
"Not Just One Pilot: We ALL Got That SOB"

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Any one dancing in the streets over this? How about waving the flag and feeling extreemly proud?

Is this really the victory that it is made out to be...

I don't know about dancing in the streets, but there was smiling, cheering and clapping in Arabic TV News Studios when it was announced.

In itself this is not a major victory, but it could be the start of an improvement for the Iraqi People who still don't look like they're getting a reasonable quality of like because of this continued idiocy.

Bear in mind that a few IEDs won't make America & Britain go home. The only thing that will achieve that is to remove their excuses to stay. IF the country returns to peace and stability, and then the democratically elected government of Iraq ask them to leave, then they will. They'd have no excuse to stay.

At the moment, the chaotic situation in Iraq is what's giving Blair & Bush all the excuses they need to keep an occupying army there and make it seem acceptable to their respective electorates. In effect, it's the insurgents who're keeping the troops there.:S


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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"We don't need water, we don't need electricity, the most important is that Zarqawi is dead," said Majid Hashem al-Assadi, 60.

That's a very strange comment. He seems to be saying one of two things:

A) We have plenty of water
B) We're willing to forgo water

If it's (A) then he's hardly making a comparison. If he's saying (B) then it's a truly momentous claim akin to "My entire village would rather die of thirst if that's what it took for you people to kill this man."

If that's what he's saying I wish he'd phrased it clearer.

On the other hand, it's really easy for the press to invent fictitious people far away. Weekly World News and Rush Limbaugh both do that so well.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Certainly we each view this from a much much different place. You.. I surmise,, are doing it from a position well "inside" the circumstances to which i am just an outsider, looking in..And not only an outsider, but one who only knows whatever the "media" has chosen to tell me, and in the way the media has decided to present it...:|[:/]
And so since I am sitting cozily in my family home, remote in hand and The daily paper and Time magazine on my coffee table, and You my friend are (i think) Overseas, serving our country, and "in the thick " of it... then It is I who will defer to your reasoning, and at least accept it , as honest, well intended, patriotic and straight forward....:| your perspective is quite possibly the better one.
My first post simply expressed the degree of frustration, which many people worldwide feel,, as this war carries on... I believe in the fundamental concepts of cultural, history, and long ingrained ways of operating,, This murderer is not the first to be running around in that part of the world, slaughtering people like they were livestock,,, and he sure won't be the last... They are barbarians after all, ( or were up until recent times ) and that part of the world is Persia,, and such horrific behavior , over cultural and territorial disputes has been going on since the first scimitars and swords were forged.... THAT history is 1,000s of years old....and our ( G W Bush and his allies) entering into the business of others has opened the Pandoras Box..... of the 21st century...I would like to see it shut....
Still I will respect your say on the matter.. and hope for your safety.
cordially jmy a3914 d12122

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Any yes, I agree that the piece was a bit Rah-Rah, but so what? And there are victors in wars. That would be us the last two times (WW2 and the Cold War).

I suppose the America-haters would like to remove VE-day and VJ-day from the calendars.

Gosh, is celebrating victory over mass-murderers, torturers and genocidal maniacs, really so darned horrible?

Are we supposed to mourn for Adolph Hitler?

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good to see we are so much more civilized.

AOL Head line


Al-Zarqawi Lived for 52 Minutes After Strike

Lets drink to that he suffered Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Would you have preferred that we executed him on the spot to stop his suffering?

Or are you impressed that after taking control of him that we rendered first-aid and tried to save his life?

Make up your mind. You can't have it both ways.

Oh, and your one-sided view of things is showing again. You never answered my previous questions in this regard. Shall I post them again for you?

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John when you answer any of my questions I’ll start answering yours again

I take time to answer you whenever I see questions, However you skip all of mine and talk more shit as usual. Now thats not fair is it?

If you know what being fair is.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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John when you answer any of my questions I’ll start answering yours again

I take time to answer you whenever I see questions, However you skip all of mine and talk more shit as usual. Now thats not fair is it?

If you know what being fair is.

How much did Nick Berg suffer when Zarqawi slit his throat and beheaded him alive. Shall I post the web reference to the audio, so you can hear him screaming in horror and agony?

Once again, all of your concern is directed towards the welfare of the murderers, while you have none reserved for their victims. We notice things like that in the pattern of your postings.

And you talk about "fair". Hrumph.

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Any yes, I agree that the piece was a bit Rah-Rah, but so what? And there are victors in wars. That would be us the last two times (WW2 and the Cold War).

I suppose the America-haters would like to remove VE-day and VJ-day from the calendars.

Gosh, is celebrating victory over mass-murderers, torturers and genocidal maniacs, really so darned horrible?

Are we supposed to mourn for Adolph Hitler?

Why would 'America haters' want to ban VE and VJ day??? America was only one of many countries that won Victory in Europe and Victory in Japan.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Any yes, I agree that the piece was a bit Rah-Rah, but so what? And there are victors in wars. That would be us the last two times (WW2 and the Cold War).

I suppose the America-haters would like to remove VE-day and VJ-day from the calendars.

Gosh, is celebrating victory over mass-murderers, torturers and genocidal maniacs, really so darned horrible?

Are we supposed to mourn for Adolph Hitler?

