
For those that want God out of the White House....

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Only you would argue with a DR on a question of life.


Considering doctors themselves don't agree, that observation is erroneous.

Correction PhillyKev would ALSO argue that.

Gee why am I not surprized?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Even the Dr. is arguing it. You're the only person I could think of that would claim Dr.s know everything there it to know about life.

My point is:

A. Even the Dr. does not know, but "Z" thinks he does.

B. You and I will never agree or it will be like crossing the streams in "Ghost Busters".
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Even the Dr. is arguing it. You're the only person I could think of that would claim Dr.s know everything there it to know about life.

Just to clarify, as a doctor, I don't know everything there is to know, however it is proven scientific fact that I am a woman, and women know everything ;)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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only you would continue to mistake what we are really discussing..

Only you would be so confused to see that we are discussing the issue and that YOU are back peddling and your best argument is to argue with a DOCTOR about what life is and when it starts...

i did nothing of the sort, the discussion was never over what life is or when it starts..... reading is fundamental. comprehension apparently not a given.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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LOL!!! I think at this point it is a game of semantics. But I do think that if the standard of care changes, then the definition of life/humanness/whatever should not be etched in stone. There is no absolute moment when one becomes a life or a sentient being. Or if there is one, science doesn't know it yet. To hack apart 6 month old fetuses in late term abortions just because the kid didn't have the chance to be born prematurely and survive doesn't make sense, and I honestly wonder about the medical ethics of those who perform these procedures.

I tend to lean against the concept of abortion just because I tend to play it safe, just because I don't know whether something is truly alive or not does not give me the right to extinguish it. I'm not sure that my ethical code needs to be forced on the rest of the world (ie outlawing abortion) since there's no scientific evidence either way though (yet).

Since we're going in circles playing word games..

its far more than simple word games. Logical, accurate definitions are very important when it comes to assigning legal rights and status.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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i did nothing of the sort, the discussion was never over what life is or when it starts..... reading is fundamental. comprehension apparently not a given.

You keep saying that YOU know the time when life starts even though Doctors don't...I guess you are God?

Your explanation of when life starts (According to you) is so full of holes that I could strain spagetti with it. A child in the womb that needs life support is not a child, but an child just born that needs life support is, as is an adult that needs life support.

And all the time you make cracks at me...
I'm waiting for you to start a swoop school since you know everything.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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No video, it never happened.


And what do you want video of? My twin X chromosomes or my twin boobies?


You're the MD/OD/DO or whatever, you figure it out

LOL!! :)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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i did nothing of the sort, the discussion was never over what life is or when it starts..... reading is fundamental. comprehension apparently not a given.

You keep saying that YOU know the time when life starts even though Doctors don't...I guess you are God?

Your explanation of when life starts (According to you) is so full of holes that I could strain spagetti with it. A child in the womb that needs life support is not a child, but an child just born that needs life support is, as is an adult that needs life support.

And all the time you make cracks at me...
I'm waiting for you to start a swoop school since you know everything.


apparently you still cant read.. I have never said when life started, I challenge you to read and quote what i actually said, maybe you'll see exactly what i am defining... think you can find it? your not doing very well so far even though I’ve said it several times in this thread alone....

amazing how your failure to grasp the true nature of the discussion leads you to off topic assessments of 'what i know'.... maybe you should just stick to canopies and boxes since you have yet to read or comprehend the words i have actually written, and continue to assert I’ve said something I have not..... your continued lack of reading comprehension is comedic, and i wont apologize for laughing at it.
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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apparently you still cant read.. I have never said when life started, I challenge you to read and quote what i actually said, maybe you'll see exactly what i am defining... think you can find it? your not doing very well so far even though I’ve said it several times in this thread alone....

Gee, whats this?


Until it can survive in the environment that the rest of its species occupies, it is not an independent, functional member of that species and is not granted the same rights as one.. those are facts... you might not like them, they might not align with your beliefs, but they are repeatedly, demonstratablly true. Until it can fulfill the most basic functions common to all members of a species, it only has the potential to be a member of that species.


amazing how your failure to grasp the true nature of the discussion leads you to off topic assessments of 'what i know'....

I find it funny you can backpaddle that fast with a broken leg.


your continued lack of reading comprehension is comedic, and i wont apologize for laughing at it.

Maybe you should stop taking so many pain drugs so you can remember what you have written?

It would be comical except its so sad that you think you know more than anybody else, and can't even defend what you wrote.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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amazing how your failure to grasp the true nature of the discussion leads you to off topic assessments of 'what i know'....

I find it funny you can backpaddle that fast with a broken leg.


your continued lack of reading comprehension is comedic, and i wont apologize for laughing at it.

Maybe you should stop taking so many pain drugs so you can remember what you have written?

It would be comical except its so sad that you think you know more than anybody else, and can't even defend what you wrote.

more ignorant comments.
you know nothing of my medication levels, nor have i backpedaled in anyway. My definition has remained constant throughout the discussion. . Please illustrate where i am defining ‘life’ in that quote, or where I ‘claim to know more than anyone else’?

No one (as yet in this discussion) is trying to define ‘life’ or where life ‘starts’. Life never stops, yet all things that are living do not have equal legal status.

While you’re at it why don’t you answer something more pertinent to the real discussion?
List the fundamental biological functions common to all members of the species homo sapien? Here I’ll start you off,

Do you have a better answer to where/when a fetus (of any species) becomes a baby (an independent member of its species) and how to determine when it is granted all legal rights and status common to all other of the same species?
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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more ignorant comments

As are yours.


nor have i backpedaled in anyway

Thats a matter of opinion.


Do you have a better answer to where/when a fetus (of any species) becomes a baby (an independent member of its species) (Here is the problem..You require it to INDEPENDENT...Last I chekced that would be around age 10..and age 18 to be legal) and how to determine when it is granted all legal rights and status common to all other of the same species

Well current law shows that if you kill a third term baby you can be charged with murder....Its kinda hard to murder a body part.

You and I will not agree. So I'm done.
As far as I am concerned your opinion is flawed and not well thought out.

It failed the first argument against it. But feel free to continue to hold that belief if ya like, I just don't care what you think about it anymore.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Are you both trying for a ban a month?

No, but since when did you care? I mean you ban anyone that disagrees with you. I have seen you do it several times.


Cut it out

He started it here with this:

you should brush up on your logic before you make such assertions and stop being intentionally obtuse..

And like Ia said....Im done with dealing with him.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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>I mean you ban anyone that disagrees with you.

I disagree with you all the time. You only get banned when you break the rules. So does Zen.

>He started it . . . .

Are you serious? I swear, I feel like the dad driving the minivan. NO ONE gets to make personal attacks. NO ONE gets to defend themselves by making personal attacks. It doesn't matter who started it. It doesn't matter if you're right. It doesn't matter if Joe Shithead is an idiot and you won the Nobel prize in stupidity studies - you still can't call him an idiot.

>Im done with dealing with him.

No comment there!

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I disagree with you all the time. You only get banned when you break the rules. So does Zen

You let people break the rules all the time, but are quick to pounce on those you disagree with.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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