
Hilarious if not so worrisome...

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A very relevant sentiment (and no, I am not being sarcastic). However, I AM NOT THE ONE WHO IS ATTORNEY GENERAL, OR NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR.

This is always a favored reply (in fact, I have even used it myself), BUT, the fact of the matter is, it is their JOB. Do you hold the guy on the production line responsible for sales? Or accounting? No, I can't predict the things that may happen, but then again, I was not appointed to my post WITH AN EXPECTATION AND RESPONSIBILITY THAT I COULD.

Lets say you are the CEO of a major corporation. When you are beaten by the competition repeatedly, and you go to the person responsible for your corporate strategy and say "Why is this?", do you accept "Hey I didn't see it coming."?

Edited for puncuation
"I gargle no man's balls..." ussfpa on SOCNET

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What's so damned funny?

You don't think maybe they picked up on a progress report from the local bad guys to the lead bad guys saying "hey, we're 70% ready," but they haven't gotten the 'where' yet?
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True.....and I'll ask again.......what are YOU doing to solve the problem? If you don't have a job that contributes to the war effort.....what right do you have to "Monday Morning Quarterback?"

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True.....and I'll ask again.......what are YOU doing to solve the problem? If you don't have a job that contributes to the war effort.....what right do you have to "Monday Morning Quarterback?"

Again, being a person who firmly believes in personal responsibility, a sentiment I have no problem with. However, I contribute to the "war effort" by being a tax-paying American who relies upon my government to serve and protect my interests as an American citizen in the best way possible, to get the best people for the job, and to execute a policy that is both socially responsible and protective of it's participants; in the same way that I expect my doctor to look out for my health.

Again, edited for punctuation. Damn
"I gargle no man's balls..." ussfpa on SOCNET

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BUT, the fact of the matter is, it is their JOB.

As one who enjoys the benefits of citizenship, it's your job too.


Do you hold the guy on the production line responsible for sales? Or accounting?

If he's building a shitty product or stealing from me then yes, I'm going to hold him at least partly responsible.

I'm with Clay on this one, what have YOU done to make the world a safer place? How about your state? Your town? Your street? Keeping this Great Nation (and it is great, despite its short comings) safe is the responsibility of EVERYONE who enjoys its rewards. It's not simply the job of Ashcroft or Condoleezza Rice, or the military, or even the police. Everyone and every organization listed is better equiped to do their job with your help. The days of peeking out of the crack in the blinds are over - you've got to take an active role if you expect things to change.

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BUT, the fact of the matter is, it is their JOB.

As one who enjoys the benefits of citizenship, it's your job too.



Do you hold the guy on the production line responsible for sales? Or accounting?

If he's building a shitty product or stealing from me then yes, I'm going to hold him at least partly responsible.


I'm with Clay on this one, what have YOU done to make the world a safer place? How about your state? Your town? Your street?

For the first time in this forum, I am borderline offended by this remark, by the insinuation against someone you do not know. As a matter of fact, I volunteered at a Rescue Squad (yes, on the ambulance and rescue unit, blood on my uniform) in Washington, D.C. for quite a few years, giving hundreds of hours each year in my own time for both duty and training, community outreach, and any number of charitable efforts. This was in response to a limiting of funds on the part of the DC fire department which left a large portion of the city's poor without adequate emergency medical coverage. I can honestly say that I have saved quite a few lives, putting myself in harm's way on far more occasions than I would like to remember. I am actively involved currently with Red Cross in both fundraising and operation, and also donate financially to a number of different organizations dedicated to the betterment of our populace.

How this "adds" to my credibility, I am not sure. But make damned sure you know what you are talking about before you are so accusatory in tone.

Edited THIS time for flippin' spelling.
"I gargle no man's balls..." ussfpa on SOCNET

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I volunteered at a Rescue Squad

That's great..........but "volunteered" is past tense. With the exception of the period of 9 Dec 2001 to 2 Feb 2003 I have spent my entire life since I was about 17 years old either serving in the military or doing "other things" for the US Govt that contributed to preserving the way of life we enjoy in this country. In the next couple of months I will probably quit a very lucrative career for several reasons. The largest of which being that I feel I can make a LARGER contribution to fighting terrorism in another position. Will this new position put my life in even greater danger than it is now. Yes it will........but ya know what. I have a son that is 8 years old. Going on 9. In less than 9 1/2 years he will be of age to join the military. I want to do everything I can RIGHT now to wipe out the terrorist threat to the world so that MAYBE he won't have to go into harms way later on. My hopes aren't high that we can achieve that in the next 9 1/2 years........but I will dedicate every resource I have to that end.

I once had a conversation with a man from Yemen. He told me that his grandson was 5 and that he hoped he would grow up and kill Americans. I hope my son never has to kill anyone.

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Oh...and just to further my point.


And, a good point I think it is. Therefore, I give to the humanitarian side (of my own, unpaid time) to the Red Cross.

As to your statment about the "past tense"; I was answering a posted question:

"what have YOU done to make the world a safer place? How about your state? Your town? Your street?"

FYI, I am too old to be able to contribute as a reservist or in active duty, a fact I was informed of when I went to the local office in person of the U.S. Navy (in Seal Beach, by the way, lest you think I am making some "blowhard" statement) to see what I could do to support our forces overseas.

Even though I DO NOT believe in what got us into this war.

