
should pit bulls be banned??

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They have an instinct in them that makes them dangerously aggressive at a moments notice.***

bullshit!! they are not a crazed killer, you should do some homework on this one.

all I will attest to is my own dog as I havent been around other pitts for any great length of time.

some food for thought about my dangerous dog....

two years ago while I was preparing to video a tandem and doing some ground footage I kept hearing a hollow thunk-thunk-thunk- from outside the dz shack, it wasnt a sound I had ever heard before so I walked outside and found a four year old girl standing next to my dog and hitting him in the head with a wooden mallet - other than flinching and looking at me as I walked outside - as if to say....."help" he wasnt upset at all - I was the one upset that the mother was standing right there while her rotten offspring was antagonizing my "ticking time bomb"......

I lived with my gf for over a year and a half, with her three boys ages 5, 9, and 10. this "dangerously agressive" beast ate with them, slept with them, sat outside the bathtub while they bathed. >probably just letting them tenderize<

at a baseball game one of the other families had a 5 yr old daughter that wanted to walk my "monster" so I said ok, but if he starts to pull hard, just let go, she agreed and away they went, he was so attentive to her *(probably just deciding which part to eat first) that he walked with no tugging at the leash, they walked clear across the park and back, the father asked me if he was always that well heeled, I was astonished, he always has to be verbally corected to heel like that......

points of fact -
pitbulls naturally have:
dog agression
NO people agression
a love of children

any dog that displays people agression should be put down in my opinion if they cannot be retrained, or restrained.

you will get bad animals from bad owners, these neglected and abused animals will turn on them or someone else (unfortunately), but to condemn the whole breed is pure ignorance.....

your whole opinion is based on what you read in the tabloids and newspapers, what about the thousands and thousands of this breed that dont make the papers because they are in fact, great dogs.

do some research before speaking about a subject you know little about, its easy to do.......

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Pit bulls are TICKING TIME-BOMBS! They have an instinct in them that makes them dangerously aggressive at a moments notice. They'll just snap...

I used to be this guy a few years ago. Kill em all, and all that.

Fortunately I started thinking for myself instead of letting the media and ignorance think for me. I did research, read a lot of material, and formed a new opinion.

Now, all those crazy homosexuals / gun nuts / sport bike riders / harley guys / blacks / muslems / dobermans / cocker spaniels / ad infinitum...

What group should we malign next...?

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Now, all those crazy homosexuals / gun nuts / sport bike riders / harley guys / blacks / muslems / dobermans / cocker spaniels / ad infinitum

WHAAOOOOO brother!!!!.......... you betta back da puck off.....talkin dat lingo---ju be talkin trash about my ad infin....infinn......yea dat.....:P


They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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The problem with Pit bulls is that we are now dealing with generations and generations of inbreeding. The pit bull was originally bred to be a fighting dog. Now add instability due to inbreeding and there is no way to determine a dogs mental health. The owner can do everything right and still have the dog snap.

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I would never have a pit bull with another pet. I watched my ex's pit kill a cat (while he hit it with a chain trying to make it stop-dog didn't feel it), and have friends who's weirheimer (spelling?) was mauled by a neighbor's pit that escaped the yard. I have never seen a well-trained pit be agressive toward a human. I think they're much more dangerous to your other pets than to your children.

On the other hand, my dog is a dalmatian mix (I think he's got pointer in him too) -and can't let him near children. He's never attacked/bit anyone, and is the most affectionate dog in the world to adults, but growls and seems to be very scared of my little cousins. I got him from a pound when he was one, so I assume a blond child antagonized him in some way, b/c he has no problem with the non-blond children in our family. Better safe then sorry, he's not invited to family functions where kids will be present.

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there is no way to determine a dogs mental health. The owner can do everything right and still have the dog snap.
I would agree, but I would put this on any canine breed...... any dog has the capability to snap and become your worst nightmare.... just like every woman has the potential to become a prostitute, or every man could become a rapist.......

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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just like every woman has the potential to become a prostitute, or every man could become a rapist.......

:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:That is priceless!
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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any dog has the capability to snap and become your worst nightmare

That's very true. My concern with pitbulls is that IF they snap, they're really going to do some damage as compared to most other breeds. Again, I'm not advocating banning them, and not basing it on the "mean stereotype", but that's why I wouldn't have one. ANY animal is just that, an animal. I'd rather be mauled by a sharpei than a pitbull.

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there is no way to determine a dogs mental health. The owner can do everything right and still have the dog snap.
I would agree, but I would put this on any canine breed...... any dog has the capability to snap and become your worst nightmare.... just like every woman has the potential to become a prostitute, or every man could become a rapist.......


agreed. However, pit bulls lock their jaws when they latch onto something, it is close to impossible to get a pit bull off of you once he bites you due to the brute force that is applied once his jaws are locked.

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I have to agree, the amount of injury their jaws can inflict is only surpassed by wolves, and I believe hyena's?..... <---not sure about that one...but I think so.....

I just wish everyone would keep an open mind like yours, about them, and not judge them as a whole by what a few do.....
and personally I would rather be mauled by a poodle....a teacup poodle... :P

*now lets talk about your Kelly and Sunshine girl on girl idea ..... :D:D

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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agreed. However, pit bulls lock their jaws when they latch onto something, it is close to impossible to get a pit bull off of you once he bites you due to the brute force that is applied once his jaws are locked.

their jaws do not in fact lock...... they are just very tenacious and will not let go..... that locking jaw thing is a myth

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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just like every woman has the potential to become a prostitute, or every man could become a rapist.......

:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:That is priceless!

Can't we just reverse roles for a while?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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any dog has the capability to snap and become your worst nightmare

That's very true. My concern with pitbulls is that IF they snap, they're really going to do some damage as compared to most other breeds. Again, I'm not advocating banning them, and not basing it on the "mean stereotype", but that's why I wouldn't have one. ANY animal is just that, an animal. I'd rather be mauled by a sharpei than a pitbull.

I hate to say this - Not wanting to "SC" this thread - but wouldn't an equivalent response be to substitute "caliber" for "breed" and "Gun" for "Dog". Both can and are used as weapons, just as knives and even a pencil can be. It is HOW it is used (raised) in this case that is important. If you teach a dog to attack - it will attack, if you teach a dog to love it will love.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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just like every woman has the potential to become a prostitute, or every man could become a rapist.......

Can't we just reverse roles for a while?


nice ;)

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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just like every woman has the potential to become a prostitute, or every man could become a rapist.......

:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:That is priceless!

Can't we just reverse roles for a while?

You wish. It's hard to rape the willing.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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just like every woman has the potential to become a prostitute, or every man could become a rapist.......

:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:That is priceless!

Can't we just reverse roles for a while?

You wish. It's hard to rape the willing.

I'll put uip a good fight! I promise.:)
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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If you teach a dog to attack - it will attack, if you teach a dog to love it will love.

too true, the strange thing is that this breed will in the right circumstance attack because of the love ...... if they think their loved one is in jeapordy lock the gate cause hell is coming to breakfast. Its a trait that endears them to thier people, I wouldnt have Turbo any other way... (he was named waay before that stupid movie came out). responsible owners learn to read their dogs body language and take steps if necessary to prevent anything from happening. I find that I rarely have to intervene for anything, if I do, its usually to keep him playing with another dog friendly....(he plays rough) and uses his mass as a ram... the other dogs usually get a bit pissed.....

I love my dog - but I do know his faults as well as his good points, and I find that his good qualities far outweigh his bad...... but I am not blind to potential dangers..... I remain vigilant, this breed isnt for everyone.....

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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It is mostly up to the owner, and how the dog is trained. The scariest dog I ever came face to face with was a Great Dane. The most affectionate and friendly dog I ever saw with anyone was my Great Dane. The only dog that ever attacked me was a Spitz. We rescued a half dead Pit mix from a dumpster years ago, and he was great with me and my family. But we wanted him to be a watch dog, and he was a good one. Yet he never bit anyone or attacked anyone.(I was heartbroken when I had to put him down last year). Point is, it is mostly the training. If you take a 12 week old puppy, and spend enough time with it, it will do well. Different breeds have different instincts, but that can be overcome. We have to be responsible pet owners/breeders.

Lord please help me to be the person that my dog thinks I am.

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We rescued a half dead Pit mix from a dumpster years ago,

someone dumped him in a dumpster????
jeeezz....... some people make me ashamed to be human......

I was heartbroken when I had to put him down last year

I have done it for two of my animals, it is extremely hard......

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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I wouldn't leave any dog alone with any child. Pitbull or not.

I completely disagree with this. Of Course it depends on the Dog, Certain DOGS should not be left with Children But not just because of their Breed.

I grew up with a Pitt Bull. She was my constant Companion as a child. The dog followed me everywhere I could take it and always slept in the same bed with me. I had two much younger Siblings that were also constantly around my dog. As children tend to do, they would try to ride her, Pull her ears and even occasionally slap at her. My Pitt Bull NEVER even showed her teeth.
The Dog was EXTREMELY protective of us. The only time it caused problems was if I had done something to get into trouble, My Mother would have tell me to take the dog outside for a while because she knew better than to raise her voice at me with the dog still in the house. We also had several other dogs at different times. A German Shepard we had snapped at one of brothers once. The Pitt Bull killed it right then.

As Children, We were NEVER any safer than when we were with that Dog.

Every Dog is different. The entire PITT BULL thing is blown out of proportion by the media. Most All dogs will bite if provoked and can hurt or Kill a Human (especially a Child). Pitt Bulls are a great Breed if they are raised properly and can be trusted around Children as much as any other dog if they have been properly raised.

You are entitled to disagree, but I am not willing to take the chance that an accident CAN happen. At ANY time. Most attacks come as complete suprises, especially when they are made by the family pet.
My mastiff follows my son around, and doesn't leave his side when they are playing in the backyard. But in no way would I leave her to babysit him. She is a gentle giant. But she is also very large and if provoked in some way, could do very serious damage.
I also really don't feel it matters what kind of dog it is. A man who was once babysitting his newborn baby neice, left the baby lying on the bed with his pomeranian, and when he came back, the baby had been mauled to death. Totally unprovoked, as it was a new born baby. Never had this dog showed signs of aggression prior to this.

I too grew up with dogs (german shepherds) who never did harm to me, even though my parents weren't around. But it doesn't mean it couldn't have happened.
Most dogs look at children as "lower pack animals", and rarely show them the same respect they show thier owners, who are usually the pack leader. Even if they are protective over the children. In a pack, fights can happen. A child could stumble upon his dog eating a bone, and the dog just wants to protect it, etc. He would do the same if he was in a pack of dogs.

There are just far too many cases of children being attacked, when the attacks really could have been prevented. Resposible dog ownership AND parenting are mostly all it takes.

"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky." -- Amelia Earhart

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