
Interesting reading that has the author marked for death now

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The Awakening (part 1)

I am anti-Christ, a first born of Satan. I am truth.

The Beginning of the End of the Dark Ages

Take a few moments of your time for a journey of the mind and reflect upon these words. Take some time to consider these words peacefully before coming to your own conclusion. If at the end of that time, it is determined the analysis is flawed or the critical thinking process is in error, continue to dismiss the written word. If these words inspire change in your beliefs, the change must not involve violence.

There are three constants: Time, Change, and Life.

Everything is based on these three constants.

The Da Vinci code revealed

An antonym is the opposite meaning of a word. A synonym is a word with the same meaning. Insert the various meanings of synonyms and antonyms wherever words appear in the bible and the truth shall be revealed.

Pay attention to the case of the words (upper or lower case letters). Religion transforms into a deceitful philosophy of greed.

Biblical term Actual meaning

Father time

Christ change

anti-Christ resistance to change or anti-change

Religion persuasion

Lion lie or one who lies

Lord truth

Roman New Roman Times font on your computer or the written word

Spirit life or existence

Holy impious

Ghost advice, suggestion or offering

Heaven deceit

Jesus evolution


Sin wickedness or transgression

God wealth or gold or accumulation of wealth

Savior religion

Sacred blasphemous or irreligious

Evil good, beneficial, or advantageous

Son continuation or something that follows behind

Creator ingenious one

Satan one who is creative

Devil creativity

Sky satellites and the internet


Eternity the period of time when religion reigns


"Dead Man's party"

Judaism is the worship of God. The Semites of Israel created God. Christianity is the worship of the Son of God. The concept was created by man and twisted into the worship of the person (Jesus in particular). By worshipping Jesus the man, wealth and power was transferred to a minority group (religious leaders).

The bible was written by Man. Man created language to communicate. Man creates names/labels to describe the environment. Man is fallible and resistant to change.

How many millions have been killed in the name of religion? During a particularly dark era, the church sent children on a crusade to reclaim the holy land.

"The Truth shall set you free"

According to contemporary belief, (The 2000ish years of the Dark Age), "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Some time later "God created man in his own image." Every house of cards requires a stable foundation. The bible later states, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man." This passage from God himself makes females forever subservient to males on the hierarchy of life (Husband, Wife, and Child). The bible later dictates" You are free to eat from any tree in the garden: but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die" This instructs people to reject science and thought by telling them to just accept the existence of good and evil. This reinforces the "ignorance is bliss" concept which assures the continued reign of religion. The writer then fabricates a story about disobedience by Adam and Eve and uses mutual culpability as the excuse for all of the shortcomings of Mankind.

It's good to be the King

The Anti-Christ is anti-change He wants to maintain the status quo to preserve his power and the belief in religion which provides him with his power. The one with the most to lose, is always the most resistant to change. The Pope is the Anti-Christ. Thus, the Lutheran Book of Concord states, "The pope is the real Antichrist who has raised himself over and set himself against Christ (change)... Accordingly, just as we cannot adore the devil (creativity) himself as our lord (truth) or God (wealth and the accumulation of wealth), so we cannot suffer his apostle, the pope or Antichrist, to govern us as our head or lord" (Smalcald Articles 2:4:10, 14).

"Everybody wants to rule the world"

How can any religion claim an understanding of life after death if those providing the information (authors) have never been dead? Life is filled with opportunistic people who will bend your will to theirs by making unsubstantiated statements. People want to enjoy life and don't have the time as they rush about their lives to research the validity of statements (gather data and perform analysis) before having to make a decision on correctness. More time is spent researching which computer to purchase than selecting a religion.

How much does the average follower of a particular religion know about the other religions? Is one religion more correct than another? Can one reach an informed decision based solely on the information provided by one source of input? Research in the field of statistics has proven that the larger the sample size, the greater the likelihood of finding the true median.

"Tears of Pearls"

"Everyone who does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is an antichrist [1 John 4:2-3, 2 John 7]; whoever does not confess the testimony of the cross is of the devil; and whoever perverts the sayings of the Lord (truth) for his own desires, and says that there is neither resurrection nor judgment, such a one is the firstborn of Satan (doubt)" (Letter to the Philadelphians 7:1 [A.D. 135]. This passage turns the table on mankind by declaring anyone who opposes the current status quo or regime (religion) is the most evil creature that lived.

