
Student kills 5 at school and grandparents

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Why did it drop in Chicago?

I already answered that...what you have done is failed to answer MY question.

Whats wrong can't admit you don't know?

Why DID the crime rate in the same city go DOWN after the city made eveyone have a weapon in their homes?

If you don't know its OK to say so...But to just contunie to ask a question I have already answered is (while your style) not what I would hope from you.

Come on now John...Why did the crime rate go down in Kennesaw after the gun law?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Why did it drop in Chicago?

I already answered that...what you have done is failed to answer MY question.

Whats wrong can't admit you don't know?

Why DID the crime rate in the same city go DOWN after the city made eveyone have a weapon in their homes?

If you don't know its OK to say so...But to just contunie to ask a question I have already answered is (while your style) not what I would hope from you.

Come on now John...Why did the crime rate go down in Kennesaw after the gun law?

Do a thorough study on the demographics of Kennesaw and you may come up with an answer. Claiming it's on account of one change without looking at anything else is stupid. Just like in Chicago, where applying YOUR logic can be used to suggest that stopping executions lowered the murder rate. Or maybe it was the closing of Meigs Field that caused the murder rate to drop. Yes, that MUST be the reason. Good for Daley!

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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the problem is that people don't want to look at the causes, they only want to argue the method/vehicle. They're still ignoring this kid.

If one addresses the causes, the method/vehicle becomes unimportant. And then what would they have to blame?

We're on the same wavelength here. The problem is psychological, I think. If they are not allowed to take the "easy way" out and blame gun control, then instead, they have to turn their attention inward - onto themselves. They would have to blame how adults failed to give this child proper guidance and channel his energy into positive things. They would have to blame their own Reservation management system for failing to address the kid's problems and needs. They would have to blame their own culture of alcoholism, drugs and violence.

And no one wants to blame themselves.

It's too easy to blame it all on guns...

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Wrong way around, don't assume a relationship unless you have evidence for it.

If the anti-gun folks were to take that lesson to heart, they would be left with nothing. Recall the comprehensive study of many different types of gun laws which concluded that they couldn't find any evidence to show that any of them were actually effective at accomplishing a reduction in gun crime.

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Homicides in Chicago decline 22% in first quarter of 2005, following a 25% decline in 2004.

Chicago has had restrictive gun laws for decades. And you finally got two good years, and conclude that the gun laws caused it? Hah! Oh, and the murder rate in Chicago is still much higher than the national average. We just had another thread recently in which Kennedy and I showed you those stats. Have you forgotten them already?

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Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
I can bet the answer to both of the questions has nothing to do with the death penatly.

The fact is, murder rates go up and down independent of gun laws. Kallend knows that, but likes to play games and make people presume there is some correlation. There isn't. There are numerous variables which affect crime rates, like the percentage of the population in the young crime-prone years, the economy, and so on.

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Chicago murder is down 41% over 2 years. Perhaps all big cities should follow Mayor Daley's lead in Chicago.

It ain't gun control that is responsible for that. New quotes:

1) ...many other major cities, like Chicago, have reduced homicides to 40-year lows with more cops on the beat, more video surveillance and targeted policing. “Here it was street gangs controlling the retail drug trade,” says Chicago police superintendent Philip Cline. “That's what we went after.”

2) Chicago has lowered its murder rate sharply in just the last year. Police focused on thwarting retaliation murders, and they use cameras extensively to videotape drug suspects. Undercover drug buys and community policing - including frequent meetings with residents - are also critical.

3) "The Windy City had the nation's worst murder rate for much of the last decade, but then saw a dramatic drop last year, with 448 murders, down from just under 600 in 2003. But the approach that officials in Chicago took was very different from the crime-fighting tactics in New York...

I'm not sorry to burst the bubble of this myth you're trying to perpetrate.

The success is simply due to good police work. It has nothing at all to do with gun control laws. As that last quote points out, Chicago was amongst the worst murder rates in the nation for a long time - ya' gonna attribute that to tight gun laws too? I doubt it...

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It's about dead people, and a child who killed them.

It's about dead people, and a child who killed them with great EASE
- no more than a point and a squeeze.
The physical excersion involved in offing all those people with a
baseball bat could have had a positive effect on a depressive state
of mind - you know, better circulation, endorphines, and all that.
But, hey, what can we do - we've slid into the age of the lazy, fat
and cowardish couch potatoes, everything has to work with the
click of a remote control or the squeeze of a trigger.

