
Man Kills Lawn Trespasser

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>There had been a pattern of harrasment. Parking deliberately
>in front of a guys house with the intention bothering him in his
>home is a deliberate attempt at intimidation.

Exactly. A neighbor of mine has been talking about adding an addition to his house. He has done this even though I have asked him not to. Clearly he is doing this to deliberately harass me and destroy my view, and is doing it right next to my home. Surely killing him is defensible, no?

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I measure my grass - does this make me a "nut job" - lots of people measure the height of their grass - in fact the company that fertilizes my lawn leaves me nasty notes when I cut it too short....

I love it when companies that I pay leave me nasty notes. :|

Or did I mean companies that I pay TO leave me nasty notes?

Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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I measure my grass - does this make me a "nut job" - lots of people measure the height of their grass - in fact the company that fertilizes my lawn leaves me nasty notes when I cut it too short....

Ask me again when you shoot someone for walking on it.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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>Right. I'm glad you understand. In actuality this isn't just about how
>to deal with kids. It's how we should deal with everybody.

Edited to - never mind, I missed your point the first time I read it!

Hmm whats that line I hear from time to time... oh yeah

He needed killin

or sumpin like that.

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>And apparently he was in his own yard when he was shot.

You're missing the point! He might have walked on his neighbor's yard sometime in the future. What, is his neighbor supposed to wait until it's too late to defend his home?

When will you liberals be happy? Do you want people to put up "criminal enablement zone" signs around their property?

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Are you baking cookies today Bill? You seem to be in cookie cutter mode. I could use some cookies, as I haven't had time to bake in a long, long while. Send some over if you're baking. I would like an ANVIL shaped cookie.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Exactly. A neighbor of mine has been talking about adding an addition to his house. He has done this even though I have asked him not to. Clearly he is doing this to deliberately harass me and destroy my view, and is doing it right next to my home. Surely killing him is defensible, no?

No, he is merely trying to improve his property and you have a simple dispute which you can take to the city council. In the other case there was a deliberate pattern of harrassment so parking in front of his house (instead of their own) could be seen as harrassment. I am not saying that what he did was right by any means. I am merely saying that we need to hear his side before we label him a wingnut (I presume you want to give him due process). If there was a pattern of harrassment and intimidation, and a jury finds that they where deliberately harrassing him on the night in question then thay could take that into account when deciding whether they want to convict him of murder or a lesser charge.

I always advocate walking away from violence but if you are being harrassed in your own home (I don't know if that is the case, it will take a jury to decide that) and threatened,it can take a terrible psychological toll on a person as there is no-where to walk away to. I am just saying the mans side of the story should be heard before we declare him a psycho. I have dealt with stalking victims before and have seen how much stalkers can psychologically wear a person down. Again neither you or I know the whole story so I feel we should let the jury decide on this one.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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>No, he is merely trying to improve his property . . .

Nonsense! He could expand to the west and not affect me. Instead he deliberately is trying to destroy my view!

>and you have a simple dispute which you can take to the city council.

I did. They said he got the right building permits and all, and they can do nothing. Typical lazy government workers; they won't do jack shit.

>In the other case there was a deliberate pattern of harrassment so
>parking in front of his house (instead of their own) could be seen as

And the noise of circular saws isn't harassement? The construction debris in the big dumpster isn't harassement? I wish my only problem was someone parking in front of my house! The guy in your example had it easy.

>I always advocate walking away from violence but if you are being
> harrassed in your own home . . .

Exactly; you have no other options. And perhaps killing this homeowner will send a message to all the other homeowners out there who want to harass _their_ neighbors. He's trying to ruin my life!

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In the other case there was a deliberate pattern of harrassment so parking in front of his house (instead of their own) could be seen as harrassment. I am not saying that what he did was right by any means. I am merely saying that we need to hear his side before we label him a wingnut (I presume you want to give him due process). If there was a pattern of harrassment and intimidation, and a jury finds that they where deliberately harrassing him on the night in question then thay could take that into account when deciding whether they want to convict him of murder or a lesser charge.

