
should pit bulls be banned??

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My mother has a cocker spanial that barks at everyone.

The cocker is one of the most misbred dogs in the world, and as such many people have misconceptions on the true breed. I knew I was opening up a can of worms when I used the many time misbred cocker as an example as few these day seem to have seen one from a good pedigree.

They didn't become one of the most popular breeds by being as you describe, but your description is a by-product of being such a popular breed for so many years.

Enough about cockers though.
That spot isn't bad at all, the winds were strong and that was the issue! It was just on the downwind side.

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I still however stand on trusting them over cocker spaniels

Well we will have to agree to disagree then. I have been around Cockers at least 10 times to the amount of Pit bulls. That is not to say I have not been around plenty of Pit bulls. I have never seen someone suffer an injury from a Cocker yet have seen several form Pit Bulls. Mabey it is a difference in our culture, enviroment, whatever. You responded to my reply to Ron where he claimed a Pit bull was no more dangerous than any other dog. I called bullshit. This was never meant to be a Cocker vs pit bull debate. I just used it as an example because I currently own one and they are well known for being great with kids.


You have your reasons for prefering a cocker, and I have my reasons for prefering a pit, rott, etc

Now I never said I preffered a Cocker over anything, although at this time in my life/lifestyle, a cocker or any other well tempered Gun dog is a more sensible choice for me and my Pregnant Wife. I may own a pit or rott someday. More likely the rottweiler though

Have a happy new year

Its true pitbulls can inflict more damage than a chihuaua, but I don't think it is more likely to attack. So I guess I agree with Ron.
I didn't see a problem with having a simple debate of breeds.
Just as you have had experience with pitbulls causing more injury, I have personally seen more injury caused by a cocker. But like you said, I think we should agree to disagree. Everyone has thier breed preferences, which usually comes from a dog they have owned. I don't currently own a pitbull, but have owned one, and have worked with many. And I will continue to defend them.

Congratulations to you and your wife. I wish you both luck.

"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky." -- Amelia Earhart

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Just for the record I am not against owning pits, or rotties. I have been around many of both breeds and some are wonderful dogs. I would like to have a rot some day. They just don't hunt birds that well though.


Of course, because they were bred to hunt people. There's no stopping a rottie, its got a very short neck, hard to grab, and they're heavy strong dogs.

American Pit Bull Terriers were bred to fight in the pit. Terries in general were breed as hunting dogs.

Any dog can turn into a savage ferocious monster, especially if allowed to run loose, beaten, caged, chained, underfeed, and under loved. The fact that a lot of people want either a rottie or big pit so they can train them to be mean on command, just makes things worse. The only thing different about pits is that they can jump higher and bite faster than most other dogs.

Responsible ownship is the answer. Be it guns, dogs or sub 100 canopies.


BTW, if you want to get a dog to break off an attack, here is a way I found that works:

Throw a blanket over the dog, so that its vision is blocked, then grab it around the neck in a half nelson and choke the sh#t out of it, while lifting it off the ground if possible, till it lets go. It will take a few moments before the dog realizes that the tables have turned against it.

This works pretty good actually. I had to breakup my two dogs a few of times and once when one of them chomped on my cat. The cat scratched the hell out of me while I was saving it. Ungrateful b#tch ;)

Some might say, "This just proves my point about pits being dangerous."

Well, I say, "This is my emergancy proceedures for any dog."

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LOL, I on occasion noticed that too: The smaller the dog the larger the attiude. It getsa really funny when you have a little Yorkshire going insane in front of a larger dog that just looks at it like, you've got to be kidding.

It the same with horses and ponies. Ponies are more fiesty pound for pound than horses.

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Usually what happens with little dogs is thier owners don't train them, because well if a pug jumps up on your leg when you enter the house "who cares it's not like it will knock you over", while if a german shepard does it you will end up on your ass. My best friend just got a new little pug puppy and the 1st thing I told her is when the puppy does something cute like tug on your bathrobe, look at it and decide if you will think it's cute when it's 3 years old or would it be cute if it was a german shepard.

It worked, now everytime abby does something "cute" she remembers what I said and then gets pissed cause she doesn't want it to do that behavior anymore and has to correct it.:)
Fly it like you stole it!

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Wow, I havnt seen this much ignorance on a topic in a while.


Now can anyone answer my question, please?

Sure, I'll try. I didnt used to be a dog person. My gf and I started talking about getting a dog a while back and researched a LOT of breeds, including pits, which by the way is a generic term for about 5 or 6 differnt breeds of dog. I'll get back to that later..

We ended up with a Blue Heeler / Lab mix about a year ago. Great dog. Smart and very stubborn.

We were at the SPCA looking around one day after my old cat died and this beautiful little Staffordshire Terrier ('pit bull' to the uninformed...) caught my eye. We played with her for a while and left. We were back at the shelter at opening the next day to pick her up.

