
Denver Broncos Darrent Williams shot dead

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What's a "ghetto" name, how does his qualify as "ghetto," and please provide some facts to support your curse theory.

Williams. Was he Welsh?

Could be....but I think it's prob'ly the "Darrent" that he's referring to. But I'm just guessing. I think his "curse theory" is probably referring to the fact that a lot of young black men get killed like this.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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You know I loved watching him play and this truly sux. But I am going to say that he most likely brought it on himself, after the shit I saw last night I have decided that no one that gets into a fight doesn't deserve what they get, they always instigate it because they are drunk and stupid, it just sucks that the guys he started shit with happened to be the ones who were carryin in their car, pretty fuckin cowardly if you ask me.

Also, looking at the story, I know exactly which club they were leaving, and this doesn't surprise me that someone would do soemthing like this there. I've been in that club before and I spent the entire evening looking over my shoulder wondering who was going to shank me. Not a happy place[:/]
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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it just sucks that the guys he started shit with happened to be the ones who were carryin in their car

IF he did start something, killing is an extreme response. What happened is not clear at this point. However, nobody has a special right to be abusive to others, even the rich and famous.

In most events, there is what I call the "rational person". At many points, there are escalation points. Verbal, loud verbal, physical, violence. Usually, the one reasonable person stops it.

Eventually, you read about these events because there are two abusive people who believe that they have no restraints on their behavior.

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I agree with everything you said, it's just when you are in a club like the one he was in, there usually aren't too many rational people, you are surrounded by people who feel the need to settle disputes with guns[:/]
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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My neighbor is an idiot and raising his kids to be idiots.
Event example:
1- Kid races 4-wheeler at 3am. Rational person would not do that.
2- Kid is confronted and told to stop. RP would apologize.
Kid speeds off.
3- Parents are told, parents are drunk. Argument ensues.
4- Drunk parent follow neighbor home and threatens.
5- Police are called.

Good steps were taken to resolve the event at several points. It escalated and reached a point where violence was imminent, but one person was sane.

I predict that in 6 years, this guys kid will get killed in a bar parking lot. That is what he was taught.

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Okay. So a Denver Nugget was shot at a nightclub within the last couple of years. Pittsburgh linebacker Joey Porter was shot at a nightclub within the last couple of years. Chicago Bears D-lineman Tank Johnson was implicated in a nightclub shooting a couple of weeks ago.

SOmething about pro athletes and nightclubs that seems to turn out badly.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Eight Cincinnati Bengals were arrested in 2006, some on mutliple counts. Ever think about being the retainer counsel for a pro sports team? Big bucks.............

A couple of issues - I'd represent the team and not the players. So, no go.

Second - I don't need that kind of headache...

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Eight Cincinnati Bengals were arrested in 2006, some on mutliple counts. Ever think about being the retainer counsel for a pro sports team? Big bucks.............

Big bucks ... how about instead of selling team jerseys they sell team pistols?
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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