
Honest questions for God

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There is no brownie points in heaven, my friend. There is no special award for helping people. Christians try to be Christlike. That's how God uses us. We are an extension of his hand, we help his people. His people are everyone here on earth. We render help because it is in our hearts to help people. God wants us to help others. Besides, helping others helps us to open our hearts for others and it makes our hearts bigger and it helps us to understand the love that God has for everyone.

So, everything you do wrong is because of you and God will take it into account when judging you but everything you do right is because of God and God will not take it into account when judging you?
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Lastly, good deeds do not get you into heaven. This is a misconception that most people have. To sum it up: Believing that Jesus is your lord and savior and asking God for forgiveness is your meal ticket.

Okay. So can you confirm this:
- Gandhi will go to hell because he is a Hindu.
- George Bush will go to heaven because he truly believe Jesus is his Savior.

Am I correct in this assumption?
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PS: What (sin) did Satan do that caused God to send Satan to Hell?

Satan is not in hell. His place is here on earth. God created Satan to be the most beautiful angel in heaven. Picture someone being so beautiful with the most heavenly voice, that's Satan. He was so vain, he rebelled against God so God punished him and exiled him. He's here on earth to pull people away from God, even Christians. That's his ultimate goal. That's how he gets even with God.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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So, everything you do wrong is because of you and God will take it into account when judging you but everything you do right is because of God and God will not take it into account when judging you?

Whoa bro. That flew way over my head. Can you please break it down a bit for my simple mind?

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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Gandhi will go to hell because he is a Hindu.

Ghandi will not go to hell because he is a hindu. Did Ghandi break any of the 10 commandments? I don't know if he did or he didn't.

Did Ghandi ever hear the Gospel? Did anyone ever preach the good news to Ghandi and did Ghandi reject Jesus as his Lord and Savior? This is where my knowledge in Christianity leaves me. This is a good question for a theologian or a pastor.


George Bush will go to heaven because he truly believe Jesus is his Savior.

It's more to it than that. If GW believed that his Lord and Savior is Jesus and if he asked for forgivess of his sins, then he's definitely on the right track.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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Christianity certainly isn't the only religion that believes that its particular theology is The One And Only True Religion, but it is certainly among those that do.

Non-denominational Christians don't have a religion. We have a relationship with Jesus through our hearts. Therefore, we do not believe that we are the one true religion as you had pointed that out. We believe that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that God sent him down to earth to die for our sins.

You're either being intellectually dishonest, or are using completely circular logic. In any event, what you've just described is a religion. It walks like a duck. It quacks like a duck. It's a duck.

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From http://www.kamat.com/mmgandhi/christian.htm

When asked why he did not embrace Christianity, Gandhi has said that he had studied the scriptures and was tremendously attracted. But eventually he came to the conclusion that there was nothing really special in the scriptures which he had not got in his own, and "to be a good Hindu also meant that I would be a good Christian. There was no need for me to join your creed to be a believer in the beauty of the teachings of Jesus or try to follow His example," he said.

Gandhi explicitly refused to follow Jesus' example as he believed he was already living a good life.

So, in your opinion, would he go to hell?
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Not ALL of them, some are quite humble.

I've read all the posts. No one here has claimed self-righteousness.

Like I said before, some Christians will emphasize on Judgement, heaven & hell, etc. It's a wake up call. It's not saying that anyone is better than you. I like to focus on God's love and forgiveness. I believe it's better to know God's love for you first. Believe it or not, God loves every single one of us here on earth, Christian or not. Which is why he sent his only son to die for our sins.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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PS: What (sin) did Satan do that caused God to send Satan to Hell?

Satan is not in hell. His place is here on earth. God created Satan to be the most beautiful angel in heaven. Picture someone being so beautiful with the most heavenly voice, that's Satan. He was so vain, he rebelled against God so God punished him and exiled him. He's here on earth to pull people away from God, even Christians. That's his ultimate goal. That's how he gets even with God.

Why did Satan rebel? (Rebellion in and of itself is not an evil action.)



So, everything you do wrong is because of you and God will take it into account when judging you but everything you do right is because of God and God will not take it into account when judging you?

Whoa bro. That flew way over my head. Can you please break it down a bit for my simple mind?

You do something wrong, you take credit. You do something right, God takes credit. God takes into account the things you did wrong but not the things you did right (that God took credit for) when judging you.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Gandhi explicitly refused to follow Jesus' example as he believed he was already living a good life.

So he was claiming self-righteousness then? I already explained what happens to those who claim self-righteousness.


So, in your opinion, would he go to hell?

It's not my opinion. I cannot judge him or say that he's going to heaven or hell. It's not my place to. Basically, he rejected Jesus. The bible says that anyone whom rejects the Son, rejects the Father. If you reject the Father you will be judged.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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Okay, instead of using my own explanation, let me use his words. This is from [url http://www.kamat.com/mmgandhi/xity.htm[/url]

When asked, "What do you think of Christianity ? Did you consider becoming a Christian?", he replied,

My association with Christians dates from 1889 and there was a time in my life when I sincerely considered Christianity as my religion. In my pursuit, I met many a scholars and thinkers, who while having a profound effect on me, were not able to convince me. Although I admire much in Christianity, I am unable to identify myself with the orthodox Christianity. I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it, entirely satisfies my soul, and fills my whole being.

