
Let's post good things about Muslims

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Hey darius do those muslim chicks have a landing strip, shaved, or full bush under those bhurkas?

and I feel ripped off every time we hire a Muslim slut to strip at a party all we see is ankles and eyes!!! that sucks!!;)

I haven’t slept with all Muslim women and don’t make a goal for my self to do so.
I think it’s their personal choice. If I were single I would try to find out. If you have ever seen Middle Eastern woman you know they are very beautiful.

You should stick to the western woman for strippers they tend to take their cloths off much easier. Some will even show you their breasts for 1000 feet of altitude.:D

Edit to add:forgot to add smiley since we are all being funny
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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Damn I knew there was something wrong...all these chicks I know show their breasts without even having been on the plane:)
As for the skydiving part I would like to quote my friend Susan:

I wish they would quit calling on the PA and saying next load 15 min....it makes me so thirsty!!;)

and for those of you who actually know me you know that she really said it!

She also wanted to know why more women dont fuck the hell out of their jump masters (gratitude for the the altitude!!!):P

I for one second that...mmmmmm Nan is hot!:P

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I haven’t slept with all Muslim women and don’t make a goal for my self to do so. I think it’s their personal choice... You should stick to the western woman for strippers they tend to take their cloths off much easier. Some will even show you their breasts for 1000 feet of altitude.

You start out by respecting a woman's right to make personal choices for herself. But then at the end, you reverse direction, and suggest that there is something demeaning or improper for a female skydiver to make a personal choice to flash her breasts to a jump pilot.

So which is it? Do you respect the freedom of personal choice for women such as they have in America, or do you want to keep all women as virtual slaves like in the Middle East so that they don't have any personal choice?

And who the heck are you to judge what free women choose to do?

Finally, it's a lot easier for a woman to make a personal choice to "take her clothes off", when she won't be stoned to death for the act. Yeah, that's another difference in freedom between them and us.

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They beleive in population control, and get 72 virgins if they die in the process of controling the population.

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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I haven’t slept with all Muslim women and don’t make a goal for my self to do so. I think it’s their personal choice... You should stick to the western woman for strippers they tend to take their cloths off much easier. Some will even show you their breasts for 1000 feet of altitude.

You start out by respecting a woman's right to make personal choices for herself. But then at the end, you reverse direction, and suggest that there is something demeaning or improper for a female skydiver to make a personal choice to flash her breasts to a jump pilot.

Did you and I read the same paragraph? I didn't get anything "demeaning or improper" out of his words. :S

(drink Mountain Dew)

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These days, Islam and muslims are getting a pretty bad rap. Let's use this thread to mention some good things about Islam and Muslims.

I'll start:

Muslims don't drink and drive.

Why don't we just wait for muslims to SHOW us their good sides and make them unmistakably recognizable?

Where are the other countries to sing the praises of how much charitable stuff the U.S. does for the rest of the world?

Sorry, it's not my responsibility to find the good in muslims.

And if you think that just because a person claims to belong to a religious faith that you can count on them behaving well, I got news for you:

There are hypocrites in every faith, so there are bound to be muslims who drink, and then also those who drink and drive.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I think you're about to make one of their lists...

hate to stray from the topic, but just being an infidel put me on their list.

Wow, I'm glad to see this. When I saw that you had started the thread, I thought you might be some blissninny trying to get us to see that they're such wonderfully good people who would never harm a hair on our heads and it's just the bad, extremist muslims who want to hurt us. (I'm beginning to think that 97% of them fall into the "extremist" category, and the longer we go without them condemning acts of violence the more I feel that way -- and I mean millions of them need to be coming out condemning the extremists...)

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Oh hell yea I am putting on my suicide vest right now. Can all of the guys on the list meet somewhere I can only do this once.

