
Why Is FEMA Jamming Communications Around New Orleans?

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Another interesting read.. Apparently someone doesn't want us to know the true number of dead in New Orleans.

September 4, 2005 -- Reports continue that communications in and around New Orleans are being purposely jammed (and severed) by the US government. The jamming is having an adverse impact on emergency, disaster recovery, and news media communications. The jamming is even affecting police radio frequencies in Jefferson Parish, according to an Australian news report. The President of Jefferson Parish Aaron Broussard told Meet the Press today that FEMA cut his parish's emergency communications lines and he had to have his sheriff restore the severed lines and post armed deputies to ensure that FEMA did not try to cut the communications lines again. Broussard's statement: "Yesterday--yesterday--FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on our line and says, 'No one is getting near these lines.'"

Jamming radio and other communications such as television signals is part of a Pentagon tactic called "information blockade" or "technology blockade." The tactic is one of a number of such operations that are part of the doctrine of "information warfare" and is one of the psychological operations (PSYOPS) methods used by the US Special Operations Command. Jamming is currently being used by US forces in Iraq and was used by the US Navy in the botched coup attempt against President Hugo Chavez in April 2002. US Navy ships off the Venezuelan coast jammed diplomatic, military, emergency services, police, and even taxi cab frequencies in Caracas and other large cities.

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Not interesting, once again bullshit.

Rhino, you obviously have a web browser, what is stopping you from fact checking through google? Dont you think FEMA jamming communications might get a little attention considering the media (I know, I know, they're tainted and in the pocket of the government) have been highly critical of the government's response (I know, I know, a smokescreen to make us no longer suspect them).

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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once again bullshit.

How's it bullshit? If you do a little research as to what Navy boats are parked off the coast you might just see one that has jamming capability there? Have you done this research or do you just like to think any and everything you didn't bring to someones attention is bullshit?

Please explain how this is bullshit?

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source it properly - NOT from that bullshit heavy site you used.

Navy Ships with jamming abilities? Holy crap!! They have 'blow shit up with weapons' abilities too!! should we panic now?
WTF is this from your story: "From "The Manchurian Printer," Simson L. Garfinkel [The Boston Sunday Globe, March 5, 1995, Focus Section, Page 83]:"..........................Oh it continues:

"Not surprisingly, the unclassified version of the Pentagon's report barely mentions the offensive possibilities of Information Warfare---capabilities that the Pentagon currently has under development. Nevertheless, these capabilities are alluded to in several of the diagrams, which show a keen interest by the military in OOTW---Operations Other Than War. "They have things like information influence, perception management, and PSYOPS---psychological operations," says Wayne Madsen, a lead scientist at the Computer Sciences Corporation in northern Virginia, who has studied the summer study report. 'Basically, I think that what they are talking about is having the capability to censor and put out propaganda on the networks. That includes global news networks like CNN and BBC, your information services, like CompuServe and Prodigy,' and communications satellite networks. 'When they talk about 'technology blockade,' they want to be able to block data going into or out of a certain region of the world that they may be attacking."'

ALERT: WMR readers should be aware that web sites like Democratic Underground are "locking" information on the radio jamming in Louisiana and the corruption involved in FEMA hurricane disaster preparedness (IEM Team contract). Readers should also be aware that the Pentagon's technology blockade strategy extends to the Internet. Web sites like Democratic Underground and Daily Kos have a lot of explaining to do when they censor critical information during a national emergency. These web sites, along with Fox News and the other news sources with overt and covert political agendas, are not serving in the public interest and should be avoided as sources for important information. For example, some Daily Kos posters are questioning whether FEMA deliberately cut Jefferson Parish's emergency telephone lines. That is because many of those involved with Daily Kos and Democratic Underground are squishy Democrats with a pretty obvious agenda. - WM"

Uh huh, its an internet conspiracy

Your quote in context:

"MR. RUSSERT: Hold on. Hold on, sir. Shouldn't the mayor of New Orleans and the governor of New Orleans bear some responsibility? Couldn't they have been much more forceful, much more effective and much more organized in evacuating the area?

MR. BROUSSARD: Sir, they were told like me, every single day, "The cavalry's coming," on a federal level, "The cavalry's coming, the cavalry's coming, the cavalry's coming." I have just begun to hear the hoofs of the cavalry. The cavalry's still not here yet, but I've begun to hear the hoofs, and we're almost a week out.

Let me give you just three quick examples. We had Wal-Mart deliver three trucks of water, trailer trucks of water. FEMA turned them back. They said we didn't need them. This was a week ago. FEMA--we had 1,000 gallons of diesel fuel on a Coast Guard vessel docked in my parish. The Coast Guard said, "Come get the fuel right away." When we got there with our trucks, they got a word. "FEMA says don't give you the fuel." Yesterday--yesterday--FEMA comes in and cuts all of our emergency communication lines. They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line. He posts armed guards on our line and says, "No one is getting near these lines." Sheriff Harry Lee said that if America--American government would have responded like Wal-Mart has responded, we wouldn't be in this crisis.

