does provide strong evidence and argument against the validitiy and origon of this belief system though. IMO

Why? Why discount the teachings of Christ because so many misused them? A quick study of the origins of Christianity show it to be ANYTHING but a method for gaining power. That particular misuse did not come into play until a few hundred years after Christ when it became the state religion of Rome. It did so because Constatine saw a vison of the cross and thought it would guide him to victory in battle.


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Maybe you could over the next couple of weeks keep an online diary of your christ/god relationship and the things that happen on a daily basis that keeps your faith alive.


Kept alive? I didn't know my christ/god relationship was dying?? ;)

While I have taught that journaling is a good thing and aids one's spiritual walk, I have never been able to do that consistently. Many reasons I suppose. #1 I can't type. #2 My handwriting is illegible #3 I'm overstretched as far as time is now. Too many jobs too many hours of Master level courses.


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You still havent answered the qeustion how can you tell when the HS is guiding you and when your just hearing imaginary voices in your head.
You say you are open minded, its easy to say. How many people say they are clsoed minded? Have you studied other areas of our origins, evolutionary biology, cosmology etc. How well do you know the Koran, the epic of Gilgmesh or the myhtologies of the Norse?

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You still havent answered the qeustion how can you tell when the HS is guiding you and when your just hearing imaginary voices in your head.

Guess what ... there is debate about this in the Christian church. ;) There are those who refer to passages in Acts about the evidence of the HS was speaking in tongues. I don't agree with their interpretation. However, even those who do believe the evidence is glossolalia agree that the Apostle Paul said fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

I have known many "christians" who can fake speaking in tongues or being slain in the Spirit, or any number of supernatural events, but I have never met any Christian who can fake the fruits of the HS that Paul speaks of for any length of time.


You say you are open minded, its easy to say. How many people say they are clsoed minded? Have you studied other areas of our origins, evolutionary biology, cosmology etc. How well do you know the Koran, the epic of Gilgmesh or the myhtologies of the Norse?

I'm not convinced that being open minded means one has to have read all the works of antiquity that refer to other Gods. But if that is so, have you read every piece of literature in the realm of Christianity so you may keep an open mind toward it?


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Steveorino: "Why? Why discount the teachings of Christ because so many misused them? A quick study of the origins of Christianity show it to be ANYTHING but a method for gaining power. That particular misuse did not come into play until a few hundred years after Christ when it became the state religion of Rome. It did so because Constatine saw a vison of the cross and thought it would guide him to victory in battle."

Right, and I was reminded of the advice that you shouldn't judge a system of beliefs by its abuses but for what it is.
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