
when will the end come

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I have heard from many theists that the world is coming to an end, that the second coming of Christ is upon us. At my grandfather's funeral this old guy gave a little speech and said he honestly thought the world was coming to an end in the next 10 years or so. I have talked to some Christians at work, and they believe that Jesus is already on earth (or maybe they were referring to the anit-christ) but they believe that the world will definately be ending soon. Theists for thousands of years have been saying the world will end soon, anyone care to give an estimate.
We die only once, but for such a very long time.

I'll believe in ghosts when I catch one in my teeth.

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Uh.. about 6 years from now. the end of the Mayan calender, December 21, 2012, is the end of an age... and some interesting astronomical events.;)

Now we know. B|

Getting back to the OP, I have never met anyone who professed an "end of days" belief. Whenever I do hear about these types, it always comes from a non-religious person... typically someone who has a chip on their shoulder about Christianity.

Maybe it's one of those karmic/spiritual connections that these "the end is near" types seek out non-believers, but pass by everyone who has any level of faith.

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When I was about 9 or 10 years old, my friend's family were followers of Jerry Falwell. After spending a night in front of the TV at his house, I went home crying that the world was going to end and I didn't want to die. Then I couldn't sleep for a week. My mother was not pleased.

Well, I'm still here, and Falwell is still predicting the end. I guess he forgot to read that part in the bible that says that no man knows the hour of the return of Jesus.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Here are two websites that list end-of-the world predictions.

Basically, people have always found ways to predict that the end of the world is imminent. As soon as the date passes, they set another date. People have been doing this for centuries, and they always are able to come up with some sort of signs they can point to, or some thing out of the Bible or whatever as "proof" that their prediction is correct.

So far they're batting a big fat zero.
Speed Racer

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>I have never met anyone who professed an "end of days" belief.

Hmm. You've never met Bill Cole? He was a quite regular poster on here. Was talking about a bible code that proved that the US would not survive to the end of Bush's second term, and that the world would end soon afterwards. Met him at Perris once; he was a nice guy.

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>I have never met anyone who professed an "end of days" belief.

Hmm. You've never met Bill Cole? He was a quite regular poster on here. Was talking about a bible code that proved that the US would not survive to the end of Bush's second term, and that the world would end soon afterwards. Met him at Perris once; he was a nice guy.

I sat and talked to Bill a few years ago when he was in Missouri. It was right after he sprained his ankle while landing. He is an amazingly interesting guy and not at all what you may expect. His take on his chuteless jumps and his time doing demo jumps will have you shaking your head in disbelief. A true skydiving legend.
By the way, where's Bill been lately?
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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If he still believes his predictions - he's in his bunker :P

I thought maybe he was in a summit with god and going over some of the particulars and pointing at the mistakes.:)
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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>He is an amazingly interesting guy and not at all what you may expect.

Yes indeed. If anyone here ever meets him, just let him talk for a while. He's got some great stories. (There's a reason his user name is "chuteless.")

>By the way, where's Bill been lately?

Back in Canada as far as I know. There was an effort to get a rig together for him that would let him jump; he's getting a bit old for the harder openings on his older gear. I don't know what came of that.

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Depends on what you mean by "the end". The sun exploding would be the definitive end to end all ends. But as that's not expected for another 4 billion years, it's sort of difficult to imagine humanity living that long. I mean the dinosaurs might have had tiny brains (or not), but they lived for hundreds of millions of years. I'd call them a highly successful species until they got creamed by that pesky meteor. Whether or not we could go on living that long as a species is highly questionable, considering the drastic changes to the environment our population growth and technologies are creating. And then apart from that, we could just as easily be creamed by yet another meteor and find ourselves as helpless as the dinosaurs, only with a better understanding of just how doomed we'd be.

If you believe in the Bible and Book of Revelations, two surefire signs to watch out for would be the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, the other being a scheme to imbed microchips in people's foreheads or wrists in place of money. The chilling thing about the microchips is that they'd make such good sense, especially in preventing identity theft in a cashless society. Anyone who refused them for "silly" religious beliefs would be immediately suspect, as they must be supporting themselves somehow and by definition illegally. Hmmmm....

Of course for the more traditional among us, stepping off the curb in front of a city bus will do just fine, as well as taking too long trying to fix a spun up canopy. They're all just as final, so take your pick.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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When I was about 9 or 10 years old, my friend's family were followers of Jerry Falwell. After spending a night in front of the TV at his house, I went home crying that the world was going to end and I didn't want to die. Then I couldn't sleep for a week. My mother was not pleased.

Well, I'm still here, and Falwell is still predicting the end. I guess he forgot to read that part in the bible that says that no man knows the hour of the return of Jesus.

I guess then the dovotees can give all their $$$ to the tything dish, since they won't need it in heaven, which is comming soon. Can people be that naive? Apparently they are by the looks of all the churches popping up. Bets scam going tho, tax free.

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>I have never met anyone who professed an "end of days" belief.

Hmm. You've never met Bill Cole? He was a quite regular poster on here. Was talking about a bible code that proved that the US would not survive to the end of Bush's second term, and that the world would end soon afterwards. Met him at Perris once; he was a nice guy.