"Der Kommissar"

"Now as our Lord Jesus Christ, who is also God, was prophesied of under the figure of a lion (in the form of a lie), on account of his royalty and glory, in the same way have the scriptures also beforehand spoken of Antichrist as a lion (one who lies), on account of his tyranny and violence. For the deceiver seeks to liken himself in all things to the Son of God. Christ is a lion (liar or one who lies), so Antichrist is also a lion (liar or one who lies). Christ is a king (One who empirically controls), so Antichrist is also a king. A king is a monarch with absolute power to make all the decisions and do all the thinking for everyone else. The Savior (religion) was manifested as a lamb, so he too in like manner will appear as a lamb without; within he is a wolf. The Savior came into the world in the circumcision (the belief in religion, the cutting off of the tip/head and the removal of critical thinking) and he will come in the same manner. . . . The Savior raised up and showed his holy flesh like a temple, and he will raise a temple of stone in Jerusalem" (The Antichrist 6 [A.D. 200]).

"The Grand Illusion"

"But when this Antichrist shall have devastated all things in this world, he will reign for three years and six months and will sit in the temple at Jerusalem; and then the Lord (truth) will come from heaven in the clouds (satellites in the sky used to transmit the internet), in the glory of the Father (time or eventually), sending this man and those who follow him into the lake of fire" (ibid., 5:30:4).

"True Colors"

"This aforementioned Antichrist is to come when the times of the Roman Empire (The font New Roman Times on your computer and the Roman Republic), shall have been fulfilled, and the end of the world is drawing near (the end of the belief in religion). There shall rise up together ten kings (monarchs) of the Romans, reigning in different parts, perhaps, but all reigning at the same time. After these there shall be an eleventh, the Antichrist, who by the evil craft of his magic shall seize upon the Roman power. Of the kings who reigned before him, three shall he humble [Dan. 7:24], and the remaining seven he shall have as subjects under him. At first he shall feign mildness-as if he were a learned and discreet person-and sobriety and loving kindness" (Catechetical Lectures 15:12 [A.D. 350]).

Be Careful what you wish for

"Having beguiled the Jews by the lying signs and wonders of his magical deceit, until they believe he is the expected Christ (change), he shall afterwards be characterized by all manner of wicked deeds of inhumanity and lawlessness, as if to outdo all the unjust and impious men who have gone before him. He shall display against all men, and especially against us Christians, a spirit that is murderous and most cruel, merciless and wily. For three years and six months only shall he be the perpetrator of such things; and then he shall be destroyed by the glorious second coming from heaven (satellites and the world wide web) of the only-begotten Son of God, our Lord and Savior Jesus, the true Christ, who shall destroy him with the breath of his mouth [2 Thess. 2:8], and deliver him over to the fire of Gehenna" (ibid.).

"Another day in Paradise"

Blindly following the religious beliefs of your parents (The Father) is ignorance. Parents are people and they are just as prone to mistakes as anyone. A perpetuated mistake is what has brought the world to the crisis unfolded before us. Blind leaps of faith are a perpetuation of ignorance and prevent the possibility of developing an informed decision. Lessons learned in childhood are not reflected in adulthood. Bending the rules allows adults to justify their selfish actions. Your father is only a man and he is just as susceptible to error as any other creature. Parents should not demand respect, they must earn it. The mere position of father (leader) does not necessitate respect.

Honesty is the best policy yet we tell lies, Always obey the law yet we bend and break them, neither a borrower nor a lender be yet we are a debtor nation, do onto others as you would have them do onto you yet we openly support war, Though shall not covet thy neighbor yet we strive to keep up with the Jones'.

Mankind does not commit sin; People abuse the privilege of bending the rules to suit their environment. People enjoy the power of the position (adult, politician, CEO, parent, clergyman) and bend the rules to suit their needs. Lord Acton pointed out, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Leaders become consumed with the power of leadership and the ability to finally make the decisions and be in charge. Some leaders strive for personal gain, with no concern or empathy for their constituents (followers).

Words are captured pieces of time. Like ties from a railroad track, these pieces get jumbled up in the human mind. People make mistakes. It is difficult over time for a person to remember all the pieces of track and the correct order. Some unscrupulous leaders have made it a point to purposely shuffle the order of the pieces to sway minds to their will.

I believe (unsubstantiated) there is an Illuminati organization that does know the truth. If revealed, they should be stripped of wealth and position.

