
She is Christian...and proud of it! (Pt 2)

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This woman is crazy. I missed this show, did anyone catch it or have it to upload somewhere?

I feel sorry for the husband and kids, look at their faces.

Aside from her aggressive style and somewhat bizarre method of presentation (she was, afterall, playing for the camera) , what she expressed didn't stray much from standard fundamentalist belief.

Have you ever been to a fundamentalist tent revival???

Crazy? You decide.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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This woman is crazy. I missed this show, did anyone catch it or have it to upload somewhere?

I feel sorry for the husband and kids, look at their faces.

Aside from her aggressive style and somewhat bizarre method of presentation (she was, afterall, playing for the camera) , what she expressed didn't stray much from standard fundamentalist belief.

Have you ever been to a fundamentalist tent revival???

Crazy? You decide.

looked pretty much like a mentally ill person off her meds to me... and I don't mean that in a perjorative manor... back when I was a therapist, we used to have to resond to a patient's house after each seizure she had... she'd stop her seizure meds and, following each one, would go into a post-seizure psychosis. Her ramblings, her raging, was not at all unlike this woman, esp. in it's religious content... this TV woman sounded also very similar to the delusional ragings of a manic person w/ pychotic features...

i wouldn't be so quick to lump her into the convenient trash can you lump most other "mentally ill christians." unfortunately, she fits to perfectly into your preconceived stereotype or paradigm for you to try too hard to see things any differently.

pity for you.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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looked pretty much like a mentally ill person off her meds to me... and I don't mean that in a perjorative manor... back when I was a therapist, we used to have to resond to a patient's house after each seizure she had... she'd stop her seizure meds and, following each one, would go into a post-seizure psychosis. Her ramblings, her raging, was not at all unlike this woman, esp. in it's religious content... this TV woman sounded also very similar to the delusional ragings of a manic person w/ pychotic features...

i wouldn't be so quick to lump her into the convenient trash can you lump most other "mentally ill christians." unfortunately, she fits to perfectly into your preconceived stereotype or paradigm for you to try too hard to see things any differently.

pity for you.

Have you ever been to a fundamentalist tent revival??? :S
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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(Sung to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon)

Christ the mighty savior
Lived by the sea
He frolicked in the holy mist
In a land called Galilee

Peter, Paul and Mary
John and Jacob too
Followed in the footsteps of
That energetic Jew

Now saviors live forever
But not our own J.C.
Pilate nailed him to the cross
At the age of 33.

I am SO going to burn in hell, I know...
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I guess her husband managed to get a few tranquilizer darts in her or something.:D:D

Maybe he's donating the $15,000 "Family Money" to his local branch of Bulgarian Assassination Services:o

I would!


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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