
Allawi:Saddam sponsored the birth of Al Qaeda in Iraq

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There is plenty of evidence for all the points I made, but you choose to ignore it.

Please privide PROOF, not some cray theories, hearsay, or chain letters from a guy trying to sell a book. If you have such evidence then maybe you should provide it to the press.


Anyway, why do you hold me to a higher standard than your own President?

I don't....If he were saying unsubstaniated crap, I would ask him to provide proof as well.


You don't complain that he invaded a country without proof, yet you shout about it when I post some text on a forum on the internet.

He had proof....It was bad. That does not make him a liar.

You post some crap from the internet and claim it is proof....

Lets see a guy that most consider to be the most powerful man in the world with the CIA, FBI, NSA, and several other countries intel agencies providing him daily information....Or you, some guy that pulled some shit off of a forum....May thats a tough one to see who I would trust to have better intel. :S
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Yes, I'm sure there are terrorists in Iraq, but as you all know so are in:
- France
- Germany
- Spain
- England
- Indonesia
- and so on, bla, bla, bla

You missed the point. If this story is true, it confirms that SH was supporting terrorism before the US invasion. This was one of the main reasons given for the invasion.

NOT. Source: State of the Union Address 2003.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Yes, I'm sure there are terrorists in Iraq, but as you all know so are in:
- France
- Germany
- Spain
- England
- Indonesia
- and so on, bla, bla, bla

You missed the point. If this story is true, it confirms that SH was supporting terrorism before the US invasion. This was one of the main reasons given for the invasion.

NOT. Source: State of the Union Address 2003.

And you believed him? :D:D

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Yes, I'm sure there are terrorists in Iraq, but as you all know so are in:
- France
- Germany
- Spain
- England
- Indonesia
- and so on, bla, bla, bla

You missed the point. If this story is true, it confirms that SH was supporting terrorism before the US invasion. This was one of the main reasons given for the invasion.

NOT. Source: State of the Union Address 2003.

And you believed him? :D:D

No. Search the archives for my opinion:|

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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He had proof....It was bad. That does not make him a liar.

Ron, Ron, Ron..,
I feel sorry for you man.
You say 'He had proof" and then you go on to say"it was wrong". LOL!!!
Proof could not be wrong.
George didn't have "proof".

What he had was a group of advisors and underlings who were willing to fabricate evidence to support the predetermined agenda .

In other words, when George W told Congress and the world that Saddam was a threat to America, quite simply, he was lying.

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Do you really believe this? LOL!
Do you have any evidence that there is some "group" called Al-Queida?

Do you know any members?

Isn't this the "group" the government has blamed for many terrorist type attacks against Americans?
Didn't the government blame 9-11 on Al-Queida as well?

Can you provide any evidence that Al-Queida members were responsible for 9-11?


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Do you really believe this? LOL!
Do you have any evidence that there is some "group" called Al-Queida?

Well, yes I think there's some evidence of a group called Al Qaeda.


Do you know any members?

No not personally. Do you think the fact I don't know any Al Qaeda members is evidence they don't exist? I don't know any members of the New York Yankees either. Does that mean they don't exist.


Isn't this the "group" the government has blamed for many terrorist type attacks against Americans?

Actually, they have taken credit for terrorist attacks. They are led by some dude named Osama Bin Laden or something like that. I don't know this Bin Laden character personally. Does that mean he doesn't exist either?


Didn't the government blame 9-11 on Al-Queida as well?

Actually, this Bin Laden dude said he did it, but I see where you are going here. It's a huge government hoax. Like the moon landing.


Can you provide any evidence that Al-Queida members were responsible for 9-11?

The only thing I know is they said they did it. But I secretly think the government was behind it. Just don't tell anyone I said that O.K. I fear the guys with black turtle necks will come and get me a night while I sleep. Shhhhhh.......



Blue Cliffs to you to.

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[Well, yes I think there's some evidence of a group called Al Qaeda.
Would you please provide this group with all and any evidence you hold ?
Please provide us with the names of Al-Queida members of which you are aware
Please provide us with any names of this groups Chapters which you have certain evidence.

Please provide us any evidence which you hold that proves AL-Queida exists other than in the propaganda of your own government.



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[Well, yes I think there's some evidence of a group called Al Qaeda.
Would you please provide this group with all and any evidence you hold ?
Please provide us with the names of Al-Queida members of which you are aware
Please provide us with any names of this groups Chapters which you have certain evidence.

Please provide us any evidence which you hold that proves AL-Queida exists other than in the propaganda of your own government.



Well, OK you got me there. Can you provide evidence of a govt. conspiracy? I've heard the plane that hit the Pentagon was really a missle and that the Jews were behind the World Trade Center destruction. Is this your understanding too?

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The only thing I know is they said they did it.
and can you provide a source to back this claim?
Don't bother dude.
Because the startlingTruth is that no group has ever claimed responsibility for 9-11.

Now here is something interesting which you may like to ponder.
Generally speaking, terrorist groups commit terrorist acts for a purpose. They want to bring attention to their cause and are not shy about letting the world know who commited these acts.

As of today, no group has claimed to be behind the incidents of 9-11.

So name your source .Dude. You know, the one that said "they did it". LOL!!!!

If it ain't Bush and the zionists you are far off base. Infact you are out in the picnic area next to left field on "short bus" Saturday.


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So name your source .Dude. You know, the one that said "they did it". LOL!!!!

Well, the admission/claim of responsibility is on a video tape. But it's being said by Osama Bin Ladin, so I guess it's not real 'cause he's not real.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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[Well, yes I think there's some evidence of a group called Al Qaeda.
Would you please provide this group with all and any evidence you hold ?
Please provide us with the names of Al-Queida members of which you are aware
Please provide us with any names of this groups Chapters which you have certain evidence.

