
To show the "Chairborn Rangers" what our troops are dealing with...

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Am I reading you correctly?

No, you are not reading me correctly.

When you sign up for the army aren't you warned in any form that joining the army can result in serious injury or death? So if it happens then you have no right to say: "I didn't know that I have to do THIS." (like killing somebody, or see dead children..)

I am not blaiming soldiers here! Somebody has to do this job.. And I think most of them know what they are getting themselves into.

This is all I wanted to say..

Whatever.. it's horrible that something like this happens.

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Ok, I'm outta here.. Speakers Corner is not my place to be. Too many pissed americans for the 3 posts I made :P I have no chance against such a overwhelming majority.. Play on without me! :)
(For the PM's: YES, I never served in the army. I am against weapons. I am against war. And I hate George Bush.)

I go skydiving now.

Over and out,

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They signed up to defend this country, to defend freedom. Soldiers are not given a choice about war, that is up to politicians. If you felt the war in Iraq was justified, would you be praising the soldiers? Don't saddle them with the consequences of a decision they didn't make. They are doing their duty the best they can. I’m guessing you never served.

Well spoken as usual...

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I am against weapons. I am against war.

I bet you aren't against them as much as the men and women getting wounded and killed (along with the non-physical issues war brinbs) without a choice in the matter. You can dislike war, the President, and anything else, but you should respect and thank the soldiers serving our country. We need a military to defend this country and these men and women answered the call.


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I am against weapons. I am against war.

I bet you aren't against them as much as the men and women getting wounded and killed (along with the non-physical issues war brinbs) without a choice in the matter. You can dislike war, the President, and anything else, but you should respect and thank the soldiers serving our country. We need a military to defend this country and these men and women answered the call.



"For those who will fight for it, freedom has a flavor the protected shall never know" - L/Cpl Edwin "Tim" Craft, USMC

I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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When you sign up for the army aren't you warned in any form that joining the army can result in serious injury or death? So if it happens then you have no right to say: "I didn't know that I have to do THIS." (like killing somebody, or see dead children..)

I don't hear that many soldiers complaining. I think the point was to bring a greater awareness to those who constantly second guess our troops actions of what they are dealing with on a daily basis.


I am not blaiming soldiers here! Somebody has to do this job.. And I think most of them know what they are getting themselves into.

Absolutely, true. The question is do you understand what they have to do?


This is all I wanted to say..

Whatever.. it's horrible that something like this happens.


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Absolutely, true. The question is do you understand what they have to do?

The question is perhaps, do you really understand what they have to do?

They have to make the right decisions to protect life, not become complacent or gain a cavalier attitude towards life (I'm not saying all or even most do, but some do).

The firefighter has to go into a burning building to save a life, that doesn't mean he shoots the doorman in the head for fun along the way.

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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For all the "bashers" who seem to think the US is responsible for all these deaths and the terrorists aren't, I say take your heads out of the sand. But don't take my word for it. Pick up a book by Tyler Hicks titled: Histories are Mirrors:The Path of conflict Through Afghanistan and Iraq (Umbrage Editions $35) It is a photo documentary of Hicks( contract photog for NY Times) experiences in both Afghanistan and Iraq. For those of you who have never been to these parts of the world, you will see a brief glimpse of the level of culturally accepted brutality that they inflict on themselves with or without our involvment. You can also check out a interview with david Leeson and see some of his work HERE
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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They have to make the right decisions to protect life, not become complacent or gain a cavalier attitude towards life (I'm not saying all or even most do, but some do).

The firefighter has to go into a burning building to save a life, that doesn't mean he shoots the doorman in the head for fun along the way.

You are SOOOO FAR off base from reality and comparison that I won't bother writing more than this as a response..

I'm going to have a bunch of signs made... :o

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For all the "bashers" who seem to think the US is responsible for all these deaths...

Scott, irregardless of the above statement, what do you say our present responsibilities to Iraq are?

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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I think some people go over there because they want to "kick some ass" and thus are less likely to hold true the ideals of life.

Did I say all? No.

I absolutely respect the men and women who are in the military, who are working hard to make the RIGHT decisions over there.

Do I think that SOME people try to use the environment that soldiers are placed in to justify any and every action, irregardless of right or wrong? Absolutely.

Look at the very first post in this thread.


