
Lemmings Vs Invertebrates

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He tried to kill a former President, He fired at planes in the No Fly zone, he gave money to families of suicide bombers, He continued to tourture people...Dude that is Aggression.

Uh .... Ron, dude, you forgot to mention the fact that SH was trying to build a WMD capacity for over 20 years. Not to mention attacking four countries in the Middle East.

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Uh .... Ron, dude, you forgot to mention the fact that SH was trying to build a WMD capacity for over 20 years. Not to mention attacking four countries in the Middle East.

I left the WMD's out casue I didnt' want people to think I was talking about the reason that GWB sent us in...There were other reasons...

I did accidently forget the attacking 4 countries in that part, but I did bring it up somewhere else in that post.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Who would you rather have watch your back? Someone who is drafted, doesn't agree with the war, and only went out of obligation? Or someone who believes in the cause?

Probably the draftee. He'd be fighting for his own survival, and for the man next to him (in other words, me).

I don't tend to trust True Believers of any stripe.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Not to bring the war debate again, but some people consider this war illegal, and therefore when they are commanded to go and kill innocents consider it an illegal command. Of course when they get there they find that the innocent people have guns so they are forced to kill them, hence the decision of not going to war.
Let´s see. Would you be sattisfied if those who consider the war illegal stays in the US relieving others from paperwork, cleaning duties, cooking, etc, so people really motivated could go to Irak? i think everybody would win that way, you would only have motivated people in first line, and invertebrates would also comply with the contract without having to kill anyone

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I resent the fact that you zoological imperialists try to
force those 2 categories upon us........We the martyrs of the Bivalve Mollusks Liberation Front....want equal taxonomical representation for all!!!!and if we dont get our way, our allies,the cephalopods and gastropods,will join us in a glorious class struggle against the evil lemmings and their lackeys.....the invertebrates!!!!!!:P
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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While not wishing to interrupt yet another Iraq War Debate.....

Before I vote, am I a lemming with a BASE rig?

Otherwise I'd have to vote invertebrate for the greater sex to suicide ratio:D.



Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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Yep!!! one of the reason i am an invertebrate is because of the good quantity and quality of sex.
Maybe that explains the poor sense of humour most lemmings have (and the high suicide rate) :P

Not to add votes to our case, but yes, you can have a BASE rig, only if you promise not to open it. :)

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Not to add votes to our case, but yes, you can have a BASE rig, only if you promise not to open it. :)

That's all I want to know.

Let's face it. Lemmings might have lots of sex, they may even have GREAT sex, but I doubt that any increase in either the quantity or quality of the sex over the invertebrates justifies suicide... At least not before I know I'm completely and permanently shagged out, which I'm not yet.

So it has to be the "invertebrate" vote for me. No way am I chucking myself off a cliff to my certain death if there's even the slightest chance of more sex.



Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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This makes me kinda sick.

The poor lemmings have been slandered throughout history to the point that people actually believe they are suicidal.

There're not, some mass murderer makeing a Disney film pushed 'em off a cliff. So, not only do they get killed, the get blamed for doing it to themselves.

Just a bad day in rodent history.

So does the masses believeing lemmings are "lemmings" make those believers themselves into the mythical lemmings?


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Who would you rather have watch your back? Someone who is drafted, doesn't agree with the war, and only went out of obligation? Or someone who believes in the cause?

The one who went out of obligation has a sense of duty to his commitments. They can stand with me. The guy drafted that hid is just hiding - whatever he tries to tell himself to the contrary.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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