The missionaries come to India thinking that they come to a land of heathen, of idolaters, of men who do not know God. My own experiences all over India have been on the contrary. An average Indian is as much a seeker after truth as the Christian missionaries are, possibly more so.

Please do not flatter yourselves with the belief that a mere recital of that celebrated verse in St. John makes a man Christian. If I have read the Bible correctly, I know many men who have never known the name of Jesus Christ, men who have even rejected the official interpretations of Christianity, but would nevertheless, if Jesus came in our midst today in the flesh, be probably owned by him more than many of us. My position is that it does not matter what faith you practice, as long as the soul longs for truth.

Personally, that does not come off as self-righteous in any way.

Regardless, according to what you and a few others have said in this (and other) threads, he would be going to hell.

However, I do realize that nobody in his right mind is actually going to admit that, instead simply using the cop-out, "It is not my position to judge", and yet judging anyways when the character in question is someone far more flawed, like your average human.
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Why did Satan rebel? (Rebellion in and of itself is not an evil action.)

He rebelled because God made him so beautiful that he was in love with himself and that he thought he was better than God. Satan also wanted to take over heaven and pretty much make it his own.


You do something wrong, you take credit.

No, you do something unintentionally or intentionally wrong you ask for forgiveness.


You do something right, God takes credit.

No, you do something right for his people, which is everyone here on earth, it makes him smile.


God takes into account the things you did wrong but not the things you did right (that God took credit for) when judging you.

I think you may have misconstrued the point. God doesn't judge you for the right things or wrong things you do here on earth. He judges you based on if you believe his Son is your Lord and Savior and that if you asked for forgiveness or not. The way to Heaven is through Jesus. If you believe in the Son, you believe in the Father. If you ask for forgiveness and believe in the Father, you're in like Flynn.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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PS: What (sin) did Satan do that caused God to send Satan to Hell?

Satan is not in hell. His place is here on earth. God created Satan to be the most beautiful angel in heaven. Picture someone being so beautiful with the most heavenly voice, that's Satan. He was so vain, he rebelled against God so God punished him and exiled him. He's here on earth to pull people away from God, even Christians. That's his ultimate goal. That's how he gets even with God.

If god created satan to be the most beautiful angel, shouldn't god have known what would happen??? He is omniescent (spelling) which means he knows the past present and future, so why would he create someon (knowing what he would eventually become) knowing he would eventually become the monring star??? Makes very little sense for a being of all knowing.
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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If the Christian rendered aide just to earn more brownie points to get into heaven and the Atheist rendered aide just because it is the right thing to do, then the Atheist is the better person.

There is no brownie points in heaven, my friend. There is no special award for helping people. Christians try to be Christlike. That's how God uses us. We are an extension of his hand, we help his people. His people are everyone here on earth. We render help because it is in our hearts to help people. God wants us to help others. Besides, helping others helps us to open our hearts for others and it makes our hearts bigger and it helps us to understand the love that God has for everyone.

Lastly, good deeds do not get you into heaven. This is a misconception that most people have. To sum it up: Believing that Jesus is your lord and savior and asking God for forgiveness is your meal ticket.

Just by saying this, you are saying that no other religion, outside of christianity, is correct. Any religion that does not belive jesus is their savior will be going to hell, pretty lame in my opinion.
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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Personally, that does not come off as self-righteous in any way.

When he said "My position is that it does not matter what faith you practice, as long as the soul longs for truth." he's basically rejecting Christ in a indirect way and he's indirectly saying that you don't need to do what God wants you to do, which is to believe his Son is your Lord and Savior and to ask for forgiveness.


Regardless, according to what you and a few others have said in this (and other) threads, he would be going to hell.

It's not according to what we have said, we didn't make this up. Jesus said that he is the way to Heaven.


However, I do realize that nobody in his right mind is actually going to admit that, instead simply using the cop-out, "It is not my position to judge", and yet judging anyways when the character in question is someone far more flawed, like your average human.

Get this straight bro, we cannot judge. If we judge, we will be judged for it. It's not our place to judge. It's not a cop out. It's something that we're not supposed to do. Only God can judge others. Christians are nobodies. We're just regular schmucks like you. We're not better than anyone else out there. Sheesh!

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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Ghandi will not go to hell because he is a hindu. Did Ghandi break any of the 10 commandments? I don't know if he did or he didn't.

Umm, "No gods before me" - isn't that the very first one?

Asa Hindu Ghandi would have had plenty of gods before yours.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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If god created satan to be the most beautiful angel, shouldn't god have known what would happen??? He is omniescent (spelling) which means he knows the past present and future, so why would he create someon (knowing what he would eventually become) knowing he would eventually become the monring star??? Makes very little sense for a being of all knowing.

Someone smarter than me here can answer that question for you. I'm just a lower schmuck I'm not on the same level and Stevorino or Paj. They're the higher schmucks.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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Not ALL of them, some are quite humble.