"All the World is a Stage"

"The whole time of your faith will not profit you unless you are made complete in the last time. For in the last days (the last days of religion) false prophets and corrupters shall be multiplied, and sheep shall be turned into wolves... and then shall the deceiver of the world appear (through analysis of the given data), pretending to be the Son of God, and shall do signs and wonders, and the earth shall be delivered into his hands: (Didache 16:3-4 [A.D. 70].

The Basic Elements of Communication

There are four elements required to communicate: the sender, the receiver, the message, and the method of transmission. Through manipulation of the message and method, the transmitter can manipulate the receiver. Song and rhythm can be used to reach the unconscious mind. Ever sing a song for years before you realized what the message of the song actually was? Herein, lays a great weakness for Man.

"Just another Day"

This topic is almost blatantly obvious but as time has revealed, the truth can be concealed and distorted. The message has been repeatedly transmitted in several methods yet we fail to analyze the data and come to a logical conclusion. Like a Shakespearian play, the truth is hidden right in front of our eyes. Bones, radiological age determination, and the science of archeology have indicated that man has evolved the same way dinosaurs evolved. It also reveals that all life is still evolving. Generations change physically over time. There is concrete evidence that life evolves yet we refuse to acknowledge the facts because it doesn't match our perception of our environment.

Mankind understands genetic alteration and forces change in the environment. Dogs change into tiny handheld creatures, chickens develop larger breasts and cannot fly, cows produce more milk, pigs grow larger, and people become taller. Creatures have the ability to manipulate their environment as well as be manipulated by it in the great cycle of life.

Just like your sons or daughters, creatures of life learn behavioral patterns and adapt to their environment. Dogs and other animals have repeatedly given their lives to protect the ones (people) they love. Greatness can be found in all creatures.

To continue existence, living things must consume living things because life requires life to exist. The cycle of life is more than a mere statement, it is a philosophy. Plants bent towards the source of light to survive because they are still a thing of life.

Animals can show the same compassion and empathy for their family as mankind is capable of showing for their families. Isaac Asimov stated, "We are all star stuff" and this includes all of life. DUH!!!


Like a plant, too much or too little of any requirement (air, water, light) results in death. Too much complacency and too much food will result in obesity. Too little food will result in death. Mankind must show compassion and empathy by providing for those in need through a reallocation of resources.

Hope in a Soul

Mankind continues to cling to the hope of life after death and superiority over other creatures by assuming the presence of a spirit. This spirit concept is used by religion to elevate Mankind from the animals and instill a need for guidance through religion to a heaven where that spirit can continue after life. Wishful thinking is not logical

Ying and Yang

Miracles are simply a matter of looking for the good in the bad. Ying always has a Yang. If yang is a bad experience, then Ying is the lesson learned from the Yang. Every cloud has a silver lining and finding the silver lining is turning a negative into a positive. I walk on through life with my eyes open and observe my environment. I look for trends that reveal themselves when viewing everything from the micro and the macro perspective. There have been numerous "prophets" who have seen a glimpse of the truth but haven't been able to put all the pieces together. I believe several of these "prophets" knew the truth (Leonardo De Vinci, Michelangelo, Albert Einstein, and Gandhi) but they either didn't put it all together or conditions in the environment weren't right for change.

Don't worship the train or the tracks; use that raw data for analysis of the environment. Gather data from your senses and share your hypothesis with all of mankind. Constructive criticism is productive and should be openly given and taken. Do not just assume that "Father knows best". Together mankind can come to a logical conclusion.

Listen to the Borg, "Resistance is futile?"

Change is always met with resistance. Beating a sword into a plowshare requires effort to manage the change and shape the metal. It also requires a vision of what the plowshare should look like when it is completed. People resist change and often don't realize they are being manipulated. The manipulators don't realize they are merely resisting change and should not be harmed for their lack of knowledge. Mankind tends to resort back to old familiar patterns when faced with change. Mankind is aware of the track pieces but not aware of the proper order of the track pieces.

I expect everyone to challenge my theories. I want everyone to challenge my theories through critical thinking and constructive criticism. Mankind needs to use the resistance to change as a tool for their advancement. Doubt and resist but realize resistance for what it is.