If we're still talking about bozo's story, they jury convicted him and sent him to jail.

Define harassment. Playing loud music? Parking on a public street in front of a house that's not your own? What, exactly?

To use Scott's example in different way, what happens when one of the neighbors comes to the dropzone and starts shooting the skydivers because the jump plane flies over his house making so much goddam noise?

If you hate where you live, move. I don't care if you "can't afford it." Move anyway.

That's a whole lot better than killing people who annoy you.

BTW, the man wasn't being harassed "in [his] own home," but outside it...and he shot them on the street, not coming through his door.

If you give me an instance where someone has come into the home of another and gotten himself shot, I'm probably going to be on the side of the shooter. But when you're talking about people outside your four walls, well, forget it.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Exactly. A neighbor of mine has been talking about adding an addition to his house. He has done this even though I have asked him not to. Clearly he is doing this to deliberately harass me and destroy my view, and is doing it right next to my home. Surely killing him is defensible, no?

No, he is merely trying to improve his property and you have a simple dispute which you can take to the city council. In the other case there was a deliberate pattern of harrassment so parking in front of his house (instead of their own) could be seen as harrassment. I am not saying that what he did was right by any means. I am merely saying that we need to hear his side before we label him a wingnut (I presume you want to give him due process). If there was a pattern of harrassment and intimidation, and a jury finds that they where deliberately harrassing him on the night in question then thay could take that into account when deciding whether they want to convict him of murder or a lesser charge.

I always advocate walking away from violence but if you are being harrassed in your own home (I don't know if that is the case, it will take a jury to decide that) and threatened,it can take a terrible psychological toll on a person as there is no-where to walk away to. I am just saying the mans side of the story should be heard before we declare him a psycho. I have dealt with stalking victims before and have seen how much stalkers can psychologically wear a person down. Again neither you or I know the whole story so I feel we should let the jury decide on this one.


If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Hello?? :D

The real reply is up above. I just had the weirdest thing happen with my browser, and when I tried to refresh, I ended up posting a post that was just bill's comment and Richards' reply, without my response (which had already been posted).

It was strange.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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No, he is merely trying to improve his property . . .

Nonsense! He could expand to the west and not affect me. Instead he deliberately is trying to destroy my view!

>and you have a simple dispute which you can take to the city council.

I did. They said he got the right building permits and all, and they can do nothing. Typical lazy government workers; they won't do jack shit.

>In the other case there was a deliberate pattern of harrassment so
>parking in front of his house (instead of their own) could be seen as

And the noise of circular saws isn't harassement? The construction debris in the big dumpster isn't harassement? I wish my only problem was someone parking in front of my house! The guy in your example had it easy.

>I always advocate walking away from violence but if you are being
> harrassed in your own home . . .

Exactly; you have no other options. And perhaps killing this homeowner will send a message to all the other homeowners out there who want to harass _their_ neighbors. He's trying to ruin my life

Wow. I am sorry you are having such severe problems with your neighbor. It sounds like you might however be misreading him. There is a good book called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" which helps prevent lifes minor irritants from taking on a life of their own. In particular you might want to read the section called "See the Innocence" which describes how a person may appear to want to annoy you yet actually doesn't intend to.

If you are seriously considering killing your neighbor over this, you might want to consider anger management (no shame in asking for help). I doubt that a mere dispute of the nature you have described requires such a drastic response. Reconsider before flying off (In fairness I wasn't there so I don't know the situation between you and him).

Anyway, hope things work out between you and your neighbor. If you need any advice I am always available, particularly if you just need to vent. Do however consider counselling though because you may regrett overreacting.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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No he is not overreacting at all. I have met Bill's neighbor and the guy is a prick and a half. He goes out of his way to cause problems. I've seen him wait until Bill got home and then start being loud and all. The guy needs to be taught a lesson.

