
Drudge on Foley

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Matt Drudge tends to dig this crap up somewhere and it tends to be right, if it is, things will get more "interesting" before they go away.



**World Exclusive**
**Must Credit the DRUDGE REPORT**

According to two people close to former congressional page Jordan Edmund, the now famous lurid AOL Instant Message exchanges that led to the resignation of Mark Foley were part of an online prank that by mistake got into the hands of enemy political operatives, the DRUDGE REPORT can reveal.

According to one Oklahoma source who knows the former page very well, Edmund, a conservative Republican, goaded Foley to type embarrassing comments that were then shared with a small group of young Hill politicos. The prank went awry when the saved IM sessions got into the hands of political operatives favorable to Democrats.

The primary source, an ally of Edmund, adamantly proclaims that the former page is not a homosexual. The prank scenario was confirmed by a second associate of Edmund. Both are fearful that their political careers will be affected if they are publicly brought into the matter.

The news come on the heels that Edmund has hired former Timothy McVeigh attorney, Stephen Jones, and that former FBI chief Louis Freeh has been named to investigate the mess.



Warning on that URL, it'll only stay active for a while, since that's the "news flash" URL used on Drudge Report.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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No wonder he hired a lawyer.

It will get very interesting as it becomes known who held onto the IMs and for how long. That is a much worse thing than what Hastert has admitted to.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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>Everyone thought that Matt Drudge was full of crap when he
>broke the Monica/Bill story.

Matt Drudge _is_ often full of crap. His strength is that he posts everything he finds, crap or not. Often, hidden in the debris is a valuable bit, like the Lewinsky thing. Still best not to take him very seriously until confirmed.

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I thought the national enquirer was first.

Nope, it was Drudge. That is now internet history.

The fact is that the Lewinski story was spiked by a publication (maybe the enquirer) and so the scoop leaked to Drudge at the time. He seems to know in advance what a LOT of publications are going to run with.

I consider Drudge mostly as a news aggregator. Most of his stuff simply links to other publications, his bias lies in his selection, he doesn't seem to do a lot of his own writing & direct publishing but due to his reputation the leaks & info tends to flow to him now. And of course he has links to Blankley and Blumenthal right next to eachother on his page. He'll just as happily link to some left wing screed as some right wing screed but the intent of showing each may be quite different. His most obvious bias is that he dislikes Google.

If you think he tows the GOP party line you should try listening to him and you may be surprised.

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If you think he tows the GOP party line you should try listening to him and you may be surprised.

I'm kinda curious as to where I said that I thought he "towed the GOP party line." I referenced the Monica/Bill thing just saying that he's been known to come up/come out with gems like that before others.

ABC's rebuttle:



Amid questions, ABC says messages 'couldn't be a prank'

Brian Beutler
Published: Thursday October 5, 2006

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Network staff say ABC plans more stories involving different pages

Faced with claims by the conservative political website The Drudge Report on Thursday that lurid instant message exchanges between disgraced former Congressman Mark Foley (R-FL) and the former page who was outed on a conservative website yesterday were the result of an elaborate prank, insiders at ABC News say the network stands behind its story.

Drudge alleges that the young Republican “goaded Foley to type embarrassing comments that were then shared with a small group of young Hill politicos” and that “the prank went awry when the saved IM sessions got into the hands of political operatives favorable to Democrats.”

Sources inside ABC News tell RAW STORY that the evidence of widespread misconduct by Foley is overwhelming and rules out the possibility that the entire scandal is based on a prank or a sting.

“This couldn't be a prank," one high-placed insider said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the story. "Everything I've seen indicates that it can't be. Clearly there's been an effort on the part of this gentleman [Drudge] and another blogger...to come back at us.”

“[Drudge] doesn't say anything about the fact that there's more than one conversation out there,” said another source.

RAW STORY has also learned that ABC plans to release additional stories that indicate that Foley's behavior extended to other congressional pages who served on Capitol Hill during different sessions of Congress.

Nobody at ABC would specifically deny the Drudge contention about the now-infamous instant message conversation

Drudge edited his headline by referring to the allegation as a "claim" after RAW STORY teased this piece.

He also added the following pieces of clarification to his story: "The prank scenario only applies to the [aforementioned] IM sessions and does not necessarily apply to any other exchanges between the former congressman and others."


--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Too bad ABC couldn't have been this diligent with Mel Reynolds, huh?

*Disclaimer - the blogsite listed below has not been approved by the MSM - liberals may want to wait until the MSM picks up the story* :P



ABC Ignored Teen-Sex Scandal of Democrat Mel Reynolds Until 1995 Conviction
Posted by Tim Graham on October 5, 2006 - 13:26.