But I guess you're right, I am a slacker. You are much more dedicated to your country and fellow man than I am. This is ridiculous. (Though I will honestly commend you on the sacrifice you are willing to make)

Oh, and by the way, I think EVERY person who pays their taxes and funds the military and the government has the right (and, dare I say, the civic responsibility?) to examine and comment on where their money is going. If there is some rationale that makes this not the case; I am more than willing to entertain it.
"I gargle no man's balls..." ussfpa on SOCNET

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You have every right in the world to complain and question your govt. However.......isn't that a bit like me telling a nuclear physicist how to do his job? I know about counter-terrorism, counter-insurgency, fire support (in ALL forms), executive protection, and many other subjects relating to this country's security. So.....I stick to this stuff and leave the nuclear physics to people that know that specialty. I just love it when people get a case of the "Hey Why'n'cha's." :S

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I've had a bit of a giggle at this 'Don't know where, don't no when' thing and the reaction of various peeps.

Basically I reckon this latest alert is just to remind people that the threat still exists, and not to start getting too complacent, without being too paranoid. Thats not a bad thing is it?

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what are you doing to keep the US safe?

In my neighborhood I keep an eye out for the kids, the other neighbors, and for 'dangerous' elements (I live in what can only be called an "up and coming" area of town). I've worked with the police to help catch a few bad guys and generally make things a bit safer where I can. Not nearly as much as Typical Fish and I admit that. However, I'm not making light of the latest threat and telling people that it's the government's job and not mine to protect us. That was the statement that got me going.

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You have every right in the world to complain and question your govt. However.......isn't that a bit like me telling a nuclear physicist how to do his job?

Clay, I hope you know that I appreciate what you do and I'm glad you do it. But, you're off the mark here. If that nuclear physicist were being paid by me, was hired by me and was responsible to me, then yes, I have every right to question his results and methodology. I know that you're not a public servant. You're a tool (not in a bad sense), I guess more precisely a surgical instrument that is weilded by those in power. You, as that instrument, are doing what you are designed to do. But if the surgeon goes to remove a cancerous tumor in my stomach and starts cutting open my arm, I'm going to question what the hell he is doing.

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BUT, the fact of the matter is, it is their JOB.

As one who enjoys the benefits of citizenship, it's your job too.


Do you hold the guy on the production line responsible for sales? Or accounting?

If he's building a shitty product or stealing from me then yes, I'm going to hold him at least partly responsible.

I'm with Clay on this one, what have YOU done to make the world a safer place? How about your state? Your town? Your street? Keeping this Great Nation (and it is great, despite its short comings) safe is the responsibility of EVERYONE who enjoys its rewards. It's not simply the job of Ashcroft or Condoleezza Rice, or the military, or even the police. Everyone and every organization listed is better equiped to do their job with your help. The days of peeking out of the crack in the blinds are over - you've got to take an active role if you expect things to change.


So if we're all acting as unpaid assistant anti-terrorism squads, who's going to keep the country running?

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However, I'm not making light of the latest threat and telling people that it's the government's job and not mine to protect us. That was the statement that got me going.


Hmmmm; fair enough; I think that I should have been more careful in choosing my words in my original post, or at least clarified a bit. I in no way shape or form meant to make light of the ongoing threat, I just have an overwhelming frustration with the "sky is falling" state of mind it creates without providing any real information. My use of the word "hilarious" was more meant to convey my opinion that to call the statement "useful" or "informative" is laughable; that really all it does is create a sense of hysteria. Is this necessarily a bad thing? Not sure, one of the posts above made mention of it as a reminder to the general populace, which I could see some use in. I doubt, though, that this is the case.

And I agree with your notion that we all have a part to play in protecting ourselves and our country and was not suggesting otherwise; I would just like to know I can rely on the government doing their part in the best way possible. And quite frankly, I am un-convinced that is the case.
"I gargle no man's balls..." ussfpa on SOCNET

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I've had a bit of a giggle at this 'Don't know where, don't no when' thing and the reaction of various peeps.

Basically I reckon this latest alert is just to remind people that the threat still exists, and not to start getting too complacent, without being too paranoid. Thats not a bad thing is it?

"uh oh the sheep have stopped shivering..better raise the wolf shadow again to keep em attentive and compliant" :P;)
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I've had a bit of a giggle at this 'Don't know where, don't no when' thing and the reaction of various peeps.

Basically I reckon this latest alert is just to remind people that the threat still exists, and not to start getting too complacent, without being too paranoid. Thats not a bad thing is it?

"uh oh the sheep have stopped shivering..better raise the wolf shadow again to keep em attentive and compliant" :P;)

I don't think it's that sinister. It's more of a CYA thing, so that if a terrorist attack does hit this summer, they can claim that they were working dilligently to prevent it and did everythign possible, we even warned you about it ahead of time!!!

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I don't think it's that sinister. It's more of a CYA thing, so that if a terrorist attack does hit this summer, they can claim that they were working dilligently to prevent it and did everythign possible, we even warned you about it ahead of time!!!

I'll tell ya, these people are in an impossible position. If they successfully protect the United States from every terrorist attack they will be seen as unnecessary. If a terrorist attack makes it to US soil, they will be seen as asleep on the job.

I don't envy their position at all.

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So is it your opinion that every american should work for the military in some capacity?

Not at all......this country has people that are WAY better suited to serve in other ways. My skill happens to be that I shoot really well. Others are brainiacs that are best suited to designing new computer systems that will help Law Enforcement and military coordinate intel. Others may be able to design planes or buildings that will better withstand a bomb blast. What about the Russian scientists that have recently fielded new technology for bomb detection. Those types of people are able to make a much larger contribution than I am. My talents, except for what I am able to teach, die with me. There's live on forever as new technology.

As for the "Sky is Falling"..............Just my Humble Opinion.......but I'd say they are right.......but what do I know? I just see signs every day. Including an incident recently, the first in well over a year of doing my job, where I thought I might have to perform "The full functions." :S I may soon sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom. [:/]

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