
WTF is wrong with people???

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why is there even a trial for people like this. a perfect instance where summary executions on the spot would be useful. look how miserable that guy looks. he would probably thank the state of south carolina for putting him out of his misery. then again that would be too good for him. let him be bubba joe's butt lover for 20 years...he may like that too. what a sick, sick world we live in.

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the dog got off easy....she died. those poor innocent little girls are going to have to live with that and will never have a normal life. he took their lives away and for that there is no forgiveness. just as disturbing is the fact that he will probably do a year or two in jail and then go on doing this the rest of his life. ahhhhhhh! this is why i never watch local news.....nothing good on there.

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a public, well publicized execution would be appropriate here. Invite only unbiased media-added

I did much work in the public schools and found society failing our children in many cases

We need to teach them:

Integrity: the courage to do what is right

this is first. The next fall under Integrity.

Respect: Respect for yourself and others remembering respect is earned not granted

Responsibility: for your actions AND inactions

Honesty: to yourself and others but not brutally so

Accountibility: you did it you own it. Be a MAN (as in Human being) Take your punishment and learn from it. Be a good example.

There are many other good qualities. I feel these are the root of most.

Today's society is full of instances where we make excuses for our bad behavior in order to shirk our responsibilty and hide from accountability.

Our disdane for those around us has become well developed in the last 30 years. It starts small (littering for example) and works up to bigger things (rape, murder, domestic violence, child abuse, and others)

We the People in order to form a more perfect society must as a whole Say, "I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

the bleeding heart judges, politicians and lawyers who let these multiple repeat murderers, rapists, child molesters, spouse (SO) abusers back on the street to offend again should have to be held legally accountable for THEIR ACTIONS that result in harm to society.

Make prison miserable, make the prisoners grow their own food, make them earn their keep.

Consider the average cost to keep someone in prison (not to mention how expensive it is to keep someone on death row) is approx $50,000( a year)-added. Multiply that by the roughly 2,300,000 people in prison (according to straightdope.com) that comes to $115,000,000,000!

What could we do with 115 billion? Universal healthcare for US citizens? I don't know but it would put a dent in something.

End Rant

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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Damn it, you didn't say that link took us to Speaker's Corner. I've been trying to stay out of there[:/]


"When I got here we were laying on the deck looking at him and he had his pants down and he was doing sexual activity with the dog like a man would do to a woman."

I'd like to know where "here" is and why the hell they were "laying" on the deck "looking" at him. Did the act take place in their own backyard? If so, how the hell can some one just come into the back yard without the owner knowing. There is more to this story. Maybe the teen used doggie treats to keep the dog from barking.


Neighbors worry that if Williamson is accused of raping a dog and molesting two girls in the same neighborhood, who knows what might happen next.

What about the girls? I hate it when the reporters don't tell the whole story and we are left with questions.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Damn it, you didn't say that link took us to Speaker's Corner. I've been trying to stay out of there[:/]


"When I got here we were laying on the deck looking at him and he had his pants down and he was doing sexual activity with the dog like a man would do to a woman."

I'd like to know where "here" is and why the hell they were "laying" on the deck "looking" at him. Did the act take place in their own backyard? If so, how the hell can some one just come into the back yard without the owner knowing. There is more to this story. Maybe the teen used doggie treats to keep the dog from barking.


Neighbors worry that if Williamson is accused of raping a dog and molesting two girls in the same neighborhood, who knows what might happen next.

What about the girls? I hate it when the reporters don't tell the whole story and we are left with questions.

Sorry... I didn't think to warn people about the SC. :S

I wondered the same thing about the owners. I took it to mean when they got home they found the guy with the dog, but I don't understand why they were "laying on the deck looking at him." That makes NO sense at all.

