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Source http://www.brillig.com/debt_clock/


The estimated population of the United States is 298,606,003

so each citizen's share of this debt is $28,017.71.

I was reading Rolling Stone and they mentioned how President Bush has accumulated more debt then all the president in the history of the United States. This is off course after taken over when we had the biggest surplus in history.

How is he still in office?

Is it me or is Bush fucking all of us over, and not to mention our children will pay as well.

From the shady beginnings of this administration until now how can anyone support him?

When you weigh the positives and negatives of what he has done does he still deserve to be in office?

I get so angry when I read up on what’s happening to this great country is it just me?

If not how can we get him out of the White House?
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I was reading Rolling Stone...
I get so angry when I read up on what’s happening to this great country...

Maybe you should add a few other periodicals to your reading list, instead of judging things based upon one source, which is known to have a bias.

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If not how can we get him out of the White House?

I can almost guarantee that he'll leave in mid/late January 2009. B|
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Is it me or is Bush fucking all of us over

Bush is a moron. But let's not forget that America already had a monsterous debt before Bush even thought of becoming prez. You can blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco, but you can't single him out for the debt the US government has been in for decades now.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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there is only one place to get accurate information on what the national debt really is and is about-THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. prior to the passage of the federal reserve act of 1913 there was no debt. only bankrupt corporations are allowed to continue spending in the red
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

wishers never choose, choosers never wish

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there is only one place to get accurate information on what the national debt really is and is about-THE CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. prior to the passage of the federal reserve act of 1913 there was no debt. only bankrupt corporations are allowed to continue spending in the red

The Bureau of the Public Debt (US Treasury) is the definitive source.

And yes, the Bush (43) Administration is in 1st place, followed by the Reagan Administration, when it comes to living beyond its means. All other presidents are pikers by comparison.

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Maybe you should add a few other periodicals to your reading list, instead of judging things based upon one source, which is known to have a bias.


Give me a break John, this is fair game for any magazine to question, the number is right. What's even worse is that the US Net International Investment Position is -2.73 trillion or so, up from a few hundred billion (negative) in the late 90's. That's a lot of money. I read
Life is ez
On the dz
Every jumper's dream
3 rigs and an airstream

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I was reading Rolling Stone...
I get so angry when I read up on what’s happening to this great country...

Maybe you should add a few other periodicals to your reading list, instead of judging things based upon one source, which is known to have a bias.

Perhaps you will believe the US Treasury www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdpenny.htm. Or is the Treasury biased too?

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You can blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco, but you can't single him out for the debt the US government has been in for decades now.

I thought there was a surpluss before Bush took over? If so, is it not the case that people aren't just mad about the debt... but about the blowing of all those savings too?

I don't know about you guys, but I know which kind of blowing I'd prefer to be going on in my national office. :D

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Perhaps you will believe the US Treasury www.publicdebt.treas.gov/opd/opdpenny.htm. Or is the Treasury biased too?

That is a lot of "Flat Dollars"... Which is why the US Government is TERRRIFIED at the possibility that oil could be traded in Euros!

The Euro is already a far more attractive reserve currency in many respects than the dollar, but after the OPEC declaration in 1971 that all oil be traded in US$, it became the default reserve currency fo all countries.

This is what allows the US Government to print a lot more money than it actually has in worth - the belief that all these dollars are never actually going to come back. It's also the reason that ANY country moving to the Euro: Iraq; Iran (with it's oil bourse); Venezuela... Are automatically EVIL >:( and should be destabilised... invaded... regime-changed... DEMOCRATISED!:)


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Interesting. The main cost drivers for the national debt are medicare, medicaid, social security, gov't retirement programs, and interest on the national debt itself. Discretionary spending, though a contributor, is chump change in comparison. Any CBO, GAO, or OMB projections will show that to be the case. Without attacking the main source of the debt via reform inititatives and/or program elimination, no person claiming to be concerned about the debt and proposing a solution may be taken seriously.

Regardless of who wins the White House in '08 and controls Congress after '06 or '08, the age demographics of this country MANDATE the debt ceiling be increased several times over the next couple of decades due to the structure of our entitlement programs. The current state of the debt can be attributed to many generations of congressmen and Presidents. I think, however, that the true fault lies with the lack of education of the average American.