Cheers, T
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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John, thanks for that. But the problem is that people don't want to look at the causes, they only want to argue the method/vehicle. They're still ignoring this kid.

If one addresses the causes, the method/vehicle becomes unimportant. And then what would they have to blame?

The bottom line is that one kid went nuts and for a while lost his mind and killed a lot of people. With ease as it has been pointed out.
How do you stop people going nuts? In the capitalist country you live, society is very polarized, and while some people find success, other people finds failure. It is the latest the ones that have more chances to go nuts.
Kids are mean, how can we stop popular kids to pick on unpopular ones? (goths, fats, short) the latest ones, are very likely to say that is enough, and do something stupid.


Pinning the blame onto something as easy as gun control is ignoring the real issues, and the real cause of this horrible event. And that's what needs to be addressed, not who has which gun, which country has less/more crime, and how big a business guns are...

The real issue is that there is no solution for the real issue. In a 260 million country, you will not have a way to stop anyone going nuts, specially with the violence culture there is on TV, where a naked woman is seen almost as pornographic, but a violent movie is okay to all ages.


Look at the real issue, people, and find ways to address that. It's not nearly so easy, and certainly not as fun, though.

I agree with you, what anti-gun people wants is that while those issues are addressed and solved, a teenager do not have an easy access to a firearm. That way, if he goes nuts, he will not be able to kill so many people in so little time.


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Why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
I can bet the answer to both of the questions has nothing to do with the death penatly.

The fact is, murder rates go up and down independent of gun laws. Kallend knows that, but likes to play games and make people presume there is some correlation. There isn't. There are numerous variables which affect crime rates, like the percentage of the population in the young crime-prone years, the economy, and so on.

Oh, so gun laws are uncorrelated with crime rates. Tell that to your hero, John Lott, whom you have quoted frequently on the topic. I guess it also settles the Kennesaw question.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Why did it drop in Chicago?

I already answered that...what you have done is failed to answer MY question.

Whats wrong can't admit you don't know?

Why DID the crime rate in the same city go DOWN after the city made eveyone have a weapon in their homes?

If you don't know its OK to say so...But to just contunie to ask a question I have already answered is (while your style) not what I would hope from you.

Come on now John...Why did the crime rate go down in Kennesaw after the gun law?

Nothing to do with the gun law - see John Rich's comments a couple of posts up.

BTW the Kennesaw law has no teeth. Accoring to the city historian, a guy named Jones:

"The law in its final form has many loopholes, so not everyone is required to own a gun.

"There are many outs," he said. "When you look at it, almost anyone could fit into one of the exempted groups."

And Kennesaw Police Chief Dwaine Wilson said no one has ever been prosecuted under the ordinance.

Among those exempt are residents "who conscientiously oppose maintaining firearms as a result of beliefs or religious doctrine." Others exempt include the physically and mentally disabled, paupers and those convicted of a felony.

The Kennesaw law contains no clause addressing punishment for violating the law.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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All this negative stuff you say, but you cannot counter with any reason why the crime rate in the same city dropped after the law was changed.

The same city, same buildings, same people....But the crime rate dropped, and STAYED low.

If you don't have a good answer John, its OK to say you don't know.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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If one addresses the causes, the method/vehicle becomes unimportant. And then what would they have to blame?

We're on the same wavelength here. The problem is psychological, I think. If they are not allowed to take the "easy way" out and blame gun control, then instead, they have to turn their attention inward - onto themselves. They would have to blame how adults failed to give this child proper guidance and channel his energy into positive things. They would have to blame their own Reservation management system for failing to address the kid's problems and needs. They would have to blame their own culture of alcoholism, drugs and violence..

yeah right - it's not about guns at all -
it would have made no difference had the kid gone
into the school with a sling shot, a steel pipe, a carving knive or a
tomahawk. Same outcome - at least in the broader spiritual
and psychological of self expression of anger and all that. The
dead - they will understand the troubles of the mind and that not
really the bullets are to blame that busted up their bodies.

Gimme a break!
I mean, it's really a curious picture when staunch gun advocates
get all sobby about the social resposibilities in regard to mental
well being.