And why is the focus on the dog and not the girls? I understand that pets are part of the family and what happened to that dog is TERRIBLE, but what about those poor little girls? Why isn't there more mention and focus on them? Has the world gotten so "used to it" that it isn't important anymore? >:( If that's the case, then this world is more fucked up than I thought. :|

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I have a daughter of my own and this kind of shit scares me to death. I couldn't imagine what those little girls and their parents must be going through right now. I think I would snap! I guess no one really knows how they would react to something like that until they've experienced it. Honestly, I think I would end up in jail because my ass would be on a man hunt>:(>:(>:(>:(

I hope they lock that son-of-a-bitch up and throw away the key!

The Original Cabana Boy!

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Make prison miserable, make the prisoners grow their own food, make them earn their keep.

so what makes you think that it isn't already?

if prison systems were set up to actually rehabilitate people (like alot of the european countries do.what a NOVEL FUCKING CONCEPT, eh? ) instead of shove everyone in a hole for x number of years until time served, then throw 'em back on the street without trying to get them back on the right path, then maybe things would be a bit different. also, before you jump on your big high horse about how everyone in prison should rot in hell, make sure you remember that shit next time you drive after drinking a beer...or you watch your friend do the same. a DUI can quickly turn into jail time as well and hey, maybe then you can earn YOUR keep.

a huge majority of the prison population is there for drug-related non-violent crimes.

so in YOUR world the people that got fucked up on drugs and ended up in jail (where in an ideal world would have NA or some other self-quit self-help program) should be viewed with the same light as the murderers, rapists, child molesters.

alot of the people in jail are just that...PEOPLE..non-violent ones....you know, HUMAN BEINGS that should not be treated as fucking animals. is that a blanket statement regarding all prisoners? nope. i do believe there are some truly evil fuckers out there. but it just pisses me off to hear people like you say how they should all be miserable and hot and barely fed and should suffer. prison shouldn't be a fucking resort but it shouldn't be below the standards that humans exist, either. maybe this thinking is something that should distinguish us from the knuckle draggers, but hey, maybe that's ideal thinking as well.

god bless the closed-minded people making these sorts of comments because it's that attitude that makes me sick.


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god bless the closed-minded people making these sorts of comments because it's that attitude that makes me sick.

Its closed minded simply due to the fact that you don't agree with it.

I love it when people start calling others "closed minded." Especially since 98% of the time its painfully obvious that its simply because its due to a belief someone doesn't agree with. It gets worst when its someone with a liberal ideal discussing a non-trendy belief.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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hey, maybe you're right. so that's a hypocritical comment and i should take it back. i was pissed off and typed something before i thought about it. thanks for calling me out on it.

maybe i should say instead that it pisses me off when people think that everyone that's in jail should be treated like shit regardless of the reason why they're there instead of taking it on a case by case basis.

i'll leave that statement with an apology for the gross generalization that i accused someone else of making. at least i'll own up to it.

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i'll leave that statement with an apology for the gross generalization that i accused someone else of making. at least i'll own up to it.

That's very good of you, if folks would think about these sorts of things debates on the internet would go much smoother.:P
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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it's when people get pissed and fly off typing before thinking it thru....which i've been known to do once or twice.:P at least i'm not the only one guilty of it.;)

carry on. this was moved to speakers corner and i really don't like it too much in here. i'm not THAT argumentative.


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carry on.

Meh. I really don't care. Anymore I jump into a thread in SC, say a couple of things then move on with life. I can damn near predict the different arguements that will happen and from what people in each of the threads here so its more fun for me to just be me (a goofball) and pop in and out of threads as such.:D
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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jump into a thread in SC, say a couple of things then move on with life. I can damn near predict the different arguements

Just remember it's always Bush/Kerry fault.:S

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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hey, maybe you're right. so that's a hypocritical comment and i should take it back. i was pissed off and typed something before i thought about it. thanks for calling me out on it.

maybe i should say instead that it pisses me off when people think that everyone that's in jail should be treated like shit regardless of the reason why they're there instead of taking it on a case by case basis.

i'll leave that statement with an apology for the gross generalization that i accused someone else of making........