Congressman Mel Reynolds, the Democrat convicted of 12 charges, including sex with 16-year-old Beverly Heard and asking her to take pornographic photographs of a 15-year old, was indicted on August 21, 1994. ABC, the current scourge of congressional teen-sex scandals, reported nothing – until Reynolds was convicted a year later, on August 23, 1995. In fact, on May 13, 1994, ABC featured Reynolds in a "Person of the Week" speaking out in favor of two Chicago ladies fighting child molesters:

Peter Jennings: " Their local congressman is certainly on their side. He also wants to make child molesting a federal offense."

Rep. Mel Reynolds (D), Illinois: "These ladies really illustrate how being active in your community can really make a difference."

Jennings: " If the law is to change, it will need the support of many more state legislators, which means more mothers will have to get involved."

ABC’s World News Tonight story on Reynolds being convicted on August 23, 1995, didn’t have any fury about how Democrats could allow this sexual predator in their caucus. For their part, ABC seemed more suffused with sadness than outrage:

Diane Sawyer, substitute anchor: "In Chicago, Congressman Mel Reynolds remains free on his own recognizance after his conviction last night of having sex with a minor. His lawyers say they'll appeal. In the meantime, the Illinois Democrat will continue to pick up a paycheck, as ABC's Ron Claiborne reports."

Ron Claiborne: "In the end, it was Mel Reynolds' own words that led to his conviction on charges of having sex with a 16-year-old girl. Jurors said the most powerful evidence against him was police tape recordings of his intimate phone conversations with Beverly Heard, now 19."

Jeslyn Cipriani, Juror: "It was the tapes, the transcripts that we heard, Mel and Beverly talking."

Claiborne: "At one point on the tapes, which were made with Heard's cooperation, she and Reynolds discussed what underwear he prefers. He also uses explicit language as he talks about having sex with her and with himself. On the stand, Reynolds denied ever having sex with Heard. He insisted their conversations were only phone sex fantasies. But the jury convicted him of all 12 felony counts, including sexual abuse and sexual assault. He was also found guilty of soliciting child pornography for asking Heard for a nude photo of a 15-year-old girl; and of obstruction of justice, for trying to get Heard to recant her accusations.

"The convictions likely end Reynolds' promising political career. He had risen from a childhood of poverty in rural Mississippi to Harvard, Oxford Rhodes scholar and to Congress."

Gary LaPaille, Illinois Democratic Chairman: "He was amassing a lot of friends. He was amassing a good political operation. And he was standing out above the crowd."

Claiborne: "Reynolds now faces a minimum mandatory four-year prison sentence. But the felony convictions do not mean he must give up his House seat."

Dan White, Illinois Election Board: "Only on a vote of Congress could he be expelled. And that takes a two-thirds vote of Congress to do so."

Claiborne: "Expulsion from the House is rare. Michael Myers of Pennsylvania, who was convicted of taking bribes in the 1980 Abscam investigation, is the only congressman to be removed from office since the Civil War. Today, House Speaker Gingrich said he would not press for a vote to expel Reynolds.

Rep. Newt Gingrich, Speaker of the House: "He hasn't even been-- he hasn't even been sentenced yet. So I think we have to wait and see."

Claiborne: "Traditionally, Congress members convicted of serious crimes do resign. But Reynolds, who is said to be $150,000 in debt and broke, may try to hang onto his seat and the $133,000 a year salary that goes with it. Ron Claiborne, ABC News, Chicago."

Do you sense that the political atmosphere surrounding Reynolds (including the puzzling wait-and-see Gingrich) was a little different back then? ABC had no mention of Mel Reynolds when Bill Clinton pardoned him in 2001.

I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Too bad ABC couldn't have been this diligent with Mel Reynolds, huh?

*Disclaimer - the blogsite listed below has not been approved by the MSM - liberals may want to wait until the MSM picks up the story* :P

How does this affect the lame attempts to blame Democrats for the Foley affair? Why aren't you blaming Clinton, it's your normal procedure?

The pedophile was a "family values" REPUBLICAN.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Too bad ABC couldn't have been this diligent with Mel Reynolds, huh?

*Disclaimer - the blogsite listed below has not been approved by the MSM - liberals may want to wait until the MSM picks up the story* :P

How does this affect the lame attempts to blame Democrats for the Foley affair? Why aren't you blaming Clinton, it's your normal procedure?

The pedophile was a "family values" REPUBLICAN.

So was the person who notified the press. But it's all the Dems fault.

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Too bad ABC couldn't have been this diligent with Mel Reynolds, huh?

*Disclaimer - the blogsite listed below has not been approved by the MSM - liberals may want to wait until the MSM picks up the story* :P

How does this affect the lame attempts to blame Democrats for the Foley affair? Why aren't you blaming Clinton, it's your normal procedure?

The pedophile was a "family values" REPUBLICAN.

Maybe he was planning a Jeffords maneuver??
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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