Why would 'America haters' want to ban VE and VJ day??? America was only one of many countries that won Victory in Europe and Victory in Japan.

thank god they had everybody else to help them

Looks like America makes a habit of fucking up when they go in alone.....

vietnam anybody? how about a nice slice of somalia instead? ;)

*whispers* hooha :D

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How much did Nick Berg suffer when Zarqawi slit his throat and beheaded him alive. Shall I post the web reference to the audio, so you can hear him screaming in horror and agony?

why not actually watch it instead?


Congratulations this thread has just become the most offensive I've ever seen in SC. :|
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Any yes, I agree that the piece was a bit Rah-Rah, but so what? And there are victors in wars. That would be us the last two times (WW2 and the Cold War).

I suppose the America-haters would like to remove VE-day and VJ-day from the calendars.

Gosh, is celebrating victory over mass-murderers, torturers and genocidal maniacs, really so darned horrible?

Are we supposed to mourn for Adolph Hitler?

Why would 'America haters' want to ban VE and VJ day??? America was only one of many countries that won Victory in Europe and Victory in Japan.

There are a lot of Americans that get their history from Hollywood, so they won't know that. We've had a lot of discussions with them on here, even.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Any yes, I agree that the piece was a bit Rah-Rah, but so what? And there are victors in wars. That would be us the last two times (WW2 and the Cold War).

I suppose the America-haters would like to remove VE-day and VJ-day from the calendars.

Gosh, is celebrating victory over mass-murderers, torturers and genocidal maniacs, really so darned horrible?

Are we supposed to mourn for Adolph Hitler?

Why would 'America haters' want to ban VE and VJ day??? America was only one of many countries that won Victory in Europe and Victory in Japan.

thank god they had everybody else to help them

Looks like America makes a habit of fucking up when they go in alone.....

vietnam anybody? how about a nice slice of somalia instead? ;)

*whispers* hooha :D

ever hear of the ROK army or tha Aussies?

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Iraqi Shiites celebrate news of Zarqawi's demise

Ok Bill, I stand corrected.

How could I have missed the validity in comparing street celebrations by people hearing someone who's killing THEIR OWN PEOPLE (Shiites) is dead versus street celebrations conducted because an enemy is dead. (Palestinians) :S

Were the Sunnis celebrating in the streets? That would've been more of a a valid comparison.

Americans will probably "celebrate in the streets" when OBL is dead, but I won't be joining them. That would be a valid comparison too.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Why would 'America haters' want to ban VE and VJ day??? America was only one of many countries that won Victory in Europe and Victory in Japan.

Thank you for that excellent example of what I was talking about. The subject was "celebrating victory over tyranny". Yet, you Mr. Skyrad choose instead to go off topic and point out that America wasn't the only country to win those wars. But VE and VJ day are American holidays - that's when Americans celebrate their significant contribution to those victories. It wasn't about how much was contributed by whom. But that was the direction you took because you couldn't resist an opportunity to bash America.

And I'm sure that you think France could have whupped Hitler single-handedly, and likewise, the Island of Fiji could have whipped all those Japs.

Dancergirl and kallend are also guilty of going off-topic in the same manner in their zeal to bash America's contribution.

Three good examples of America-haters who just can't bear to say anything positive about the U.S. I think it would make their heads explode.

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Politically, however, it is very significant, as much or more so than the capturing of Saddam

I hope your right, trust me nothing would make me happier then being wrong about the Iraq war.

It would be great to see a real democracy in Iraq. I am still afraid at best we will have a theocracy (much like Iran) and that will not be good for anyone.

I don't think that will happen. Iraq has traditionally been a secular society; also, they have to do no more than to look next door to see what life is like under a theocratic dictatorship. They know what it's like over there and want no part of it.

"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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But that was the direction you took because you couldn't resist an opportunity to bash America.

If you took it as a bash that America wasn't the only country to win WW2 then you need a much thicker skin! It never pays to get offended by a simple statement of fact.


Three good examples of America-haters who just can't bear to say anything positive about the U.S. I think it would make their heads explode.

I see you are much better at staying on topic than the rest of us. Down with tyranny, err, I mean liberals, no wait, it was tyranny.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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But VE and VJ day are American holidays - that's when Americans celebrate their significant contribution to those victories. .

Really? Who gets a holiday on VE day? VJ Day? Is it a Federal holiday, or just Texas? Do you take the actual day off, or the nearest Monday like with other holidays?

I asked my class if anyone knew when VE day was. NOT ONE knew.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Why would 'America haters' want to ban VE and VJ day??? America was only one of many countries that won Victory in Europe and Victory in Japan.

Thank you for that excellent example of what I was talking about. The subject was "celebrating victory over tyranny". Yet, you Mr. Skyrad choose instead to go off topic and point out that America wasn't the only country to win those wars. But VE and VJ day are American holidays - that's when Americans celebrate their significant contribution to those victories. It wasn't about how much was contributed by whom. But that was the direction you took because you couldn't resist an opportunity to bash America.

And I'm sure that you think France could have whupped Hitler single-handedly, and likewise, the Island of Fiji could have whipped all those Japs.

Dancergirl and kallend are also guilty of going off-topic in the same manner in their zeal to bash America's contribution.

Three good examples of America-haters who just can't bear to say anything positive about the U.S. I think it would make their heads explode.

I take that as a personal attack John. I'm no America hater and I take offence at being described as such.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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