For those of you that sit by every day and run your mouth about how you would do better or how our soldiers should have done better "SHAME ON YOU"...

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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The firefighter has to go into a burning building to save a life, that doesn't mean he shoots the doorman in the head for fun along the way.


True but a fire fighter will cut a big fucking hole in the roof spray water every where and even tear walls down. The point is that some times in spite of our best efforts, damage is some times unavoidable.

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How do you replace a dead parent, child, or sibling?

I can replace a wall. I can replace a roof.

It would appear that my and your definitions of "damage" are a little different.

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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I think some people go over there because they want to "kick some ass" and thus are less likely to hold true the ideals of life.

Did I say all? No.

I absolutely respect the men and women who are in the military, who are working hard to make the RIGHT decisions over there.

Do I think that SOME people try to use the environment that soldiers are placed in to justify any and every action, irregardless of right or wrong? Absolutely.

Look at the very first post in this thread.


For those of you that sit by every day and run your mouth about how you would do better or how our soldiers should have done better "SHAME ON YOU"...


I'm sure their are some who are psychotic enough to take pleasure in killing, raping and torturing. These same people may even be able to hold these urges in check when engaged in the day to day of life in general. I'm sure that war and fanatacism brings out a sub-human element in people just as it did during WW2. However, the point of this thread is that unless you have served, you don't know anything more than what you read in the paper or see on TV and you should at least give the 99.9% of our troops (edit: who are trying to do the best they can under the circumstances,) the benefit of the doubt unless you have definite evidence to the contrary.

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what do you say our present responsibilities to Iraq are?

That's another topic entirely and I don't care to discuss what I think the answer to that question is because arguing it on the internet is pointless. REGARDLESS of what others may think they know, what goes on, on a daily basis in these countries is for the greater good of the common people. Unfortunately, the media only mentions the common man when it involves a tradgedy of sorts. I bet not 1 person reading this even has an idea of how many people we saved in this country little over a month ago when they had a catastrophic flood hit or even knows there was an unprecedented flood here.Incidentally, the flood was in no way the responsibility of the US but had someone thought it was I bet it would of made news. I do know that the man who called afterwards on the phone to thank us was none other than the president of afghanistan himself. That really doesn't mean as much to me as it does when the people that we saved come up to me now and thank me. For every 1 bad thing you see or hear about, 100 good things go unmentioned.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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what do you say our present responsibilities to Iraq are?

That's another topic entirely and I don't care to discuss what I think the answer to that question is because arguing it on the internet is pointless. REGARDLESS of what others may think they know, what goes on, on a daily basis in these countries is for the greater good of the common people. Unfortunately, the media only mentions the common man when it involves a tradgedy of sorts. I bet not 1 person reading this even has an idea of how many people we saved in this country little over a month ago when they had a catastrophic flood hit or even knows there was an unprecedented flood here.Incidentally, the flood was in no way the responsibility of the US but had someone thought it was I bet it would of made news. I do know that the man who called afterwards on the phone to thank us was none other than the president of afghanistan himself. That really doesn't mean as much to me as it does when the people that we saved come up to me now and thank me. For every 1 bad thing you see or hear about, 100 good things go unmentioned.

Well said. What is it about some people that only allows them to see the bad in things?

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See, I think that favoritism in this case is wrong.

If we have to actually question a persons actions, then we need to do so in an unbiased manor.

Not say, "Hey, we are questioning what you did, but we are allready assuming you are right 99.9% of the time"

(immediately after this conversation took place, we'd have to do a really really big obvious wink and probably point at our eye when we did it too ;))

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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Speakers Corner would be just a little bit boring if we only talked about the 100 good things to every bad, don't you think Scott?

Do those 100 good things justify every bad thing?

I have to actually go teach now, more witty comments from me in a while.

"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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See, I think that favoritism in this case is wrong.

If we have to actually question a persons actions, then we need to do so in an unbiased manor.

Not say, "Hey, we are questioning what you did, but we are allready assuming you are right 99.9% of the time"

(immediately after this conversation took place, we'd have to do a really really big obvious wink and probably point at our eye when we did it too ;))


You are missing the point. I am saying you better have a reason to question something before you do it. The last thing I want our guys to do is to hesitate and end up dead because they are concerned about being excoriated because of a Chairborne Rangers 20/20 hindsite.

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