
American Apparently Tortured Before Death

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American Apparently Tortured Before Death
By BUSHRA JUHI, Associated Press Writer
49 minutes ago

BAGHDAD, Iraq - An American aid worker taken hostage with three other peace activists was apparently tortured before he was shot in the head and chest and his body dumped near a railroad line in Baghdad, Iraqi police said Saturday.

Tom Fox, a 54-year-old member of Christian Peacemaker Teams from Clear Brook, Va., was the fifth American hostage killed in Iraq. There was no immediate word on his fellow captives, a Briton and two Canadians.

The U.S. command in Baghdad confirmed that Fox's body was picked up by American forces on Thursday evening, although it provided no information on the condition.

Interior Ministry Lt. Col. Falah al-Mohammedawi said Fox was found with his hands tied and gunshot wounds to his head and chest. There were cuts on his body and bruises on his head, indicating torture, he said. The corpse was dressed in Iraqi-made clothing.

Fox's body was found near a railway line in Dawoudi, a mixed Sunni-Shiite area that has been largely shielded from violence. Shocked local residents on Saturday condemned Fox's abduction and killing.

"These acts are terrorist ones and will hinder the political process and distort the reputation of Iraq," said Dhamir al-Samaraie, who had come to see where Fox was found.

The previously unknown Swords of Righteousness Brigades claimed responsibility for kidnapping the four Christian Peacemaker Teams members, who disappeared Nov. 26.

Three of them _ Canadians James Loney, 41, and Harmeet Singh Sooden, 32; and Briton Norman Kember, 74 _ were seen in a video dated Feb. 28 that was broadcast Tuesday on Al-Jazeera television. Fox did not appear in the brief, silent videotape.

In the West Bank, many Palestinians expressed sorrow over the killing of Fox, who had traveled there to protest for their cause before he was taken hostage in Iraq.

"I'm calling for the kidnappers to release the other hostages," said Hisham Sharabati, a human rights activist who met Fox. "This killing harmed the Palestinian and Iraqi causes because the hostages were working for peace."

At least 250 foreigners have been kidnapped in the nearly three years since U.S.-led forces invaded Iraq, and at least 40 have been killed.

"We mourn the loss of Tom Fox, who combined a lightness of spirit, a firm opposition to all oppression, and the recognition of God in everyone," Doug Pritchard and Carol Rose, co-directors of Chicago-based Christian Peacemaker Teams, said in a statement.

Americans killed were Ronald Schulz, 40, an industrial electrician from Anchorage, Alaska; Jack Hensley, 48, a civil engineer from Marietta, Ga.; Eugene "Jack" Armstrong, 52, formerly of Hillsdale, Mich.; and Nicholas Berg, 26, a businessman from West Chester, Pa.

Still missing is Jill Carroll, a freelance writer for the Christian Science Monitor

No suprise here for me[:/]

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Of course there's no surpirse. It sucks. BUT when "peace activists" or whomever go over there to spread their message, they have to understand that they're putting themselves in a position to be mistreated. I don't like it, but I'm certainly not appalled. That would be very naive.

I'm more appalled that so many Americans are STILL not appalled that we've stirred that pot to begin with....

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I can't wait to see the right wingers get self-righteous about tortured americans.

They wouldn't recognize the irony if it electrocuted them through the genitals, but I can still be grimly amused.

I wonder if the left wing recognizes the irony of the fact that this tortured American supported many of the same causes his captors did.

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Send a christian missionary to an islamic nation where they blame christians for the current state of fucked and you can expect this sort of thing.
I feel for the kidnapped, there family and loved ones but, if you go into a place like that with thoughts of former martyrs' and shit, you will become a martyr.
Darwin's Watching!

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Isn't it about time Muslims and the Palastinians condemned this kind of thing?>:(>:(>:(:o:o:o:oOh, they did.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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Yeah, and he was an anti-war Christian peace activist.

The Moslems have some bullshit lie about respecting "People of the Book", i.e. Christians and Jews, since all 3 religions have a common ancestor in Abraham, supposedly. This is just exposing the lie for what it is, they have no respect for anyone, not even themselves.

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> I can't wait to see the right wingers get self-righteous about tortured americans.

Oh for crying out loud -

How can this cause glee (or even 'grim amusement') for anyone? It's wrong when they do it. It's wrong when we do it. No one wins when it happens, no matter who it is done to (and no matter what party or religion they are.)

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There was a protest against this kind of thing in Houston. Probably didn't make the news there; it barely made the news here. Several hundred people apparently, willing to talk, saying that terror isn't the way.

I guess it's just not as interesting, is it :|

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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There was a protest against this kind of thing in Houston. Probably didn't make the news there; it barely made the news here. Several hundred people apparently, willing to talk, saying that terror isn't the way.

I guess it's just not as interesting, is it :|

Wendy W.

Yeah, well it's not going to make too much difference until the leaders in the Muslim countries start speaking out against it. They were pretty vociferous about the cartoons but I guess this is less important to them.

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There was a protest against this kind of thing in Houston. Probably didn't make the news there; it barely made the news here. Several hundred people apparently, willing to talk, saying that terror isn't the way.

I guess it's just not as interesting, is it :|

Wendy W.

The lefty anarchists at it again.... Damn, Michele, they're coming after our bras (umm...that was NOT a catty comment, for the record)

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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>They were pretty vociferous about the cartoons but I guess this is
>less important to them.

Just as in our government. The Tom Fox killing is very important to them, but they haven't condemned the killing of four Iraqis who were hanged from power poles overnight. Does that mean that we condone that sort of violence, or are we just preoccupied with other things right now? We care about our people getting killed, they care about theirs. Several people here have made this point.

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Not all Muslims are like that. You're dealing with fanatics. I don't look at Fred Phelps and say all Christians are aholes because of what he does. You also have to remember that this country is on the brink of civil war and if Iraqis have no problems killing fellow Iraqis, what makes anyone think they are going to give a second thought to killing a foreigner. When doctors w/o borders pulled out of Iraq that should've sent a clear message to all aid organizations.

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>They were pretty vociferous about the cartoons but I guess this is
>less important to them.

Just as in our government. The Tom Fox killing is very important to them, but they haven't condemned the killing of four Iraqis who were hanged from power poles overnight. Does that mean that we condone that sort of violence, or are we just preoccupied with other things right now? We care about our people getting killed, they care about theirs. Several people here have made this point.

The sad fact is they don't care as much about their own people being killed as they do about those cartoons. The insurgents are routinely killing hundreds of Shias and desecrating their holy sites. But none of that has provoked the worldwide outrage that the cartoons have.

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