
Origin of the species, where do you stand?

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Based upon gjhdiver's Jeebus thread, clicky what do you believe are our origins...

  • "God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so." It's fair to describe this as the creationist view.

  • "Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process." We'll call this the theistic view.

  • "Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process." I'll term this the naturalist view.

    Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome
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    Based upon gjhdiver's Jeebus thread, clicky what do you believe are our origins...

  • "God created human beings pretty much in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so." It's fair to describe this as the creationist view.

  • "Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God guided this process." We'll call this the theistic view.

  • "Human beings have developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life, but God had no part in this process." I'll term this the naturalist view.

  • Who knows? We'll find out when we are dead. And if we don't it really doesn't matter then does it?;)
    I hold it true, whate'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost
    Than never to have loved at all.

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    Tuning this back on topic. :P:P

    I believe evolution does exist. I honestly think it's intentional blindness to look at nature and not see how genetics and "natural" selection influences change of species. To ignorantly recite back quotes from Genesis without thinking about logic and science is foolish. Evolution does exist.

    However... I do believe God had a role in some of the creation. Life is VERY complex for just random chance to have created.

    So, basically I'm sitting on the fence on this one.

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    Tuning this back on topic. :P:P

    I believe evolution does exist. I honestly think it's intentional blindness to look at nature and not see how genetics and "natural" selection influences change of species. To ignorantly recite back quotes from Genesis without thinking about logic and science is foolish. Evolution does exist.

    However... I do believe God had a role in some of the creation. Life is VERY complex for just random chance to have created.

    So, basically I'm sitting on the fence on this one.

    Although nothing is absolute, I will break my vow not to be and say I guarantee that evolution does exist. Now, does it mean humans evolved from apes or another species? No. Species evolve around us all day long.


    I honestly think it's intentional blindness to look at nature and not see how genetics and "natural" selection influences change of species. To ignorantly recite back quotes from Genesis without thinking about logic and science is foolish. Evolution does exist.

    Yes sir.


    However... I do believe God had a role in some of the creation. Life is VERY complex for just random chance to have created.

    Not when you throw in 3-4 billion years. We have a hard time fathoming 100 years and virtually all will never realize it, so I think it's very possible that humans could have evolved over millions of years.

    With that said, I really hate views that guarantee the existence or not, of a god, so I won't do that. I am agnistic, leaning toward evolution.


    So, basically I'm sitting on the fence on this one.

    Kind of, yours is more of a hybrid opinion. I have a hard time thinking there is some guy who looks like a 60's druggy, floating in the clouds above, making things happen.

    What else makes me turn from religion and cast the whole thing as a survival mechanism is that these gods don't create their people in that gods' image, it's the other way around. Let's take Jebus, whitey looks at him as white, Hispanics look at him as olive-skinned, and blacks remind us that Africa isn't that far from the country we now call Israel, so he should be even darker.

    Let's take Buddah, he is worshipped by people whp look like him. I think we can take every god and the people that worship him remarkably look like him. It's amazing. So I think it's obvious that the peole who worship him have created him in thier image. Until I see a lot of people worshipping gods that look like someome else, I will continue to believe this.

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    However... I do believe God had a role in some of the creation. Life is VERY complex for just random chance to have created.

    Surely the probability of spontaneous god is far more distant than the possibility of spontaneous life. God would be like Uber life, life taken to the next level - what are the chances of that randomly coalescing from the fabric of space?
    Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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    Life is VERY complex for just random chance to have created

    The human body (created by evolution) and the spirit (created by some higher level) is a combination of the concepts. One is trackable, observable, measurable. The other is nebulous and belief based.


    "the probability of spontaneous god is far more distant than the possibility of spontaneous life."

    Only if you see God as a body image and not as a spirit image.

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    >Option two is kind of a combination of 1 and 3.... not really committing to either.

    I'll go you one better -

    My beliefs fall between 2 and 3. I think life began on earth as a result of natural forces, all of which you can trace back to the beginnings of the universe, where such forces were originally "set" if you will. (Things like the gravitational constant, Planck's Length etc.) We can rule out any god's intervention in chemistry we see today, and someday I believe we will be able to rule out god's intervention in biology as far back as we wish to go.

    But that does not mean that there's no place for God in our lives, nor do I think that we can ever rule out such an influence on the creation of the universe.

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    Only if you see God as a body image and not as a spirit image.

    No, not only if.

    Something with the intellect and power neccesary to actively shape our life here on earth is still vastly more improbable than life.

    I find it amusing that people believe life is to improbable to happen when its actually here all around us, yet are perfectly capable of believing that something capable of putting life in action created itself - when no-one even: knows what "it" is, has ever seen "it," has evidence of "its" existence.
    Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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    >Option two is kind of a combination of 1 and 3.... not really committing to either.

    I'll go you one better -

    My beliefs fall between 2 and 3. I think life began on earth as a result of natural forces, all of which you can trace back to the beginnings of the universe, where such forces were originally "set" if you will. (Things like the gravitational constant, Planck's Length etc.) We can rule out any god's intervention in chemistry we see today, and someday I believe we will be able to rule out god's intervention in biology as far back as we wish to go.

    But that does not mean that there's no place for God in our lives, nor do I think that we can ever rule out such an influence on the creation of the universe.

    This is exactly my position. I think it utterly stupidly insane to build a house on either side of the fence. What I say is that we should understand the easy questions of this world like:

    - Cancer
    - AIDS
    - War
    - Weather prediction
    - Tsunami
    - etc........

    Then and only then we will go to greater questions like that of origin and destiny. Folks firmly and stobornly planted on either side of the fence overloook the easier questions and jump to the toughest ones.... ridiculous.

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    Something with the intellect and power neccesary to actively shape our life here on earth is still vastly more improbable than life.

    Yea, and what happened to his son, he let his hair go, he looks like he hasn't worked a day in his life. Meathead was a better son-in-law than Jesus, I mean Jesus Christ folks. So really, what kind of father was God? Do we expect to go to heaven and find God wearing a wife-beater, drinking a beer, living in a heaven trailer?

    But still, if you can't disprove it then it must be left on the plate.


    I find it amusing that people believe life is to improbable to happen when its actually here all around us, yet are perfectly capable of believing that something capable of putting life in action created itself - when no-one even: knows what "it" is, has ever seen "it," has evidence of "its" existence.

    Seriously, research how after a fire the bacteria grow, then the lichen, etc.... I don't recall the exact order but it isthere and repeats itself.

    I really hate the chicken or egg thing, it is really a product of the church. Evolution doesn't work in 'on or off,' it works in degrees and changes needed for survival. Perhaps some from the right can explain why we have a tailbone, whales have leg bones, and why we also have an appendix/tonsils. Was it god playing a joke on us? Was he bored?

    This is why purebred animals are bad healthwise, they have little diversity and aren't immune from some diseases and very susceptible to others. To be selecively purebred would be to put all of your 401k into 1 stock.

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