Wow, that was about the classiest response I've ever seen in speaker's corner. I'm sorry we didn't get to meet you when we were visiting Florida in March.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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so what makes you think that it isn't already?

in my area they get steak for dinner (3 squares), AC, movie channels, magazines (including playboy),weight room, basket ball courts... in many cases this is better than they had on the street.


if prison systems were set up to actually rehabilitate people (like alot of the european countries do.what a NOVEL FUCKING CONCEPT, eh? ) instead of shove everyone in a hole for x number of years until time served, then throw 'em back on the street without trying to get them back on the right path, then maybe things would be a bit different.

like england? check your stats the reoffend rate is higher than the us. I have lived in Europe. I grew up there. They have similar and different problems.

I never said anything about the duration of stay or about throwing them back without help.
you did when you mis-quoted me


also, before you jump on your big high horse about how everyone in prison should rot in hell, make sure you remember that shit next time you drive after drinking a beer...or you watch your friend do the same. a DUI can quickly turn into jail time as well and hey, maybe then you can earn YOUR keep.

I never said they should rot in hell. you did when you mis-quoted me

I don't drink and drive and I prevent my friends from doing so. I also work for an organization that tries to help people who have gotten dui's get their licenses back and for repeat offenders to get counceling as well as providing education to young people to help them learn. I work for a non-profit org supporting the community which provides free and reduced costs services. I volunteer for an Emergency Operations Center providing support for the hurricane victims. I helped them get fed, sheltered, and attended to medically.


a huge majority of the prison population is there for drug-related non-violent crimes.

so you say non violent crimes should not be punished?


so in YOUR world the people that got fucked up on drugs and ended up in jail (where in an ideal world would have NA or some other self-quit self-help program) should be viewed with the same light as the murderers, rapists, child molesters.

I was directly addressing the latter. Drug use is a choice. People choose to start. I never said they should not be offered help. you did when you mis-quoted me I asserted the prison experience should be more like maricopa county Arizona, I think it is.


alot of the people in jail are just that...PEOPLE..non-violent ones....you know, HUMAN BEINGS that should not be treated as fucking animals.

I did not state anywhere they were to be denied common human dignity and basic human rights. you did when you mis-quoted me
I said make it unpleasant.


is that a blanket statement regarding all prisoners? nope. i do believe there are some truly evil fuckers out there. but it just pisses me off to hear people like you say how they should all be miserable and hot and barely fed and should suffer. prison shouldn't be a fucking resort but it shouldn't be below the standards that humans exist,

they should be miserable and suffer but not to the point their health is threatened. My contention is that if life is miserable in prison they are less like likley to come back.http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/m/miracopjail.htm

I never said barely fed. you did when you mis-quoted me I said grow their own food. as for hot are you saying treated at the same level as our military in time of war is sub-human? As you can see from the link above someone is being tough and also helping. It works!


either. maybe this thinking is something that should distinguish us from the knuckle draggers, but hey, maybe that's ideal thinking as well.

god bless the closed-minded people making these sorts of comments because it's that attitude that makes me sick.


so you say that because I hold a conservative opinion I am a knuckledragger? That is character assasination.

I do not have a high horse. I have an opinion, as do you.

I expressed my desire for a hard line on criminals along with the idea that we need to be better examples to our children and should hold them accountable as we should hold ourselves accountable.

We are both allowed to have them. There is enough room in this world for opinions of all kinds. They are neither right or wrong, they are opinions. Neither of us should be attacked for having any and expressing them.

You did not take the time to learn anything about me. You did not learn that I am one of those who help those who need it. You personally attacked me for my opinion. You did not enter into a discourse with me regarding my opinion and how it relates to yours. You mis-quoted me numerous times. Clear minded people are contemplative, learn the facts, have thoughtful discourse, and are not reactionary. You, by the evidence of your words and type of response, only reacted to what I said and did not contemplate my words.

If you would like to sit down sometime and have a quite and productive discussion, I will be happy to do that. I will never hold your opinions against you and hope to shake your hand and say thanks for voicing it.

now let's go jump....

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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