We;re not to the end of Bush's second term yet :o....b etter go say ur hail marry's.:)

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Bill also said that Osama's boys would launch a nuclear attack & destroy America in 2006. they'd better get going on that, they've got less than 4 weeks.

Well with the holidays and all, UPS just doesn;t deliver like they used to. And the unions with nike bomb making, they are just murder on time schedules.>:(

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>I have never met anyone who professed an "end of days" belief.

Hmm. You've never met Bill Cole? He was a quite regular poster on here. Was talking about a bible code that proved that the US would not survive to the end of Bush's second term, and that the world would end soon afterwards. Met him at Perris once; he was a nice guy.

I sat and talked to Bill a few years ago when he was in Missouri. It was right after he sprained his ankle while landing. He is an amazingly interesting guy and not at all what you may expect. His take on his chuteless jumps and his time doing demo jumps will have you shaking your head in disbelief. A true skydiving legend.
By the way, where's Bill been lately?

Was he the 2nd guy to make a chuteless jump in the 80's? WHat was his take on it?

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Hey, didn't Bill Cole say he tried to contact people in the government about his findings??

Maybe the government heard about them & is trying to keep the terrorists tied up in Iraq until the end of Bush's term!:o
Speed Racer

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If you believe in the Bible and Book of Revelations, two surefire signs to watch out for would be the rebuilding of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, the other being a scheme to imbed microchips in people's foreheads or wrists in place of money.

RFID chips are already a reality.


Consider the human body as well. Applied Digital Solutions has designed an RFID tag - called the VeriChip - for people. Only 11 mm long, it is designed to go under the skin, where it can be read from four feet away. They sell it as a great way to keep track of children, Alzheimer's patients in danger of wandering, and anyone else with a medical disability, but it gives me the creeps. The possibilities are scary. In May, delegates to the Chinese Communist Party Congress were required to wear an RFID-equipped badge at all times so their movements could be tracked and recorded. Is there any doubt that, in a few years, those badges will be replaced by VeriChip-like devices?

Repent! The End is Near!

"Buttons aren't toys." - Trillian

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I 've been keeping my eye ( occassionally) on you guys. I decided that I would not post on DZ.com, and here I am breaking my own rule.

Some of you got what I said correct, some didnt....that shows how much people pay attention to what is written.

I did say, that the United States would have its demise before Bush ended his second term. ( not the end of 2006)

One must understand that in every empire that ever existed, people thought it would last forever. The USA is no different. No one wants to admit their nation has a life expectancy of a certain time.

I have been steadily researching what is written in God's WORD, and it surely will take place.
Personally, I think from things I heard last week, that it should take place in 2007, but that is based on many things. It all hinges on a particular action of Pres Bush, and he is totally unaware of it. He will eventually take that action, and shortly after he does, be prepared to duck a nuke...actually two of them.

I am not making a prophecy....I am simply relating what God has said inHis WORD, and it certainly will take place, count on it.

I could relate what will happen after that event, but I don't think SOME of you have enough Spiritual understanding to comprehend .

It is not the beginning of the end, as that was quite some time ago. We are in the last days, and although someone in this thread said " no one knows the day or the hour of Christ's coming" it certainly is possible to tell the time in close proximity.

Jesus said, man could tell the weather from signs , such as a red sky in morning etc, and he should also know he can tell the signs of the end times.

Those signs are all about us every day.

Anyhow, nice talking at you, I doubt I'll bend my own rules again.

Take care all, and have a great Christmas.

Bill Cole D-41

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I 've been keeping my eye ( occassionally) on you guys. I decided that I would not post on DZ.com, and here I am breaking my own rule.

Some of you got what I said correct, some didnt....that shows how much people pay attention to what is written.

I did say, that the United States would have its demise before Bush ended his second term. ( not the end of 2006)

One must understand that in every empire that ever existed, people thought it would last forever. The USA is no different. No one wants to admit their nation has a life expectancy of a certain time.

I have been steadily researching what is written in God's WORD, and it surely will take place.
Personally, I think from things I heard last week, that it should take place in 2007, but that is based on many things. It all hinges on a particular action of Pres Bush, and he is totally unaware of it. He will eventually take that action, and shortly after he does, be prepared to duck a nuke...actually two of them.

I am not making a prophecy....I am simply relating what God has said inHis WORD, and it certainly will take place, count on it.

I could relate what will happen after that event, but I don't think SOME of you have enough Spiritual understanding to comprehend .

It is not the beginning of the end, as that was quite some time ago. We are in the last days, and although someone in this thread said " no one knows the day or the hour of Christ's coming" it certainly is possible to tell the time in close proximity.

Jesus said, man could tell the weather from signs , such as a red sky in morning etc, and he should also know he can tell the signs of the end times.

Those signs are all about us every day.

Anyhow, nice talking at you, I doubt I'll bend my own rules again.

Take care all, and have a great Christmas.

Bill Cole D-41

Well you DID say 99% likely before the end of 2006
Guess those odds are changing huh??


Edited: But have a great christmas yourself!
Never try to eat more than you can lift

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