
Freedom of speech on campus

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I'm really happy that I go to A&M, overall the faculty and the students are founded thinkers and are generally conservative.

There are some liberals, infact some true liberals, a handful of socialists, but overall being that A&M was founded as a military school and it still has a 2,000 member strong uniformed student body (the Corps of Cadets), patriotism is strong and supporting our country is the popular belief.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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It details a few freedom of speech incidents at universities in America. An e-mail is circulated recommending shooting a student wearing a turban in the face and the school blows it off. Another student posting a simple flyer advertising a guest speaker for the campus Republican club has the police called and is threatened with expulsion. The flyer was "offensive" because it had the title of the book on it. No bad language or anything, just a simple title referring to the underground railroad.

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I liked it very much.

I was fortunate enough to go to 2 universities, and they were very much like these ones.... Teachers pushing their liberal views and trying to shut down those who opposed them.

It is very sad to see IMO, there isn't much open debate in colleges and Universities these days.

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my university had tons of debate. the school even actively encouraged debate, running forums on religion and other controversial issues. The school really didn't try to police anyone's viewpoint. They believed everyone had the right to hold their own viewpoint. They did, however, encourage everyone to listen to the other side of the issues with an open mind, and to make decisions knowing all the facts. The university never tried to censor conservative or liberal voices, but rather provided forums for each point of view to be heard, so students could decide for themselves.

Samples of the student organizations on campus who participated in some of the forums:

Christian life council
Muslim Students Union
Jewish Community
Asian/Pacific Island Student Organization (and several other cultural clubs, African, Irish, Native American, French, Mexican, etc)
Association for Gay and Lesbian Awareness
Republican Students Union

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Great for your school.
I think if you go and visit schools here in the Northeast you will find a majority are NOT like the one you attended.

It is not nessesarily obvious either. It is an institutionalized belief system slowly worked into the classroom...

Don't even get me started on the class I was force to take in college called "The Lies My teacher Taught Me".
Scary shit. My father almost pulled me out of there. I transfered a year later anywayB|

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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It details a few freedom of speech incidents at universities in America. An e-mail is circulated recommending shooting a student wearing a turban in the face and the school blows it off. Another student posting a simple flyer advertising a guest speaker for the campus Republican club has the police called and is threatened with expulsion. The flyer was "offensive" because it had the title of the book on it. No bad language or anything, just a simple title referring to the underground railroad.

So cherry picked incidents selected to prove a nasty left wing bias in academia? yawn.

I have little respect for Republicans that give up that easily.

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You should pick up a book titled "The Shadow University."

It will give you a better idea of what people are talking about (or trying to) in this thread.

I went to U of Maryland College Park for four years. There are serious issues involved, and they don't fit into a neatly drawn left right argument.

You all know I fall into the right leaning libertarian category. The trouble is abuse of power, not just political bias.
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The students were too conservative where I went to school for the liberal administration to do a great deal. The worst thing that I remember was people making arguments against certain conduct. However, there were professors seeking to force their views on students in a fashion that had nothing to do with the class at hand nor add to intellectual discourse or growth. This video takes their bs to a new level.

No comment from the left???

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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No comment from the left???

Well, actually there was one if you read the thread. Other posters seem to be disagreeing with the statement that it's unfair to conservatives on campus also.

It probably depends mostly on which college, on who one hangs out with, and on how abrasive the personality is.

Wendy W.
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The students were too conservative where I went to school for the liberal administration to do a great deal. The worst thing that I remember was people making arguments against certain conduct. However, there were professors seeking to force their views on students in a fashion that had nothing to do with the class at hand nor add to intellectual discourse or growth. This video takes their bs to a new level.

No comment from the left???

Our school is predominantly engineering, science and architecture. There is no left or right in engineering, science or architecture, so far as I know.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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There is no left or right in engineering, science or architecture, so far as I know.

Heh, some of the engineering profs I had the first couple years I was at A&M should learn that. It sure sounds good to say what you said, but reality is different then what you'd like it to be.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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