I agree, shooting him isn't the ideal solution, but sometimes people just don't learn until you do something drastic.
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>Exactly. A neighbor of mine has been talking about adding an addition to his house. He has done this even though I have asked him not to. Clearly he is doing this to deliberately harass me and destroy my view, and is doing it right next to my home. Surely killing him is defensible, no?

I have a similar problem. I have a nice home and several acres. A guy from California bought the land in back of me is starting to pack crappy looking trailer homes on it for rentals. In order to get to them he has to cross my property. I live in the country for the peace and quiet. I detest having rental trailers directly in back of my house and I certianly do not want people crossing my property. This guy never asked anyone what they thought of this. It is ruining my privacy and it has been loud. I have called the county commissioner and they said I should call the health dept. as there is a law that concerns the septic tank issue and number of people occupying a trailer and the number of trailers on an acre. This will be an eyesore and will bring the value of my property down. Who would want to buy my place when there is trailer trash all around it? According to some on this thread I should be within my right to just shoot this old asshat but I am doing what is right and have been checking on the legality if what he is doing. Personally, I hope to see him have a heart attack back there and drop to the ground at which point I will just sit back for a day or two while the buzzards, coyotes and bugs pick is body apart.
There is a right way and a wrong way. What that guy did to that kid is just wrong.


Joanne Ritchie, 46, said Mugrage was known as "a good kid," but she also always considered Martin to be friendly.

The guy showed is true colors when he pulled the trigger, not once but twice. He should spend his retirement years in prison and I hope that he is raped on a daily basis until his death. Hope he lives to be 100 years old.
Oh, by the way, I am a liberal with a gun.;)
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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No he is not overreacting at all. I have met Bill's neighbor and the guy is a prick and a half. He goes out of his way to cause problems. I've seen him wait until Bill got home and then start being loud and all. The guy needs to be taught a lesson.

I agree, shooting him isn't the ideal solution, but sometimes people just don't learn until you do something drastic.

All of you stop. Now. I mean it. I can't stand it anymore.

I've never seen more trolls in a thread than I've seen in this one, and my brain is starting to buzz.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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If we're still talking about bozo's story, they jury convicted him and sent him to jail.

I realize I did not have all the facts. I was just trying to consider if there were mitigating factors


Define harassment. Playing loud music? Parking on a public street in front of a house that's not your own? What, exactly?

To use Scott's example in different way, what happens when one of the neighbors comes to the dropzone and starts shooting the skydivers because the jump plane flies over his house making so much goddam noise?

Hard to define, and even harder to prove. Again if an annoying behavior pattern has existed before any running fued then they are merely being annoying. If however they have deliberately targetted their behavior to interfere with his peace of mind then it would qualify as harrassment.


If you hate where you live, move. I don't care if you "can't afford it." Move anyway.

That's a whole lot better than killing people who annoy you.

Agreed. I interpretted it as harrassment. People who feel stalked and harrased do react in all kinds of ways, That is why we have created such awareness of it in our society. Again I do not condone what he did, and agree that he deserves to be punished. I do however feel that if there was a pattern of harrassment over time it could affect his mental state and that could be factored in during sentencing


BTW, the man wasn't being harassed "in [his] own home, but outside it...and he shot them on the street, not coming through his door.

If behaviour is being conducted deliberately to interfere with your peace and enjoyment in your own home, then it fundementally is the same thing. Otherwise harrassing phone calls would be legal.


If you give me an instance where someone has come into the home of another and gotten himself shot, I'm probably going to be on the side of the shooter. But when you're talking about people outside your four walls, well, forget it.

I do not condone shooting people for being annoying, I am merely saying that there could have been more to the story than the usual neighbor dispute over annoying conduct. Again I really do not know the whole story, so I cannot say for sure.


My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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