Eso si que es

Like any life form, mankind adapts to the environment. If a person places 10 cows and pigs in a 50 acre pen, the cows and pigs will grow in population over time until they reach the maximum population level the land can naturally support. At that point, the cows and pigs will need more space, food, and room to grow naturally. If mankind places more food in the pen, the cows and pigs will continue to populate until the population consumes the modified level of resources (food). If mankind suddenly stops providing the extra (resources) food for a population that is beyond the natural capacity of the land, the population will suddenly decline. Nature always finds a way (starvation, disease conflict etc.). The United States (U.S.) has provided humanitarian aid (food) to several foreign countries (China, Africa, Middle East) over the last few decades, if the U.S. stops providing for these countries, nature will find a resolution.

It is in the greater interests of mankind to prevent any individual country from economic disaster. It is in the interests of mankind to treat thy neighbor as you would be treated. Life begets life. Do not ask, "Am I my brother's keeper?"

"Don't mess with a Missionary Man"

Christians who relish the idea of the coming of the anti-Christ to bring about the destruction of the world and a supposed ascension to heaven are no better than the terrorist extremist who straps bombs to his body to kill and destroys others for a supposed ascension to a virgin filled paradise. Resistance to change through murder is wrong; it is the means of forcing one's will on others; a method of resisting change by the use of physical violence. 9/11

Rome Wasn't Built in a Day

Transactional governments that permit lobbyists and special interest groups to financially promote a cause (bend the leader to their will) must be changed. Change takes time; therefore I will send the word of truth to several political leaders in the U.S. on the evening of Wednesday, 9 August 2006 on the Christian calendar. If the markets of the world are not closed before Monday, 14 August 2006, I will spread the word!!! I am giving the leadership of the U.S. time to gather scholars, linguists, global political leaders, and clergymen to take the appropriate steps. History will reveal any person (group) who uses the time between to take personal gain. These individuals must be stripped of ALL their wealth. Translate the truth into every language and transmit it by all means (television, written word, spoken word, movement, touch and in song) for all of mankind to understand. The nonsense must stop now!!!

Fear of the Unknown

If you knew the identity of the anti-Christ, would you kill him? If mankind could travel through time, would you kill him as an innocent child? Would you allow him to speak or kill him without giving him a chance? Mankind has been led to a false god by fear of the unknown. It is time to explore our galaxy as unified peoples. We have the technology to explore more of our environment than ever before yet we bicker amongst ourselves as we resist change. Change is always met with resistance. Resistance is revealed through fear, anger and strong emotions. Know thy self.

Ouch! That smarts!

I'm thirsty, I'm hungry, my back hurts, and I have a headache. I'm hungry for something sweet. Why pickles and ice cream? I can't seem to get enough sleep. I'm tired. I had the weirdest dream last night. I couldn't get to sleep at all last night. I gotta Pee. I can't seem to loose weight.

Pay attention to your body. Listen to what your environment (body included) is telling you. Use the micro/macro principle to view your environment.

"You shall not misuse the name of the lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name"

GOD DAMN IT! Good Lord! Oh God! How in the hell? Jesus Christ! Religion has permeated every aspect of our lives for Gods sake! Speech, movement, and other forms of communication are riddled with clues. Understand the truth for what it is.

"Grey Matter"

The brain is a like a muscle, the more exercise it gets, the stronger it becomes. When first born, the brain absorbs data like a sponge but as people age; they rely on establish patterns and discontinue the search for information and the truth.

"La Cockaroacha, La Cockaroacha"

Jesus woke up thirsty so he got out of bed and went into the kitchen for a drink. When he flipped on the light, all the cockroaches scampered back into the shadows. Reveal the truth by shedding light on the subject (gathering data). Mankind needs light for survival but remember to moderate. Too much light causes skin cancer. Don't hate the cockroach because he shuns light.

"One thing leads to another"

"Money changes everything"

Countries are managed by: economics, politics, and the military.

The military is an extension of politics established by the leaders. When negotiations fail to achieve change in line with the desires (wants) of one country, the military is used to force change. But the life or death of a country, culture, civilization and its people is determined by economic (executive) status. Political parties can change, military strength can wane or wax, but economics can bring a civilization to its knees. The early Semites understood this concept.

Before discussing trends, which are VERY important, it is important to understand that the dollar is a medium for exchange. If one country (individual, business, government) wants to exchange their goods or services (food, oil, computers, medical care etc.) for goods or services from another country, currency is used for the transaction. For example: Dell sells computers for dollars so it can pay salaries to employees. The employees exchange dollars to purchase various goods and services.

