
Dick Cheney/ Quail Hunting/Our Vice President.

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The only issue is how long it took for the press to be informed by Cheney.

No. The bigger issue is how long it took for the police to interview Cheney. 14 hours. That's how he was treated differently than an ordinary citizen.

Then your issue is with the police, not Cheney. An obvious hunting accident, which occurs occaisionaly in that part of Texas isn't treated the same way as an accidental shooting would be in NYC. Of course a Cityboy wouldn't understand that.

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The only issue is how long it took for the press to be informed by Cheney.

No. The bigger issue is how long it took for the police to interview Cheney. 14 hours. That's how he was treated differently than an ordinary citizen.

Then your issue is with the police, not Cheney. An obvious hunting accident, which occurs occaisionaly in that part of Texas isn't treated the same way as an accidental shooting would be in NYC. Of course a Cityboy wouldn't understand that.

What a load of crap! You think Cheney had nothing to do with delaying the interview?

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The only issue is how long it took for the press to be informed by Cheney.

No. The bigger issue is how long it took for the police to interview Cheney. 14 hours. That's how he was treated differently than an ordinary citizen.

Then your issue is with the police, not Cheney. An obvious hunting accident, which occurs occaisionaly in that part of Texas isn't treated the same way as an accidental shooting would be in NYC. Of course a Cityboy wouldn't understand that.

What a load of crap! You think Cheney had nothing to do with delaying the interview?

Do you have some evidence he did? Is it now guilty until proven innocent?

edited to add: Interesting you are a New York Cityboy. :D:D

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How many "common men" have had to make a press statement over a hunting accident?

So he got to delay his chat with the cops, because he also has to talk to the press?

Or, are you saying that because he is the VP he should be allowed to make sure all the stories are straight before chatting with the cops?

Well first of all in order to properly protect the VPOTUS the secret service annot allow a uniformed officer to just show up and demand that they surrender the VP to them.
they cannot allow even a verified officer to approach the VP with a loaded weapon at any time due to the fact that he may try to, and in fact assassinate him.:o

That is why there was an appointment made to have him show up in the morning to be interviewed in the presence of the UNSS who in fact would be there in advance to make sure no attempts will be made on his life.

There are a great many officers who are trustworthy but one cannot rule out that someone has been subverted.:o

get real and realize what is required of the UNSS and that those responsibilties trump any demands made by local law enforcement.

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The only issue is how long it took for the press to be informed by Cheney.

No. The bigger issue is how long it took for the police to interview Cheney. 14 hours. That's how he was treated differently than an ordinary citizen.

Then your issue is with the police, not Cheney. An obvious hunting accident, which occurs occaisionaly in that part of Texas isn't treated the same way as an accidental shooting would be in NYC. Of course a Cityboy wouldn't understand that.

What a load of crap! You think Cheney had nothing to do with delaying the interview?

Do you have some evidence he did? Is it now guilty until proven innocent?

Are you serious? So you're saying if you accidentally shot someone on a hunting trip and called the police to report it that same night, they'd say, "Well Gravity, my good man, it's kind of late right now, why don't we wait till tomorrow to pop in for the interview?" :S

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If he was just some "regular joe", I'm sure that the D.A. would be looking to file some kind of charge against him. If the guy was to die or did die, do you think that a manslaughter charge would be put on Cheney? Most likely not. From all that I read or heard it seems that the blame is being placed on the guy who got shot. Cheney should step up and take full responsibilty for this. After all, he did point and fire.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Well first of all in order to properly protect the VPOTUS the secret service annot allow a uniformed officer to just show up and demand that they surrender the VP to them.
they cannot allow even a verified officer to approach the VP with a loaded weapon at any time due to the fact that he may try to, and in fact assassinate him.

That is why there was an appointment made to have him show up in the morning to be interviewed in the presence of the UNSS who in fact would be there in advance to make sure no attempts will be made on his life.

There are a great many officers who are trustworthy but one cannot rule out that someone has been subverted.

get real and realize what is required of the UNSS and that those responsibilties trump any demands made by local law enforcement.

two things:

1. you just provided an argument that he was treated differently from a "common man". Which means you would agree with me.

2. It took 14 hours to find members of the UNSS to be around the VP and have a local law enforcement officer to hand over his gun? I would have thought both camps were a lot smarter and abler than that.....

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Dude the VP shot a 78yo lawyer. That's the stuff comedians and the press have wet dreams about. The WH press office really fumbled this one waiting so long to address the incident. Any intelligent person would've realized the implications of waiting so long to issue a statement.

