
"Took Die, The City Fry..."

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Let's say tookie williams get executed and riots ensue... Property damage amongst a huge amount of variables generate finance aid that literally funnels into the exhausted state that the fucking TERMINATOR governs.. felony arrests are made in bulk overfilling the already overfilled prisons thus capping out the supply and demand peak on prisons and prisoners... prisons cost money... guess who pays for that? SOooooooo.... taxes get higher, by the time your money makes it's way through the federal and state programs to the actual contracts that build the damaged property, prisons, etc.. 3-11 cents out of your dollar would have made its way the cause that could have prevented these practices in the first place. I mean honestly 42 YEARS!!!!... shiiiieeeeetttttt.....

With logic like that, maybe you should be on the next flight hijacked by a terrorist organization. I'm sure they'd be happy to have you in the front seat playing a good, quiet, and obidient sheep to their demands.

your not thinking big enough. If I were us, I would go drop some BOMBS () someplace where it would be acceptable worldwide... hrmmm I dunno, mebbe Iraq, and cash in on the renewal of the place, collapse a government or two.. start a rudimentary parliment the natives don't even want... thus doubling up my earnings and able to flip my gross income in the world trade market. OH WAIT!!!!!!! I ALREADY DO THAT!!!!.... silly me

"'Someday is not a day in my week'"

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I personally am really torn apart by the issue of capital punishment. I'm pro-life and it seems hypocritical to me to support the death penalty. If our judicial system would truly put these scumbags away for life without any possibility for parole, I would be even more convinced that capital punishment is wrong.

Another thing I struggle with are the ones who are still dangerous in jail. I think of someone like Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein who have a following of their ideaology. Tookie's damage still exists today. What he started caused murders long after he was incarcerated and had his conversion.

This is also very personal for me. At the age of 9 an older brother of a friend of mine, aged 17 literally attempted to kill me. I do not know to this day how I survived. One week later, when the heat was on him due to the criminal investigation, he took a gun to his head and blew his brains out. His action toward me was never made public, but his suicide was. So many people were deeply saddened by his death because they did not know the ugliness I knew. I remember feeling an enormous amount of relief and joy when I heard of his death. I also remember feeling extremely guilty about my emotions and wondered how I could be so evil in my thoughts. Remember, I was just a 9 year old trying to process emotions that were way beyond my years. In my raw emotion, I wanted him dead for what he did to me. This causes enormous conflict in me today. If he didn't commit suicide, would I have wanted him dead for what he had done to me...even though for the most part I oppose the death penalty? If he remained alive, how long would it have taken for me to truly feel safe? For me at age 9, the 'boogie man' truly existed. He left behind many victims that day; his parents, siblings, extended family, friends, my parents, siblings, me and him. He's probably the only one not still feeling the pain to this day. How much pain are all of Tookie's victims still feeling to this day? I lived, his victims didn't.

So, I am torn in two over the issue of capital punishment. I know what my faith teaches and I am uncomfortable being in disagreement with it at any degree. Despite my experience, I believe I oppose it. Once again, as long as there is life without the possibility of parole and if the prisoner can truly cause no more harm from behind bars.

That's my $1.02 worth on this topic. Someday, I hope to come to a true position on this topic.


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right in front of Rev Jackson

I thought the TookieMonster didn't want witnesses to his execution who aren't public officials. You don't think the good reverend would attend anyway only to appear on the airwaves afterwards, do you? :|

Blutarsky 2008. No Prisoners!

In this instance, I think he was like the deer hunter who wanted his picture taken hand-feeding his deer before he shot it only the rev didn't pull the trigger. Yes, I think he was there for the PR.:)
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Pro-life = death of the assuredly innocent.
Death Penalty = death of the not-so-innocent.

Unfortunately, that's not always the case. Some are innocent.

And some of those fetus' don't look so innocent either. They are just asking for it. Like cows, they may 'look' innocent, but if you don't get them first, they wouldn't hesitate to take you out.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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but if you don't get them first, they wouldn't hesitate to take you out.

Ah... the eternal race. Don't let them out so they don't take you out...:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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