Since the U.S. is no longer on the gold standard, the strength of the dollar is based primarily on global confidence. The global economy currently uses dollars (individual) as the standard currency for international trade. Since World War II, the dollar has been the only currency used in the energy sector (among others) resulting in billions of dollars outside the United States. When those dollars flood back to the debt ridden America, the results will be disastrous. Countries, like people must empathize with each other.

Like Rats from a Sinking Ship

U.S. corporations have been plagued with a recent rash of restated earnings reports due to "errors" made in accounting for employee stock option grants. This symptom is a result of present and former senior managers selling large blocks of stock in anticipation of economic disaster. Whatever the causes, the effect is a further weakening of the U.S. economy and an increased level of mistrust of corporate America.

A Step in the Right Direction

President Chavez of Venezuela has recently nationalized assets in his country. By nationalizing Venezuela's oil production, he controls how much oil is extracted as well as where that oil is sold. President Chavez has taken another step that is even more significant, he trades his nation's petroleum products rather than selling them for dollars. Trading removes the need for dollars in transactions. The result will be fewer dollars needed overseas to complete transactions. Basic supply and demand principles dictate that when demand goes down and the supply remains constant, the value of the item supplied (dollars) goes down. The result is a weaker dollar.

"and Iran...Iran so far away"

Iran built a trade bourse (French word for commodity exchange facility) which was completed in March of 2006. The Iranian government has already stated that they intend to sell their products for Euros instead of Dollars. The effect will be a decrease in the demand for dollars. Basic supply and demand principles dictate a weaker dollar.

"Humpty Dumpy sat on a wall"

Russian President Puttin has recently voiced his interest in opening a trade bourse for Russian products. President Puttin stated that he wanted to make the Ruble the currency of exchange for the Russian bourse. The effect is a decrease in the demand for dollars which leads again to basic supply and demand principles.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

The United States government recently concealed from the public the total number of dollars in circulation and where these dollars are located. Though the reason for the recent withholding of the report from the world was not stated, the effect is less trust in the strength of the dollar. If dollar holding entities don't know how many dollars are in circulation, it is impossible to determine the true value of the dollars being held. The effect is a weakened confidence in the dollar.

"Up, Up, and Away"

U.S. inflation is on the rise. Inflation decreases the spending power of those carrying out their transactions in dollars by requiring more dollars for the same goods. The effect is a weaker dollar.

"The Old Grey Mare Just ain't what she used to be"

The U.S. economy is in a downward trend. This trend is evident in the downward trend of the markets as well as a shrinking Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Whatever the causes (multiple causation), the effect is a weaker dollar.

"Neither a Borrower, Nor a Lender be"

The U.S. government has consistently spent more than it earns and is running in the red. This is evident by the large U.S. deficit. An individual or corporation that spends more money than it has could eventually end up going bankrupt. Whatever the causes, the effect is a government that owes more than it has and reduces confidence in the dollar thereby weakening the dollar.

"Election Day"

Energy costs are on the rise. Increased energy prices are a result of many factors some of which include increased demand by developing countries, limited manufacturing capability, instability in energy producing countries and acts of nature. The increased costs of energy cut into the budgets of global organizations as well as individuals. The result is inflation as energy consumers spend a larger percentage of their assets to meet energy needs. The effect is a weaker dollar.

History 101

The Roman Republic was suffering from multiple problems (Multiple Causation). One possible cause for the decline of the Roman Empire was the use of lead pipes to transport water through their considerably well developed water system. History may repeat itself. Data must be collected to discover any relationship between aluminum and Alzheimer's disease.

The belief in religion created by Semite greed for power and money was spreading. The Semites, like the Romans, understood the symmetry of economics, politics, and the military. The Semites knew if they circumcised the Romans by cutting off their wealth, the Roman Republic would be destroyed. So they gathered their growing masses and economically attacked the Romans.

As the Roman Republic faltered, the reaction was to place a quick decision maker (Caesar/Monarch) to adapt quickly to this change. But absolute power corrupts absolutely so after some time, the unified members of the Roman Senate attacked and killed the Caesar. But the spread of religion (persuasion) had already taken hold and greed was running rampant. It was then easy for the Semites to use the military to attack and destroy the Romans Republic. All the wealth and power was then transferred to the Semites and Mankind entered the "Dark Age".