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The only issue is how long it took for the press to be informed by Cheney.

No. The bigger issue is how long it took for the police to interview Cheney. 14 hours. That's how he was treated differently than an ordinary citizen.

Then your issue is with the police, not Cheney. An obvious hunting accident, which occurs occaisionaly in that part of Texas isn't treated the same way as an accidental shooting would be in NYC. Of course a Cityboy wouldn't understand that.

What a load of crap! You think Cheney had nothing to do with delaying the interview?

Do you have some evidence he did? Is it now guilty until proven innocent?

Are you serious? So you're saying if you accidentally shot someone on a hunting trip and called the police to report it that same night, they'd say, "Well Gravity, my good man, it's kind of late right now, why don't we wait till tomorrow to pop in for the interview?" :S

Yes I'm serious. The Secret Service are the Police and were there when it happened. So unless you are prepared to make some disparaging remarks about the Secret Service covering this up, I'd say that's about it, wouldn't you?

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Are you serious? So you're saying if you accidentally shot someone on a hunting trip and called the police to report it that same night, they'd say, "Well Gravity, my good man, it's kind of late right now, why don't we wait till tomorrow to pop in for the interview?" :S

Yes I'm serious. The Secret Service are the Police and were there when it happened. So unless you are prepared to make some disparaging remarks about the Secret Service covering this up, I'd say that's about it, wouldn't you?

You still didn't answer my question. If it had happened to you, would the police have given you 14 hours?

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Are you serious? So you're saying if you accidentally shot someone on a hunting trip and called the police to report it that same night, they'd say, "Well Gravity, my good man, it's kind of late right now, why don't we wait till tomorrow to pop in for the interview?" :S

Yes I'm serious. The Secret Service are the Police and were there when it happened. So unless you are prepared to make some disparaging remarks about the Secret Service covering this up, I'd say that's about it, wouldn't you?

You still didn't answer my question. If it had happened to you, would the police have given you 14 hours?

If it happened to me and I had 10 or 20 Federal Agents with me to protect me and I happened to be in a rural area, yes. Apparently you have spent too much time living in the Big City and have no idea about how things are done in small towns.

Do you think the press would be rakig me over the coals because the Federal Agents with me didn't notify a small town sheriff. Get real, dude.

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Are you serious? So you're saying if you accidentally shot someone on a hunting trip and called the police to report it that same night, they'd say, "Well Gravity, my good man, it's kind of late right now, why don't we wait till tomorrow to pop in for the interview?" :S

Yes I'm serious. The Secret Service are the Police and were there when it happened. So unless you are prepared to make some disparaging remarks about the Secret Service covering this up, I'd say that's about it, wouldn't you?

You still didn't answer my question. If it had happened to you, would the police have given you 14 hours?

If it happened to me and I had 10 or 20 Federal Agents with me to protect me and I happened to be in a rural area, yes. Apparently you have spent too much time living in the Big City and have no idea about how things are done in small towns.

Do you think the press would be rakig me over the coals because the Federal Agents with me didn't notify a small town sheriff. Get real, dude.

Get real yourself. The question was whether or not Cheney received special treatment here that would not have been afforded you or me.

I ask you again, if you had been the shooter, do you think that you would have been able to wait 14 hours before your police interview?

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Likearock asks a good question really, but what he thinks is "special treatment" is probably more like "priviledged treatment".

Example - Joe Normal accidentally shoots a hunting buddy. He then freaks out with worry over his buddy and hauls him to a hospital. Barney Fife unfairly pulls him into jails and makes him feel like crap. Joe gets beat up by his cell mate, or propositioned. Finally he gets a lawyer who protects his rights which have been violated. A tiny clip in the local paper comes out. Joe gets a lot of shit for the accident from his friends, but they are still his friends and he'll be ok.

Dick, The Vice President of the US (and a savvy businessman who also has some money and knowledge of the law) accidentally shoots a hunting buddy.

1 - He doesn't worry as much because he has a doctor on staff who treats the guy right away - unlike Joe. Nothing illegal, but having money and a government paid medical staff is a privilege Joe didn't have.

2 - He doesn't get hauled in by Barney Fife like Joe because he also has a lawyer who he can contact right away to make sure he complies with the law while still ensuring the injured friend gets respect and treatment.