But I want to thank Governor Blanco for all she's done and all her leadership. She sent in the National Guard. I just repaired a breach on my side of the 17th Street canal that the secretary didn't foresee, a 300-foot breach. I just completed it yesterday with convoys of National Guard and local parish workers and levee board people. It took us two and a half days working 24/7. I just closed it. "

btw, the original link to this article: Wayne Madsen Report

On the subject of Jamming, this site makes a ton of unsubstantiated claims. Including the fact that it's not solar activity thats jamming the stuff but a radio station in the caribbean?!

Ok, fair enough, why does the ARRL not talk in length about this, but only about traffic numbers causing jams? (ARRL is the national membership association for Amateur Radio operators.).

Why, if there's jamming, is there a request to keep the emergency frequencies clear? click

I went to this site specifically to find stories about jamming, since you'd assume that radio operators would be the first to notice it.

So, yes it's bullshit.

1. The original site source (wayne madsen) is full of unsourced bullshit stories, that come in from anonymous sources to a hotmail account.

2. "official" explanations are ignored.

3. Quotes are pasted without context and without followup - there was nothing orwellian about the original statement, only that it was an example of FEMAs incompetance.

4. Nothing corroborating in either the worlds press, or hobby groups that would be directly effected by such a blackout.

Is that enough research?

So yes, bullshit.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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>Why Is FEMA Jamming Communications Around New Orleans?

Because they know who shot Kennedy. That's what the storm was all _about_ - FEMA was trying to hush up Fats Domino, who was an accomplice on the grassy knoll. Don't you people read the Star?

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They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line.

If the Feds wanted to cut the lines, don't you think that they'd be doing a little more than pulling the phone cords out of the jacks?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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If you do a little research as to what Navy boats are parked off the coast you might just see one that has jamming capability there?

Tactical jamming of land-based targets from properly equipped (big amplifiers; signal amplifying, highly directional log periodic array antennas; etc.) seaborne platforms makes sense when you're targeting receivers that are tuned into a relatively low-power signal (think degradation of the jamming signal over distance), have good line-of-sight with the jamming platform (think sea-level complications), and are otherwise inaccessible by more suitable jamming platforms (think foreign countries which might not appreciate our setting up ground-based jamming platforms targeting their receivers on their soil).

In this case, we have troops already on the ground. Taking into account that these signals, in particular, have a number of, shall we say, nuances about them (think signal strength, repeaters, etc.), it would be much more effective to deploy ground-based jamming platforms.

Long story short, ignore the boats. B|


Please explain how this is bullshit?

I can't respond to the allegations of lines being severed, but here's some food for thought on the alleged jamming. I'll try not to get mired in detail.

Tactical jamming is usually target-specific; that is, it is implemented on a specific known frequency and targeting a specific geographic area or receiver. Another option is broadband jamming, where a jamming signal is applied over a wide swath of frequencies, but a variety of drawbacks with this method reduce its overall effectiveness, leaving it to be implemented only in very specific situations or as a last resort.

In this case, we have a number of units of our own troops operating in the target area, all using their own specific freq's (or hopsets) according to their SOI's, and they need those comms preserved. Can you see where I'm going with this?

Jamming "emergency, disaster recovery, and news media communications" in this case would require the targeting dozens of specific frequencies in specific geographic areas, in a massive coordinated effort that also ensures that our own troops are unaffected.

The kind of assets this would require are beyond prohibitive. For those who are privvy (or savvy), a brief perusal of a typical division's MTOE, focusing on SIGINT/ECM assets, will reveal exactly this: it's a no-go.

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They cut them without notice. Our sheriff, Harry Lee, goes back in, he reconnects the line.

If the Feds wanted to cut the lines, don't you think that they'd be doing a little more than pulling the phone cords out of the jacks?

Not if they wanted to make it....."look".....like somebody else did it. I...."know"....they're out to get us, though. I've seen the black helicopters. :D

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here are the facts

president is rep.
95% of remaining folks in new orleans are black so they are dems.
black helos offing black demS( looters )with tactical rifle fire from 1000 yds.

each tactical rifleman is given 1 set of beads for shooting 1 looter(black dem.)

think its crasey ,just look at alll the beads hanging from auto rear view mirrors.
wonder it they are rifleman???

I got my beads ,and I like to shoot long range

black helos in the air over new orleans???
mind control????
anyway everyone KNOWS kennedy and elvis were hideing out in new orleans with jimmy hoffa


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During national emergencies communications is a must have for those organizing efforts. Nextel is alive because of a contract it made with local agencies around the country - they would shut down civilian comms until relief was fully up and running and people were safe. This is standard ops Rhino.

