
Liberal logic

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Liberal logic states that it's possible for 380 tons of explosives (RDX and HMX) to up and dissapear but not possible for...oh let's say for hypothetical purposes...100 liters of anthrax or some other WMD to go missing from the country.

I'm trying real hard to follow that mind-set but keep coming up short.


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It seems like a good "cat" analogy would explain it.

If someone owns a cat and a litter box, they should easily understand how a cat buries stuff. Then, imagine owning the biggest litterbox in the world. One that was used to bury fighter jets and hide tanks (not well). That should clear it up. :D

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Conservative logic states that even though inspectors can't find any WMD and after invasion and occupation of a country we can't either, that they do in fact exist. But when the US military has control over explosives and documents their existence and now can't find them, that it's a made up story, even after the administration confirms its validity.

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Joking dude......really.....

Why joke? I've been to Canada on many occasions and they are hands down some of the stupidest mother-fuckers you will ever meet. I didn't think anyone could touch New Zealand in that category until I went to the 51st state. Definitely no grain in the silo up there.


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Why joke? I've been to Canada on many occasions and they are hands down some of the stupidest mother-fuckers you will ever meet. I didn't think anyone could touch New Zealand in that category until I went to the 51st state. Definitely no grain in the silo up there.

If you are an average American citizen, based on that comment, we Canadians are geniuses......

Pajarito......you guys can have Quebec :P

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Yet others can make derogatory comments about two whole nations

I never insulted you. I insulted Canada. Just like people insult Liberals and Conservatives. I recall a mod saying once that attacking a group is ok...just not the poster.

Don't be so sensitive. It's just a forum.


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You may not attack someone even if you feel they have attacked you. Period.

Yet others can make derogatory comments about two whole nations and I am the one who gets banned?

Never mind, I do wonder when the International Version of dropzone.com gets launched though.....

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No thanks brother. I really was kidding.
I think they hate us the most in Quebec, don't they?

I know.

Nah, they don't hate you, they'll just want to convince you of their unique cultural identity or something like that.....I am just hoping you guys can foot the bill for that province when you turn it into the 51st state :P

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Oh man conservatives should leave logic alone
Pro-life (we need worker bee's), Anti-social programs (don't help the worker bee's), Pro-military (need the worker bees) Pro-death penalty (But kill 'em if they get out of line-start from scratch) Pro-life.................Like how they enjoy playing the religious uppity trump card for Pro-life but FLIP FLOP, did I say that-guess i did, about Death Penalty

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No thanks brother. I really was kidding.
I think they hate us the most in Quebec, don't they?

I know.

Nah, they don't hate you, they'll just want to convince you of their unique cultural identity or something like that.....I am just hoping you guys can foot the bill for that province when you turn it into the 51st state :P

I feel that way about Puerto Rico. Although, I love Puerto Rico. I spent 3 months there. Great SCUBA diving and beautiful scenery!

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Oh man conservatives should leave logic alone
Pro-life (we need worker bee's), Anti-social programs (don't help the worker bee's), Pro-military (need the worker bees) Pro-death penalty (But kill 'em if they get out of line-start from scratch) Pro-life.................Like how they enjoy playing the religious uppity trump card for Pro-life but FLIP FLOP, did I say that-guess i did, about Death Penalty

Man...that is the biggest chunk of ridiculous babble I've seen so far today.

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Yet others can make derogatory comments about two whole nations

I never insulted you. I insulted Canada. Just like people insult Liberals and Conservatives. I recall a mod saying once that attacking a group is ok...just not the poster.

Don't be so sensitive. It's just a forum.

Let's just stick to France. Ok...
Everybody happy? ;) :P

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>Yet others can make derogatory comments about two whole nations
>and I am the one who gets banned?

Yes. If someone says "the USA sucks" and you say "You suck" you will get banned and they won't.

>I do wonder when the International Version of dropzone.com
>gets launched though.....

It's available right now, at rec.skydiving. And no pesky moderators to tell you who you can or can't attack!

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If someone says "the USA sucks"

If someone says that they generally get jumped all over for being anti-American. From the really rabid, they get jumped all over for being traitorous -- that's BEFORE the insulter realizes that the original poster isn't even in the USA. After that, there's the "but for us you'd be speaking German" or "but for us you'd be starving" statements.

How'd I do?

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Never mind I forgot Repubs are the Pro-choice,social program,peace loving, Compassionate Conservatives Ive been hearing about LOL. Unlike that wimpy Kerry, Republicans never flip-flop even when the world,media,and general american population believes theyve made a mistake. Beached whales my friend

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It's available right now, at rec.skydiving. And no pesky moderators to tell you who you can or can't attack!

What was that rule about the Hitler thing?

. . . . post edited to remove intentionally inflammatory statement. See forum rules. Last warning.

Makes no sense to me, but then it doens't have to..

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I recall a mod saying once that attacking a group is ok...just not the poster.

Right, and some people take that to extremes in an effort to make attacks against people by attacking groups that they obviously belong to.

Personally, I think a better rule would be no name calling, attacking of anyone or any group that is represented in the forums. It's done by a select few for the specific purpose of serving their sadistic desires. Deliberately insulting people whether directly or by association is not conducive to civilized conversation and only serves to demonstrate viscious, petty and anti-social behavior.

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