If there isn't a preponderance of evidence, gather more data instead of developing a theory that fits into your current vision. If analysis reveals a danger to mankind, it is the duty of the elected leaders to inform their constituents and prevent harm to them. Leaders are elected by the people, for the people.

Be careful of witch-hunting for greedy leaders of the past. Seeking to punish ignorant people for their prior actions is wrong. Most of these people did NOT know they were being hoodwinked, bamboozled, and played like a fiddle.

Change Management

"United we stand, divided we fall"

The founding (Fathers) established the Constitution of the Unites States directing the emplacement of the executive, judicial and legislative branches to provide symmetry and balance. Much like the balance of time, change and life, these three bodies counter each other to provide balance. The theory is used extensively in business (CEO, Board of Directors, Employees) so the world MUST establish a similar system now!!!

The International Monetary Fund should consider establishing a world currency based on the bread basket concept (legislative branch) of currencies from every country in the world. Strict guidelines must be established and used to ensure the strength of the world currency and economic stability for every country. These guidelines must include a detailed rating system to evaluate an economy (all of them). No one country should have so large of a percentage of the bread basket that its' failure would cause significant damage to the strength of the world economy (currency). This world currency program must be managed by a proportionate representation of the global economies.

No foreign currency should be stapled to the international currency. The economy of each country must be allowed to flourish (independence).

Military intervention to force economic change is wrong. Countries should not use military force to bring about economic change. Since countries have repeatedly used their military might to force foreign economies to bend to their will, every country should unite to prevent a war and the death of more innocent lives.

"Possession is 9/10ths of the Law"

Each country should nationalize their assets to force regime change and the creation of the international currency. This process must include nationalization of the diamond mines in Africa to stop the exploitation of Africa. Why do all diamonds flow through Israel? Each country should consider establishing a separate marketplace/bourse.

Nationalizing assets is the only way to return wealth to the people. Through the development of independent national bourses, each country will be given the opportunity to retain their wealth and economic status. This process would allow impoverished countries to economically benefit from their own resources rather than allowing a foreign body access to those assets. Each trading bourse should establish the proposed world currency as the medium of exchange.

The Euro could temporarily be used as the medium of international exchange until a world currency is designated. The added strength to the Euro could be used to help America, Israel and other countries as the dollar is replaced by an international currency.

"Lead us not into temptation"

The markets should be temporarily closed where possible upon receipt of the truth. This will prevent the greedy exploitation of the wealth of the world by those with the power and position to do so. Shorting markets in anticipation of change is an act of resistance to change for personal gain. One lesson of World War I was the tendency to over compensate by punishing the group benefiting the most from the disproportional balance of control.

Like trends in the markets, highs are generally followed by a severe downward trend that over compensates and punishes before eventually returning to a level in line with the laws of nature. Those countries benefiting from the adjustment to change and the reallocation of global resources must be prepared to proactively prevent the punishment of those "unknowingly" benefiting from the current ruling system.

Anyone who purposely uses this written word for their personal gain (shorting the markets etc.) should be stripped of their valuables. History will reveal those who resist change and those who would use the truth, once revealed, for their personal gain. Do not kill or hate these who resist change; remove them from power and re-educate them.


The U.S. should gradually withdraw from all foreign soil. Any country that is unilaterally forcing their will on another country is an aggressor resisting change. No country should attack another without the support of the majority of the world population and that military action must be conducted by multinational forces.

The voluntary multinational force must train together to enforce global peace and create an open flow of communication. This, like the great roads of Rome, will allow the information to flow.

Israel must immediately withdraw from Lebanon and all fighting must stop to prevent the loss of more innocent lives. Do not punish the living for the mistakes of the dead. Mankind is not perfect. History tends to repeat itself but change can be managed.

"Ebony and Ivory"

Enforce religious discrimination laws and establish new laws that require equal opportunities based on race, religious affiliations, and any other difference, that are representative of the population. This will help prevent any one group from grasping power for personal gain.

"Sunday Papers"

Governments should establish separate branches to control the media comprised of a proportionate representation of population. This will help prevent any group from using nepotism, religious affiliation, race etc. to manipulate the press. Allow freedom of speech while preventing special interest control.

"We the People"

Create a branch of the government to promote Nationalistic ideals through the media. Much like Schoolhouse Rock commercials were used in the late 1960s and early 1970s to help unify the people of the United States and spread nationalistic attitudes. This branch must also follow discrimination laws and be representative of the population. Ensure the nationalistic attitude does not get promoted to the point of military conflict. This practice should be encouraged but not demanded in every country.