The current social programs safety net at the federal level is fiscally unsustainable. Anyone see any politicians proposing reform? Other than GWB's private accounts idea, I haven't seen anyone really push that on the national level.


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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I was reading Rolling Stone...
I get so angry when I read up on what’s happening to this great country...

Maybe you should add a few other periodicals to your reading list, instead of judging things based upon one source, which is known to have a bias.

OK, I have one....


This is a macroscopic view - notice the debt going vertical as Clinton took office, then tailed off to neutral as he left office? Then Bush turned things around in Republican fashion and it went vertical again.


Here's one based upon the GNP. IOW's, if you earn 100k/year you can spend much more than if you earn 50k/year. The idea here os that the Republicans, since Reagan, are cut taxes and spenders.


You can run from reality all you want, but the truth is that the Repubs since Reagan have run this country into the ground and made the few very rich..... quit defending your party regardless of what they do and look at them for what they are based upon their accomplishments.

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Is it me or is Bush fucking all of us over

Bush is a moron. But let's not forget that America already had a monsterous debt before Bush even thought of becoming prez. You can blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco, but you can't single him out for the debt the US government has been in for decades now.

Look at the graph, Bush inherited 5.5T and will basically double that before he leaves and how are we better off? If everyone had medical coverage or the streets and schools were great, then fone, but we are worse basically most ways around.

Clinton had the first annual surplus in 40 years, about 230B, then bush tuned that into well over 500t immediatley. Some can be blamed on 911, but most is just runaway military spending and tax cuts for the rich.

Reagan, Bush, Bush are responsible for 60% of the entire debt, so it was manageable absent the trio of boobs.

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Maybe you should add a few other periodicals to your reading list, instead of judging things based upon one source, which is known to have a bias.


Give me a break John, this is fair game for any magazine to question, the number is right. What's even worse is that the US Net International Investment Position is -2.73 trillion or so, up from a few hundred billion (negative) in the late 90's. That's a lot of money. I read

The numbers in the rolling stone are correct...

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You can blame Bush for the Iraq fiasco, but you can't single him out for the debt the US government has been in for decades now.

I thought there was a surpluss before Bush took over? If so, is it not the case that people aren't just mad about the debt... but about the blowing of all those savings too?

I don't know about you guys, but I know which kind of blowing I'd prefer to be going on in my national office. :D

This is a common misunderstanding. There is the annual budget surplus/deficit and then there's the overall national debt/surplus. These obviously affect each other directly.

- The annual budget surplus/deficit is what Congress and the pres spend or save during the year based upon GDP/GNP and tax receipts.

- The National Debt/Surplus is the overall accounting; the grand tally.

Under Clinton the national debt rose 1.5T, but he inherited the vertical upswing from Reagan Bush. If you look at the graph I provided you will see that CLinton had an annual suplus of 230B as he left, which turned the national debt horizontal. If Clinton had stayd in office longer we can surmise that the graph would have turned downward, reducing teh actual national debt.

What a lot of people don't know is that Republicana aren't irresponsible, they want to disempower government and empower corporations. They throw the government into the crapper in an attempt to do exactly this. Poor people and mainstream America actually has rights when they have access to basic coverage and labor unions, etc... Republicans do what they can to kill all of these. I just can;t understand why poor people vote for Republicans.....

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For the life of me I can't understand all the whining from the Lefties. You guys act as if you will have to pay all this money when the truth is you ought to be dancing in the streets because the rich, who pay most of the taxes are getting soaked again.



Address the graphs and the interest paid on the debt. Also, address the shrinking value of teh dollar - they are correalated.

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For the life of me I can't understand all the whining from the Lefties. You guys act as if you will have to pay all this money when the truth is you ought to be dancing in the streets because the rich, who pay most of the taxes are getting soaked again.



Address the graphs and the interest paid on the debt. Also, address the shrinking value of teh dollar - they are correalated.

Address my questions. Why do you care, you aren't payng much towards it. Just something else to whine about?

I thought so......

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