
Another stupid group

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Free speech is a bitch isn't it? People saying things you don't like or agree with.


I find Texans for Truth pretty damned annoying myself, but I'm motivated that they have the right to say their thing.:)
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Free speech is a bitch isn't it? People saying things you don't like or agree with.


I find Texans for Truth pretty damned annoying myself, but I'm motivated that they have the right to say their thing.:)

Like they could be any worse than the MoveONmorons. :S
If they want to bitch about the untaxed rich, maybe they should repudiate funding by George Soros? You know, the BILLIONAIRE AMERICA-HATER who made his fortune exploiting American-style capitalism?!

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***Free speech is a bitch isn't it? People saying things you don't like or agree with.

Aint it a bitch:)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Isn't that an oxymoron as American-style capitalism IS exploitation at its most refined? He played the game well, don't be jealous :>



You know, the BILLIONAIRE AMERICA-HATER who made his fortune exploiting American-style capitalism?!


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Free speech is a bitch isn't it? People saying things you don't like or agree with.

Then you have that SBVFT guy that doesn't even agree with himself! Pushing for Kerry and saying how Kerry was a good soldier in Vietnam (its on video so you know it happened :P) and then the ads this year. Reeks of corruption to me.

But I support his right to speak out on what he wants. There is no law against being an idiot. Hell, if there were one half the posts in this forum would be illegal ;););)
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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