3 - The story comes out in the paper quite a bit later once everything is under control. Unlike Joe, it's a nationwide story, Dick gets soundly accused of baby killing by various lobbies that don't care why he's in the spotlight, just that he is. Every little action is scrutinized for 'impropriety' (not legality, no one cares about that), but impropriety by a media that is clearly and unreasonable rabidly biased against him and also jealous that the local paper got the story before the 'privileged' news insiders did.

So is Dick treated differently than Joe? Yes

better? He didn't get locked up unfairly, or propositioned/beaten by a cellmate, or freak out with worry over his friend, or have to personally field treat his friend and get his overalls bloody

worse? He gets his every action picked over by the nation rather than the local authorities that should do it (if it were the same as Joe), he gets reamed for allowing the victim and the local press control released of the story, his name is "dick".

IMO - If all was legal, then he's only special because he has doctors and lawyers on his employ to help weather the problem. Which is not illegal, but Joe wouldn't have had the same.

So here's the deal - will likearock only be happy if Dick submits to:

1 - Pulling his friend back to the scene and being forced to carry him to the hospital
2 - being imprisoned unjustly and subjected to cellmate beating, and
3 - having to defend himself with only a public defender

I guess that's ok, provided the National press from now on completely beats up on any individual of zero notoriety that has an unfortunate accident. Not likely.

Dick Cheney has enough skeletons, this was a hunting accident. Pretty nuts to look for conspiracies here. But no doubt if there was something, there's enough hateful people to find what's there or make something up.

Either way, that's fine. Civil rights aren't necessary for the VP.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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if you had been the shooter, do you think that you would have been able to wait 14 hours before your police interview?

Absolutely possible. For example, you just shot a good friend in the face, you feel like the worst human being on earth, you're worried to hell about your buddy, it takes a few hours to get to the hospital from the "field," etc. By the time everything's said and done, you're still feeling like shit, the cops might try to make contact several hours later, and by that time maybe you just need the damn night and you'll give your official account in the morning. Very possible for even the average joe.

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It's not clear to me. Was it 14 hours before the police knew about it? or just 14 hours before the police interviewed him? or just 14 hours before the whitehouse press corps was notified?

I'd think notifying the cops and an interview are completely different things. And if it was an accident, I'd not think about the cops at all, I'd be thinking about the hospital. And hospitals are required to report shooting injuries (accidental or not) to the police. So why isn't any delay in notification of a shooting injury the legal responsibility of the hospital.

If a gun is a tool, why report an accident. if you accidentally slice you hand with a kitchen knife, do you call the cops? What's the law say? I don't really know.

(the average Joe could commit murder, and get a lawyer PRIOR to confessing, and that process could take a long time too and still be legal. Really, I saw it on Quincy ME a couple decades ago).

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I disagree with your senario. 1. People are not locked up until it has been determined a crime was commited. So Joe wouldn't be put in jail right after the shooting. 2. The Secret Service ARE the Police. So to claim the Police weren't notified is incorrect. I'm sure the local sheriff, (which is really what the argument is about) was not in any hurry to interview Cheney until he was cleared by the SS.

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FINE - be that way QUOTE - Barney Fife unfairly puts Joe in jail - ENDQUOTE

I'm still sure some people would still feel better if Cheney was beaten up by a cellmate 'just because' they don't like him or his politics.

You are really making my point - Cheney is resented not because anything illegal happened, but because he is rich and powerful and people resent that and wish that Civil Rights could be deleted for those like him.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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FINE - be that way QUOTE - Barney Fife unfairly puts Joe in jail - ENDQUOTE

I'm still sure some people would still feel better if Cheney was beaten up by a cellmate 'just because' they don't like him or his politics.

You are really making my point - Cheney is resented not because anything illegal happened, but because he is rich and powerful and people resent that and wish that Civil Rights could be deleted for those like him.

NO - people wish their rights would be respected the same way his were.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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He's lucky. In most places, if you shoot a lawyer, there may be a fine. ;)

Personally, I know of no actual proof that Cheney shot him. This is part of a secret Democratic conspiracy to discredit him. :)

Todays best quote :D


...called the Bush administration's failure to be more forthcoming "troubling."

"A tendency of this administration -- from the top all the way to the bottom -- is to withhold information ... to refuse to be forthcoming about information that is of significance and relevance to the jobs that all of you do, and the interests of the American people," ... said.

"Putting it all together, going back years now, there's a pattern and it's a pattern that should be troubling..."

Go ahead, guess who said it. :D :D

The answer

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