It's only because we don't cure the mentally disturbed? Any idea
how many messed up people there are out there that phase in and
out of delusions and paranoias and ride the edges of
self-destruction - especially, in the frayed and disintegrated
social environment of this culture. Sure, it'd be a noble goal to make
all of these tens and hundreds of thousands of nut jobs stable,
content and resposible citizens - but it's a pipe dream in another
galaxy. Meanwhile, non-regulation of guns is also non-regulation
for these people. Anyone whose paranoias, phobias, depressions
and what not spill over into some form of destructive insanity, even
if just temporarily, can act upon it instantaneously, without effort
thanks to the ease and simplicity of using a gun. At least for the
first couple of kills the act is abstract -more like the acting out of
the mind- thanks to the convenient remote operation.

Cheers, T
Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true

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yeah right - it's not about guns at all -
it would have made no difference had the kid gone
into the school with a sling shot, a steel pipe, a carving knive or a
tomahawk. Same outcome - at least in the broader spiritual
and psychological of self expression of anger and all that. The
dead - they will understand the troubles of the mind and that not
really the bullets are to blame that busted up their bodies.

Gimme a break!

Your whole argument is based on the idea that if guns were banned by law, then this guy would not have had access to them.

A false assumption.

The point is that banning guns by law does not reduce access to criminals & crazy people who don't give a s&*t about the law.

(for example inthis case, don't forget that if only police had guns, this guy still would have had access to them. I believe the story is his grandfather was a cop & that's where he got the weapons.)
Speed Racer

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Oh, so gun laws are uncorrelated with crime rates. Tell that to your hero, John Lott, whom you have quoted frequently on the topic. I guess it also settles the Kennesaw question.

Gun control laws do not correlate.

You've really got a for John Lott, don't you? You take every opportunity to sing about him. Hey, if you don't like what he says, start your own thread.

What is in play in Kennesaw, GA, where the town passed an ordinance requiring every family to have a gun, is the criminal's expectation of encountering an armed defender. Such expectations make criminals go elsewhere. The same thing is why concealed handgun laws are so effective. It's not so much the gun law itself, but the effect it has on the mind of the criminals. Surveys of prison inmates prove that the thing they fear most is an armed citizen. They want easy, defenseless victims, not people that fight back and can kill them.

Gun control laws, on the other hand, don't work because criminals just ignore them, and the penalties are usually less than for what crimes they're already committing. If they're doing armed robbery, and face 20 years in prison, a minor charge for possessing a gun illegally doesn't mean squat to them.

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non-regulation of guns...

Firearms are far from unregulated. Every single gun manufactured is recorded by the government. Every gun sold by the manufacturer to a gun dealer is recorded by the government. Every gun sale by a gun dealer is personally approved by the FBI after a background check of the purchaser. And so on...


thanks to the ease and simplicity of using a gun...

What law would you pass that would stop criminals and crazy people from getting guns?

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Lol, Switzerland, Ron, JR, ever been there? If and when you where there, how many guns did you see? Many side arms strapped to the people there? lol

Michele, John, nice try, but one of the first suggestions to come out of this thread was to arm teachers and school administrative personel. according to the pro-gun crowd adding guns is the answer, but I don't hear you complaining about that....

Kallend, thanks for pointing out the obvious. Zenister, maybe you should read my post again, never said it definitely would not scale, just said it often doesn't. Hadn't expected that from you.

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Lol, Switzerland, Ron, JR, ever been there? If and when you where there, how many guns did you see? Many side arms strapped to the people there? lol

I don't see Americans with guns strapped to them either?

Ever been here, or do you just get your ideas from TV:S
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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used to live there.



It seems he lived in the Old west;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Michele, John, nice try, but one of the first suggestions to come out of this thread was to arm teachers and school administrative personel. according to the pro-gun crowd adding guns is the answer, but I don't hear you complaining about that....

Justin, you actually did hear me complain about that. When I said this isn't a conversation about gun control, I meant everyone...not just those who are anti gun. I meant everyone.

I am pro gun...but in this instance, that isn't the issue. The issue is a teenager in crisis, and why that wasn't noted, addressed, and helped.

It's still not about gun control, but it's far easier to yak about that and argue about that and point fingers at that and blame that. And while that's going on, there are more kids in crisis that need help who aren't being seen or noticed.

But oh well...


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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It's about dead people, and a child who killed them with great EASE
- no more than a point and a squeeze.

Right, a pipe bomb would have been too difficult to make....

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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