
Mark Foley sinking both sides

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>I'm predicting it was a dirty trick, that some dems had a part in this
> disclosure, and that they knew of the damning emails for a lot
> longer time than they will be able to justify.

Then a detailed investigation should be good for the republicans, no? Hopefully they will support such an investigation.

Hastert has already asked for such an investigation.

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>I'm predicting it was a dirty trick, that some dems had a part in this
> disclosure, and that they knew of the damning emails for a lot
> longer time than they will be able to justify.

Then a detailed investigation should be good for the republicans, no? Hopefully they will support such an investigation.

Exactly. Repubs are eager to find out everything. Dems seem eager to just hold onto the initial, wrong conclusions.

Plenty of time left to find the truth. Let the chips fall as they may.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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>Dems seem eager to just hold onto the initial, wrong conclusions.

Which democrats have opposed an investigation?

That is not what I said.

The dems are not backing off their initial, misleading assertions that repub leadership "knew and did nothing". They continue to act as if the emails were damning, continue to not acknowledge the separation of the emails from IMs.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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>The dems are not backing off their initial, misleading assertions
>that repub leadership "knew and did nothing".

At first Hastert claimed he knew nothing; perhaps that's what you remember.

He has now admitted that he initially did not tell the truth. He _did_ know about Foley's inappropriate emails. (see quote below.) There is no question about that. He did nothing beyond tell him to cut it out; there's also no question about that.

So they are quite literally correct. The debate has now shifted to whether it was a good idea to let it drop after he told him to cut it out.

From Hastert's office:

In the fall of 2005 Tim Kennedy, a staff assistant in the Speaker's Office, received a telephone call from Congressman Rodney Alexander's Chief of Staff who indicated that he had an email exchange between Congressman Foley and a former House page.

>They continue to act as if the emails were damning, continue to not
>acknowledge the separation of the emails from IMs.

Whether or not the emails were damning is what the investigation will uncover. Hence the calls for the investigation.

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Nope, I don't think so. I think the scandal will turn back on them. Why? Somebody knew about these IMs. I'm predicting that the release of this scandal will be found to be a dem dirty trick, and they will have to explain why they didn't protect the children while they held onto the IMs from Foley.


those evil dempocrats will do anything wont they.


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At first Hastert claimed he knew nothing; perhaps that's what you remember.

I doubt that he said exactly, and only, that. But perhaps that's what you remember.

He should have been more precise. He was likely saying he knew nothing of the explicit IMs, without making it clear.


He has now admitted that he initially did not tell the truth.

I don't think he said that. He would have been wise to elaborate about the distinction between the emails and IMs. That would make it more difficult for others to simply claim he admitted to lying.


He _did_ know about Foley's inappropriate emails. (see quote below.) There is no question about that. He did nothing beyond tell him to cut it out; there's also no question about that.

No, there is a lot of question about that.

The quote in your post says nothing of the nature of the emails. Hastert says he told the congressman that is the chief of the page program, and talked with the parents (they didn't want it disclosed), and then warned Foley. Hastert certainly would have been wiser to have brought in the dem leadership at this time.

So, newspapers, the FBI, and ABC did not find the original emails newsworthy. However, the dems continue to ignore the difference.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Secondly, there is already a concerted campaign underway to mitigate the damage. But since no one (excepting perhaps Rush Limbaugh) wants to be seen as supporting a pedophile,

What a load of crap! He's said nothing to warrant that excrement.

Conservative talk radio has been the demise of the dems entitlement to power, so I understand your anger.

Your post sounds so thoughtful...bullshit.

You say that the poor dems will suffer because they will regain power in congress and then also be corrupted...bullshit, they don't need to wait - already there.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Conservative talk radio has been the demise of the dems entitlement to power

That says more about all the people who actually believe what Limbaugh et al say than about Democrats......

Not really, if that were true, then Air America should be topping the charts too -- they ain't. ;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Conservative talk radio has been the demise of the dems entitlement to power

That says more about all the people who actually believe what Limbaugh et al say than about Democrats......

That darn Limbaugh, he is such a liar, blah, blah...

I'm glad that libs think that way. It means they don't get it and will continue to lose elections.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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>It means they don't get it and will continue to lose elections.

Oh, I suspect they will pick up a few seats in both houses this time. Not because they 'get it' but because the GOP can seem to do little lately but shoot itself in the foot. The democrats may not have much in the way of plans/policies, but at least their feet are mostly intact.

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That darn Limbaugh, he is such a liar, blah, blah...

he is....why do you keep believing him?

Ya right, now that you've informed us of what's what, I've seen the light...

Hey, I'll tell you one thing, it seems that Al Franken is now fatter than Rush. :D
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Ya right, now that you've informed us of what's what, I've seen the light...

You mean he was up front and frank(en) about his drug addiction? He has shown himself to be a liar and a hypocrite. It doesn't surprise me that many of his followers will end up supporting Foley.

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Ya right, now that you've informed us of what's what, I've seen the light...

You mean he was up front and frank(en) about his drug addiction? He has shown himself to be a liar and a hypocrite. It doesn't surprise me that many of his followers will end up supporting Foley.

The best you've got is the lies from his drug addiction? That wasn't even a recreational use of the drugs, he became addicted to the legitimate use of pain killers.

I think that is a cheap shot. Many honorable people have failed that test. I have more understanding of such things than you.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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> The only objective truth here is that Foley sent obscene PM's to kids, and resigned as a result.

Well not going to dance all over this. It looks as though Mark Foley may be in for some jail time, quite possibly will need to be placed on suicide watch.

But it is interesting that this information came out 40 days prior to the election. What other secrets will be waiting for us all in the next few weeks.

I was very much in a good mood with the Rep. chances of maintaining both houses and only giving up 5-8 seats in congress, however things are not looking so bright.:|

Well as they say, theres always 2008.:)
Bill, I must admit, this was a very good post with some good feed back. Good Job

Must go now and wipe my tearing eyes.

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It looks as though Mark Foley may be in for some jail time,

I think he deserves jail time, but if, as some have said, the age of consent in D.C. is 16, does that mean there is no crime?

I think what he did should be a crime, but I'm just asking you more legal types if the age of consent will matter or not.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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> Oh, I suspect they will pick up a few seats in both houses this time. Not because they 'get it' but because the GOP can seem to do little lately but shoot itself in the foot. The democrats may not have much in the way of plans/policies, but at least their feet are mostly intact.

Ouch man, you just want stop..."UNCLE", "UNCLE". A few seats hell, if were lucky. The only time its seems we open our mouths is to change feet.

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> I think he deserves jail time, but if, as some have said, the age of consent in D.C. is 16, does that mean there is no crime?

Well, I'll bring it up... the left for years now have been telling our kids to have safe sex. We pass out condoms in school, we show how they can place them on all sorts of fruits i.e. Mark Foley, Barney Franks.:P Hell this stuff is through out our society as being OK.

Need to find your inner self, sexual orientation....you know kids are going to do it so why not with a Congressmen / Congress women. Heck we have women wedding their pet fish ok so it was a dolphin, and or their dog. Give it 20 years and it will be ok to do your page on lunch break the way were going as long as they are 13 or older.

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You missed the part about Foley being a holier-than-thou GOP hypocrite, member of the party that wants to impose its morality on everyone else.

So, if you embrace lying, cheating, and stealing as being no big deal, then you get a pass when you do these things? Someone is twisted.

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