Thank you, Darius. I almost sprayed coffee everywhere when I saw that one. Well spoken, sir.
For everyone else,
Will you please, please, leave him the fuck alone?
I am a judgemental asshole. I'll say that right up front. Lacking a religion myself I tend to view most religions as memetic diseases, self propagating data constructs, like hip-hop, "gank-sta" culture, bart simpson t-shirts and that all your base are belong to us thing.
Quite obviously Islam is having an identity crisis. Some of its members want to join the modern world. Some just want to be left alone to make mud bricks in East Asswipe, Pakistan. And some are full blown psycho with the infection so fully developed its victims are rendered hypersensitive to anything they can label "non-islamic" and its so bad a few mocking cartoons are causing the poor bastards to self destruct. Islam is not a disease, but it becomes one when it winds up killing its carriers. How many dead, now, protesting a fucking cartoon? It IS a choice. You can choose to think its funny and not be offended, or you can go completely insane and start shrieking in the streets for the "blood of the danes" as they put it, protesting being stereotyped as violent, by....obeying the stereotype and being violent. "Don't call me and my prophet violent, or I'll kill you all!" I think the modern world is fast losing all patience with Islam and the behavior that goes with it.
It is NOT the quiet ones who set Islam's image...it is the ones doing the screaming and killing. Being armed with a computer and a canopy, I don't think Darius is among them. Numerous times I've seen Darius be the only voice of reason in a thread full of "Kill em all" posts... nobody notices.
I wonder how many of you have ever been a minority? Found yourselves by virtue of your mere identity and existence representative of something the locals hate? I lived in the philippine islands for a time back in school. There, I dealt with a great many cool people, and a few unfortunate dorm-mates who were wealthy, angry, racist philippine nationalists, from whom I had to hear "fucking white boy" all the time. Fucking white boy this, fucking white boy that. Fucking niggers fucking spics fucking whites. A few times I had to take them on, occasionally in groups...3 on one, 5 on one... the brutal end result of that kind of thought. Fortunately for me, rich kids can't fight for shit so I usually outnumbered them, one to five. All they learned was don't try to corner the white boy, throw rocks from a safe distance instead. How civilized.
Whether it is your intention or not, and whether you are staying just inside the forum rules against PAs or not, this is what a lot of you are doing to Darius. He is a minority of one on these boards and I am absolutely sick of seeing thinly veiled attacks... 3 on one, five on one... it just feels so familiar, if this was a fight I'd be diving in headfirst because I can't stand seeing someone picked on and outnumbered just for being themselves. This thread was created as or hijacked into nothing but a forum for sarcastic muslim-bashing and theres only one muslim handy. This thread needs to die. NOW. >:(

Venting complete. (wanders off muttering to self about being a self righteous asshole on the net...)
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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I'm beginning to think that 97% of them fall into the "extremist" category

I'm the last guy to defend Muslim extremism, or any kind of religious extremism for that matter.

But 97% of Muslims being extremists?

Was that hyperbole? If not, that has got to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever seen written in these forums. And that says a lot, because there is HEAPS of redneck swill posted here daily.

Ever hear of the Sufis? My guess is that you haven't, and from what you write, I surmise you don't much care anyhow. Well, they comprise more than 3% of the world Muslim population.


millions of them need to be coming out condemning the extremists

Embassies burning makes bigger news than moderate muslims calling for peace. That's just the nature of news, which is why you have not, and will not hear the voice of moderate muslims.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Of course it was fuckin' hyperbole, dude! -- but if we are not seeing tens, or hundreds, of millions of muslims vocally condemning the violence very soon, what cause would we have to surmise that they actually oppose it?

And the vast vast majority of the world's muslim population seem unable to help terrorism-fighters ferret out the minority among them who are violent extremists. Why is that? Are they unable, or just indifferent? >:(

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Was that hyperbole? If not, that has got to be one of the most ignorant things I've ever seen written in these forums. And that says a lot, because there is HEAPS of redneck swill posted here daily.

That's nice and bigoted. Have a great night! :)


"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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