She is the sweetest thing you'll ever meet and unless Jake tries to get her bone away from her, very passive.

Why did I want a 'pit bull'? I didnt go looking for one, just like I didnt go looking for a blue heeler. She looked like a great dog so I took her home. But PB's have some great qualities: Loyalty, great looks, playfulness. All things you'd look for in a dog. They like nothing better than to lay in close contact with their humans.

Pit bulls (which includes American Pit Bull Terriers (APBT), Staffordshire Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers (AmStafs), Bull Terriers, and a couple other breeds) WERE bred for one thing, fighting. More specifically, tenaciousness. But as one other person pointed out, they were diligently culled to avoid human aggressiveness. Dog aggression is another thing altogether. Can you really overcome genetics? Probably not. But you CAN rdirect that tenacity into something else, be it agility training, search and rescue, pulling competitions, whatever.

Its no different that any other dog. You have to understand the breed and play to its strengths. Jake and Grace arent the same breed and we dont try to interact with them the same way.

Some of you should try to do some research before condemning something, be it dogs, guns, or small canopies. There a lot of good information out there on dog bite studies and breed specific legislation.

Heres a link to a PB propaganda piece I found pretty interesting:


Enjoy the ensuing mud-slinging..

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So can anyone who owns or desires a pit bull tell me what qualities of pit bulls they are seeking in choosing that breed? I'm genuinely curious as I don't know much about them.

the intense loyalty is one, great intelligence is another (dont know how that got in the mix). they are a rough and tumble breed, playing with them is a great workout-they have a high pain threshhold so rough play is fun to them (and me) They love small people (children) The attacks on children are the results of poor socialization and a poor owner...

mine is pretty well voice trained, he is around 4yrs old and quite outgoing as he was socialized as a puppy growing up on a DZ and meeting lots of new people all the time. He has never been in a dogfight or bitten anyone. I take him to local ballgames all the time, I do my best to show everyone that not all the breed are vicious.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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I believe that no breed of dog is inherently dangerous.

It's up to how people train the dogs.

Getting rid of the breeds that people currently train to be vicious would simply result in some other breed or breeds being used instead.

If you cut off the end of a rope, you do not create a rope that has no end, right?

If you get rid of the most popular dogs from which people create vicious fighters, the next most popular breed for that becomes the "breed of choice." Then what, do you ban that breed too? What if you suddenly find that they're training black and yellow labs to be vicious? No one is talking about banning German shepherds, but they are so commonly trained to be attack dogs. Just because it's the police using them doesn't mean those "K9" dogs aren't vicious.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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This quote is absurd coming from you

A lot of my comments are absurd...Stick around I might do a trick later;)


Now if you leave a gun laying on the ground and my daughter walks by it she is in no harm, leave one of these dogs loose and my daughter walks by and there is a possibility that my daughter may get mauled or even worse, killed.

I respect your opinion. And yes these types of dogs could do lots of damage. However, the worse dog attack I have personal knowledge of was from a Dalmation. I also have plenty of good experiences with Pits, Rot, and Dobbies.

I had a roomate and he had a Pit. My wife was afraid of it, and I had my doubts. We had two dogs already a Lab and a mutt. The Pit was a fabulous dog. The only problem I had with it was it wanted to sit on my lap when I sat down. It was affectionate, gental and never gave me an ounce of trouble.

It was then that I learned that it is how an animal is rasied that decides how it reacts.

The problem is that these are strong dogs, and they can do more damage than other breeds...

This leads me to think that they need more attention than other breeds. That is not a problem for many owners. However some people buy these dogs as possesions and have them as status symbols. They don't train them (or if they do, they train them to be agressive). These are the dogs/owners that are the problem...Not the dog itself.

A dog is a large responsibility. Some people are not responsible enough to own a poodle, but they want a pit. That should not be allowed. But a resposable dog owner should be allowed to have this type of dog.

I have no problem making it so that you have to have training to have this type of dog....As long as the training is doable.

I however also think you should prove you have training before you should have a kid....Of course thats not gonna fly either.:S

In the end, I think the breed gets a bad rap due to the jackass owners.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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You're a piece of work Ron. Way to duck the question.
So the only reason your against gun control is because of the way the 2nd ammendment is written. Your full of shit. If you did not like guns would you still fight for them

Not ducking the question. I answered every question you asked.


So the only reason your against gun control is because of the way the 2nd ammendment is written

Pretty much. I think the Founding Fathers gave us the right to protect ourselves from each other, animals and yes, the Government.

I also support the other Amendments. That means the right to fuck who you want, and say what you want, and pray how you want as long as you don't affect other people in a negative way. Then it becomes a public issue.

Sorry you can't see that.


Your full of shit

Nice personal attack.


If you did not like guns would you still fight for them

Yeah, cause its in the Constitution.

Cool huh?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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No one is talking about banning German shepherds, but they are so commonly trained to be attack dogs. Just because it's the police using them doesn't mean those "K9" dogs aren't vicious.