How could they be covering things up when nearly every reporter/photographer trying to make a name for themselves is down there reporting what they are seeing.

While the efforts took too long to get started which allowed violence to take foot in NOLA, this is not some conspiracy.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Rhino, you obviously have a web browser, what is stopping you from fact checking through google?

At no point in time did I say I buy into this stuff. I think it's interesing reading ;)

Given your propensity to post this garbage, Rhino, you leave many of us with the impression that you do buy into this stuff. At least until someone comes along and proves you wrong. If you're interested in an example, take a quick look at post #3 in this thread:


How's it bullshit? If you do a little research as to what Navy boats are parked off the coast you might just see one that has jamming capability there? Have you done this research or do you just like to think any and everything you didn't bring to someones attention is bullshit?

Please explain how this is bullshit?

And then your most recent:


At no point in time did I say I buy into this stuff. I think it's interesing reading

You're not fooling anyone.

"Like" - The modern day comma
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This is standard ops Rhino.

I don't think cutting comm links is standard.

Ask Florida residents on the east coast how easy it was to use their phones last year after the hurricanes. The gov't owns the airwaves - it is up to them to decide how/when they get used. The comms in Florida last year were disabled (not some high tech star trek jamming device). Lot's of people are trying to get comms in and out of a disaster area and can prevent emergency units from getting vital messages. Nextel has a contract with most local authorities and a few gov't agencies to shut down civilian comms and open up all channels ONLY for emergency services. This IS standard ops. This plan was implemented after 9/11 when NYC PD/FD could not get out comms because all channels were jammed with civilian calls.

Those that bring their own form of communication, like the journalists, have no trouble getting out communication. High power transmitters on their vans help with that.

If someone was trying to hide something, why would reporters be all over the city. Turn on any cable news channel and you can see them all fighting for a new angle, new picture, new story to lead off the next hour. Why would satellite images of the city be on the net already? Why would the Governor or Mayor want to block out negative images that will speed the up relief efforts and drive more financial aid into the city.

If you want to see a conspiracy, you will find one.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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You're not fooling anyone.

Nor do I care to. What you think of me is the last thing I give a damn about on this earth. I do however, like getting people to do research for themselves and not buy into everything the media tells them.


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If you want to see a conspiracy, you will find one.

It's not about a conspiracy at all. Did anyone notice President Bush himself is heading up the probe on how this was handled?

I guess if he is heading up the probe he can't be held responsible now can he. He went from the one the finger was being pointed at to the one that was pointing the finger.

Some of you people are blind as bats.

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I am not a fan of GW at all. I have no problem pointing out his screw ups. However, he is not responsible for day to day operations related to launching a relief effort. It is the responsibilty of the State and local gov't offices to take care of their own. The failure stemmed from complacency. It also probably had to due to lack of money from getting hit the last couple of years. On a national level, it seems that FEMA did drag its feet and that should be looked into as well.

When a blizzard is headed towards the midwest, is it up to the White House to make sure salt/sand/snowplows are on the streets in the cities that will be hit? Of course not - it is up to the locals. At least in Chicago the residents vote against someone when they have a major screwup - we voted out a mayor that did nothing to prepare for a blizzard about 20 years ago. Now if there is a hint of snow we have 100% of our snow crews on the street putting down salt and plowing up anything that touches the ground. 28 inches of snow can fall overnight and the major roads will not shut down. Same thing for our heat waves - the city launches free cooling centers for anyone to go to. Why? We lost a lot of people to a major heat wave some years ago and the blame ended up at City Hall (not the White House).

The blame game makes for some great press and that is why we see it as a hot topic in the media at the moment. Why? You can only talk about the flooding and show pictures when it will take a month to make any real progress. In the mean time they have the next 15 min of air time to worry about so they search for a topic. Remember, if it bleeds, it leads. Attacking the president makes for great headlines and gets people on all sides of the fence to pay attention. Those that fall victim to it are puppets.

Bush is heading this up? Right. He will assign people to research and bring reports to him, then he will sit there, read them, and take credit for the results. I doubt he will do much other than delegate tasks for this.

btw - this way off topic now. As I said before, these is nothing wrong with keeping communication lines open for only emergency response teams.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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At no point in time did I say I buy into this stuff.

Then perhaps you should have called the thread "Is FEMA Jamming Communications..." You title presumes the article is true...

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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You're not fooling anyone.

Nor do I care to. What you think of me is the last thing I give a damn about on this earth. I do however, like getting people to do research for themselves and not buy into everything the media tells them.


You're just the altruistic troll soul out to help everyone then, are you?? :S
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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