Please provide us any evidence which you hold that proves AL-Queida exists other than in the propaganda of your own government.



Well, OK you got me there.

So you can't provide any evidence that this "Al-Queda" exists. Yet you go on and on about "Al-Friggin -Queda.

So does the government which you blindly support!!!!!!!!!

The government of the USA went to war against Afgahnistan supposedly to fight "Al-Queda".

You,Gravity master , were a leading cheerleader in this war.
But you can't even provide one scrap of evidence to proove that Al-Queida even exists?

Would you be suprised to know that the USA government decided to go to war against Afgahnistan in February 2001?

Months before the WTC bombings?

Hey, riddle me this Batman,..What was the cause of number7's collapse?

Good Day

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Well, the admission/claim of responsibility is on a video tape.

Oh yes, "video tape".
And the tape couldn't ever be manipulated , could it Michelle.
The other day I saw Fred Astair dancing with J Lo.

Besides, have you watched the tape to which you refer,Michelle?
It is an obvious forgery. Bin Laden aint black and his nose ain't at all flat and wide. Also he don't eat at no Kentucky Fried Chicken!


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And the tape couldn't ever be manipulated , could it Michelle.

If you are paying such close detail, you'd realize my name is spelled with one L.

As to the tape, if you saw one wherein he's eating KFC, can you recall which hand he was eating it with?


Back to the topic at hand (which is whether or not SH sponsored AQ in Iraq in 99), there has been interesting claims made that Ramsey Yousef traveled to the US in '93 for the first WTC attack using an iraqi passport; simply something else to consider.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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And the tape couldn't ever be manipulated , could it Michelle.

If you are paying such close detail, you'd realize my name is spelled with one L.

1600+ Americans dead ,hundreds of thousands more injured and mentally deranged and you want to talk about a spelling error in your name?

It isn't all about you Michellllle .

Back to the topic at hand (which is whether or not SH sponsored AQ in Iraq in 99), there has been interesting claims made that Ramsey Yousef traveled to the US in '93 for the first WTC attack using an iraqi passport; simply something else to consider.

And do you have any evidence to support these claims?

Do you have any evidence to support the claim that Osama Ben Ladin or any Arab had any hand in the 9-11 incidents?
We have already gone to war over this Michelle.
Please justify the killing and maiming of so many on this Bin Ladin evidence,

Can you"
Is there any evidence?
Produce it.



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It was Bush and the Israeli who planned 9/11 before Bush even got into office. This certainly explains a lot. I think I've seen the light. How bout you?

Is thtat how it went down? Man, I've been blind. But like ol' whatshisname from the bible, the scales have been removed from my eyes, and I can see now!



~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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It was Bush and the Israeli who planned 9/11 before Bush even got into office. This certainly explains a lot. I think I've seen the light. How bout you?

Is thtat how it went down? Man, I've been blind. But like ol' whatshisname from the bible, the scales have been removed from my eyes, and I can see now!


Sometimes laughter is due to nervousness.

I wonder Michelle if you have attempted to educate yourself.
Have you clued in and listened to David Ray Griffins' lecture?

If you have blindly believed and followed the administration since 9-11 I understand why you are nervously laughing.
It is hard to admit you were wrong for so many years.

It will be even harder to look in the widows face when both of you know it was all for a lie!



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He's got us Michelle. It was Bush and the Israeli who planned 9/11 before Bush even got into office. This certainly explains a lot. I think I've seen the light. How bout you? :ph34r:


So you got any answers ,Big Guy?
Any proof which would justify sending my brother and 1600+ more to die?

Do you have any proof that Osama or Afgahnistan was responsible for the crimes of 9-11?

If you do please post it now.

Fair Winds,

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SH did not live up to the cease fire agreement at the end of the gulf war. Should we have just said, "never mind, you don't have to comply after all?" Germany was allowed to violate the terms of the treaty of Versailles. Many thought they were not a threat. They were wrong.

He was firing on our planes regularly.

He was sending money to bomber's families.

Maybe we should have sent a diplomat, he probably could have returned with a piece of paper, declaring 'peace in our times'.

Unfortunately, this is still a world where violence is needed to protect our freedom. Some think increased funding for 'first responders' is a critical priority. I think not.

Here is the Al Qaeda training manual. It is good to know your enemy. They most certainly do want to destroy us.

People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Do you have any proof that Osama or Afgahnistan was responsible for the crimes of 9-11?

Just because you claim that UBL's claim of responsibility was fabricated does not make it so.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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[Here is the Al Qaeda training manual.

LOL!!!! Did you buy into that?

i wonder why you would more readilly accept a conspiracy theory which claims Arabs attacked us ,over one which claims that our own Government attacked us.

Given those two scenarios, which group do you believe had enough resourses to carry out the attacks?



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Just because you claim that UBL's claim of responsibility was fabricated does not make it so.

That is very true ,my freind.

Couild you please post "proof" that Osamas' video is legit?

I knew that you couldn't!

That tape is of a fat black guy . He be waitin' on the KFC truck to come on down the road.
Osama is more a bean sprouts and shish-ka-bob type . Certainly he aint got no fat ,wide nose.

Look at yo' Mama!

Blues ,

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Of course our government has more resources. That proves nothing.

You are quite sure that it wasn't UBL. This claim is a new one to me. I don't expect you to prove it, but are there any other sources that make the same claim?

I don't think any proof would be enough to satisfy you, because you don't want to believe.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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