When the early immigrants arrived at Ellis Island, they took pride in their ability to speak English and join the Great American Melting Pot. They embraced change. Current policies do not promote a nationalistic attitude.

"Just the Facts, Ma'am"

The Census Bureaus must gather religious data about their populations. The countries of the world will be better informed to enforce discrimination laws. The enforcement of these laws would level the playing field for all mankind and relieve the cause of the stress that is a symptom resulting from the dominance of any one particular group. Be vigilant in your search for resistance to change.

"Tom Sawyer"

Create a website that the world can use to discuss topics of interest and exchange thought. Greatness doesn't only come from the small percentage of the worlds leaders. Greatness and great ideas can come from any human. These web based world forums should be a think tank for everyone to contribute ideas and thoughts that can be examined by everyone. This would open up new ideas and concepts and might trigger increased creativity and problem resolution.

The Romans created open public forums for citizens of Rome to exchange ideas. Those not interested in any given topic were free to leave and those holding views opposed to the current speaker were allowed their time to speak. The Roman civilization survived for over 900 years using open exchange of ideas as a fundamental part of their culture. The younger generation thrives on the internet and global communication. Use that as a tool for change. Internet access and educational programs must be established with free access to every living creature. Freedom of speech is a must. Everyone must be permitted to submit their voice without the threat of reprisal. Each person must be able to voice their opinion and remain unknown to the public. Sounds like you have some work to do.

"The Great American Melting Pot"

Establish a training program for all immigrants to promote a common language and nationalism. People should strive to learn the languages of mankind to increase empathy, increase communication (skills), and increase creativity. The increased communication skills will better prepare mankind for the day when we meet other life forms. To believe that the earth holds the only life forms in the universe is akin to believing mankind is a product of a God.

"To boldly go where no Man has gone before"

Space is our final frontier and we need to emphasis exploration and understanding of our environment. The spirit of exploration is a natural expression of the need for understanding.

"When tomorrow comes"

By means of the written word, I have tried to identify problems, analyze the cause of the problems, and propose solutions that eliminate stress and violence caused by resistance to change. I do not know all the answers and am just as susceptible to error as any other Man. The sense of urgency has forced me to rush so there may be some grammatical and typing errors.

Change through legislation by elected officials is the only viable solution. Since change is always met with resistance, measures should be taken to assist in a smooth, non-violent transition. History has proven that humans tend to resort to force and violence when confronted with unwanted change. This resistance should be anticipated and used as a tool for change management.

I have seen the past and glimpses of a future but not through trickery or magic. The answers to all the questions are out there waiting for discovery. A sense of urgency forced me to act quickly and I am only human, not all my suggested actions will be viable but the markets must close and the leaders of the world must inform the people they represent. Then, let them eat cake!

"Carry on my wayward son"

Do not worship me!

Do not hate me,

I do not want your gold.

I don't want status,

I don't want notoriety,

For I too am getting old.

Do not reveal me,

I do not seek glory,

The answers are all quite plane.

I only request,

That you try to empathize,

With the source of your brother's pain.

No Man should know his future

As I ponder

I stand and wonder

Just what lies in store?

The answer is there

Floating in the air,

That I know for sure.

I have a limited time to live my life. Please, allow me to enjoy it!

I only want mankind to observe their environment and think before they act.

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Very interesting indeed. Is he marked for death for stealing his ideas from threads in SC!?

Seriously, where did you pick up that from Randall?

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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I just knew that most people don't want to think about anything other than what to complain about, or some inane nonsense.

It makes me wonder why some won't at least consider what is really going on.


We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times,
Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.
It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had
been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years. But, the world
is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The
supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable
to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.
- Brother David Rockefeller -
C.F.R. and Trilateral Commission Founder

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has the author marked for death now

Why? And by whom?

I mean, that stuff is relatively innocuous, imho...'course, so was that one book by Salman Rushdie, but still...why is s/he marked "for death" and by whom?


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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Possibly several reasons, and his previous employment doesn't help much.

I really don't wanna divuldge much about the Author, unless something bad really does happen.

That was not the only thing he wrote, but to tell the truth there is no way I am posting THAT.

People would lock my ass in a looney bin, or penitentiary.

I do not accept all that is said as an absolute fact, or as fiction, I merely wonder... IF

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