I've read all the posts. No one here has claimed self-righteousness.


I didn't say they CLAIMED it. There are some here whose attitudes SHOW it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Just by saying this, you are saying that no other religion, outside of christianity, is correct. Any religion that does not belive jesus is their savior will be going to hell, pretty lame in my opinion.

People! People! Get a grip already. lol :D I always wanted to say that....

Seriously, as I had said before, I belong to a non-denominational Church. There is no religion. We have a relationship with Christ through our hearts. Jesus said he is the only way to heaven.

Focus on me for a second bro. I said he who rejects Jesus rejects the Father and gets judged for it. Now in order to reject Jesus, you would have to hear about him and about the Father too. However, if someone who never heard of Jesus that's a different ball park. This is where Stevorino and Paj come in cuz me no know the answer to that.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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God doesn't judge you for the right things or wrong things you do here on earth. He judges you based on if you believe his Son is your Lord and Savior and that if you asked for forgiveness or not. The way to Heaven is through Jesus. If you believe in the Son, you believe in the Father. If you ask for forgiveness and believe in the Father, you're in like Flynn.

This is exactly what is wrong with the world today. It is the attitude that "Well I tried, so it's good enough."

I would rather live my life true and to love those near me and be the best that I can be than succumb to a God who wants me to believe in him for his own vanity.

Just the same, I would rather marry a woman who would not cheat on me because she truly loved me and didn't want to hurt rather than one who wouldn't because she was scared of breaking a commandment.

I would rather trust everything I owned to someone who wouldn't take it because he truly valued honesty rather than someone who didn't want to go to hell.

I would rather have children who respected me as a father and who obeyed me because he realized the wisdom of my age, not one who was scared of a vengeful God.
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I didn't say they CLAIMED it. There are some here whose attitudes SHOW it.

There you go being uptight again. lol j/k;)

Bro, people here are human, Christian or not. Debates get heated here and there and when that happens people want to grind their points into your skulls. This is normal. I've read the posts. I don't know to whom you're referring to exactly but their intentions mean well. If they didn't give a flying fuck about you they would leave you alone and let you go on your way. You have to believe that they love you enough to tell you what the deal is. I'm a retard, I just went off the subject. Anyway, we're all individuals here. You have your own way to express things just as others do. It's part of their character. It's what makes us human and imperfect. Keep in mind that a person expressing themselves online will not get the same impression if they expressed themselves to you in person. I've been guilty of that more times than most of you said screw Christianity. :S

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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This is exactly what is wrong with the world today. It is the attitude that "Well I tried, so it's good enough."

I would rather live my life true and to love those near me and be the best that I can be than succumb to a God who wants me to believe in him for his own vanity.

Just the same, I would rather marry a woman who would not cheat on me because she truly loved me and didn't want to hurt rather than one who wouldn't because she was scared of breaking a commandment.

I would rather trust everything I owned to someone who wouldn't take it because he truly valued honesty rather than someone who didn't want to go to hell.

I would rather have children who respected me as a father and who obeyed me because he realized the wisdom of my age, not one who was scared of a vengeful God.

Who doesn't want all those nice things? Here's the deal in a nutshell. Life here on earth is very short. Life on heaven is eternity. Atheists and non-believers focus way too much on Judgement and punishment and do's and don'ts. Which is probably why you say screw it to Christianity. You don't know the Love God has for you. You don't even have a single clue. He loved you enough to send his Son to die for your sins. All that he wants from you is to love him back as much as he loves you. To love him back is to know the Son. To love him back is to love his people. Everyone here on earth are all his people. He loves us all. To love him back is to ask for forgiveness of his sins. And yes, it's that simple.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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If god created satan to be the most beautiful angel, shouldn't god have known what would happen??? He is omniescent (spelling) which means he knows the past present and future, so why would he create someon (knowing what he would eventually become) knowing he would eventually become the monring star??? Makes very little sense for a being of all knowing.

Someone smarter than me here can answer that question for you. I'm just a lower schmuck I'm not on the same level and Stevorino or Paj. They're the higher schmucks.

Well THIS schmuck would never claim to know about the origin of Satan or call him the Morning Star. Those references are about earthly men, and a great deal of liberty must be used to make them about Satan. Too many christian theologians want all ts crossed and is dotted. They borrow from Dante, apocolyptic scripture, and prophecies against babylonian kings to fill in the gaps. I ask myself that question, why? If God did not see fit to explain Satan's origin, why must I make it up?

Now the original thread question was, "what would you ask God?"


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I'm curious, what constitutes a religion to you?

I have no opinion on that. What's more I'm still learning. I'm in the baby stages of Christianity. I'm still learning to walk. There is so much to learn.

I did read that Jesus didn't like religion because it was man-made. It focused too much on customs, do's and don'ts than it did on Love and Forgiveness. Which is why Jesus came down from heaven to earth. He was trying to tell people, it doesn't matter if they obey the laws or not, what matter is the love that comes out of the heart. Anyone can follow laws it's more complicated to love, to be giving and forgive others.

What's the most you ever lost in a coin toss, Friendo?

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