Interestingly enough, one would think PB's would make great Police dogs? Cuz theyre so 'vicious', right? The reason theyre not used as K9's is because of the difficulty in training them in human aggression.

My Gracie is very human aggressive. She will aggressively lick you till youre all wet and slobbery!


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If a dog ever gets its jaws on you, force yourself further into its mouth. This decreases the force it can use to bite with and will attempt to get you out of its mouth so it can get a better bite.


Yeah, and then I'm usin' the thumb of the other hand to go right past it's eye into its brain!

"Choke on my arm and get a good look at my thumbprint, dog!"


"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I've read everyone's rants......and now i'm motivated to provide one of my own.

I've only been around a couple of pit bulls. And yes, they come across as sweet dogs. But, everytime you read an article or hear a report of a pit bull attack, the owner ALWAYS say that it was such a sweet dog. Pit bulls are TICKING TIME-BOMBS! They have an instinct in them that makes them dangerously aggressive at a moments notice. They'll just snap...and there's not a lot you can do when they attack you...except pray.

A good friend of mine had pony that was killed by a pit bull. The owner had to put 6 bullets in the pit bull before it finally fell to the ground. This dog was considered 'sweet' before this occurred. These monsters are instinctively born to kill.

Now - for all of you that want to punish/blame the owner, you must then support a law that says that the owner is 100% liable and should be punished as if they did this act. If you owned a pit bull (or any dog), and it ripped off the nuts of a 2-year old (it actually happened in my state), would you serve the time for this dog's crime? You must ask yourself this question.

A quicky regarding guns - I personally don't own a gun and I don't have a problem with others owning a gun...but...it seems as though a lot of Americas forget the first line of the 2nd amendment - which is "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State". The 2nd ammendment was based on protecting the country from a take-over. I hate it when gun-crazed maniacs use the 2nd ammendment as an excuse to own a gun.

I'm out of breath now.
Has anything you've done made your life better?

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I wouldn't leave any dog alone with any child. Pitbull or not.

I completely disagree with this. Of Course it depends on the Dog, Certain DOGS should not be left with Children But not just because of their Breed.

I grew up with a Pitt Bull. She was my constant Companion as a child. The dog followed me everywhere I could take it and always slept in the same bed with me. I had two much younger Siblings that were also constantly around my dog. As children tend to do, they would try to ride her, Pull her ears and even occasionally slap at her. My Pitt Bull NEVER even showed her teeth.
The Dog was EXTREMELY protective of us. The only time it caused problems was if I had done something to get into trouble, My Mother would have tell me to take the dog outside for a while because she knew better than to raise her voice at me with the dog still in the house. We also had several other dogs at different times. A German Shepard we had snapped at one of brothers once. The Pitt Bull killed it right then.

As Children, We were NEVER any safer than when we were with that Dog.

Every Dog is different. The entire PITT BULL thing is blown out of proportion by the media. Most All dogs will bite if provoked and can hurt or Kill a Human (especially a Child). Pitt Bulls are a great Breed if they are raised properly and can be trusted around Children as much as any other dog if they have been properly raised.

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should pit bulls be banned??

No, but I think a BSR should be developed so that the local aauthority can regulate the tooth loading.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State". The 2nd ammendment was based on protecting the country from a take-over. I hate it when gun-crazed maniacs use the 2nd ammendment as an excuse to own a gun.

Ok, we're destined for SC now, but I can't let this pass.


U.S. Code Annotated (U.S.C.A.) title 10 sec. 311
(as amended Nov. 30, 1993) [relating to the definition of militia]

"311. Militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied
males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section
313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a
declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States
and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the
National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are--

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National
Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members
of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the
Naval Militia."

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I've only been around a couple of pit bulls. And yes, they come across as sweet dogs. But, everytime you read an article or hear a report of a pit bull attack, the owner ALWAYS say that it was such a sweet dog.

Of course you say that. You are not going to say your dog was just waiting to kill someone.


These monsters are instinctively born to kill.

Monsters? OK anyone else see the fear?

So you think animals are "born" a certain way....Does that also hold for people who murder other people?


it seems as though a lot of Americas forget the first line of the 2nd amendment - which is "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State". The 2nd ammendment was based on protecting the country from a take-over. I hate it when gun-crazed maniacs use the 2nd ammendment as an excuse to own a gun.

I hate it when people forget that the only reason that this country exists is due to the people having guns and being able to throw off the shackles of an oppressive government. (Read "non-free State")

An armed man can defend the Constitution against a government that does not follow it (Again read "non-free State").

The Founding Fathers knew this.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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A dog is a large responsibility. Some people are not responsible enough to own a poodle, but they want a pit. That should not be allowed. But a resposable dog owner should be allowed to have this type of dog.

You should be responsible enough to own any kind of pet.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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You should be responsible enough to own any kind of pet.

And I still think there should be a test before you are allowed to have kids....;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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