If not AA Then What??

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Oks here is the solution.

From this day forward it shall be decreed for the next 400 yrs no White Man Woman or child shall be taught to read or write or attend school of any kind.

If a parent is caught or suspected of teaching a child to read the child shall be shipped off and the parent severly punished.

All white women shall be the personal sex toys of the Black man.If any white man should disagree or chaleenge this He shall be severely punished and shipped off.

I think after this we should all be even steven right.

No, but I think that after this we should have a grasp on how level-headed and reasonable we should expect you to be on the subject.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Our team committed the foul

Our team? So now it's us versus them? Racist much?

Shit, let's just call for race wars right now.

Right!? We're all supposed to be "just human beings," one big happy human family, UNTIL it's time to assess blame for one race's lot in life.

My family came from Russia and Poland. None of my ancestors owned slaves.

If I went around calling the white race "my team," I'd be branded as a racist, because I'd be rejecting blacks from the "team." But it's okay for Kallend to say it was "my team," i.e. WHITES, who "drew the foul" against blacks. And though we personally did nothing, we "benefited," and therefore must suffer now.

So apparently it's okay to think of blacks and whites as separate teams when you want to blame the DESCENDENTS of long-dead whites for what they did to blacks. But if you're white, you're expected to treat blacks as though there ARE no "teams" -- as far as jobs, education, marriage... We're supposed to be "color-blind" until it's time to blame whitey for something. This is abject hypocrisy.

Why hasn't anyone mentioned that in large part it was black African tribes who sold members of other black African tribes they conquered into slavery to the whites? So even blacks bear culpability for black slavery in the U.S. I guess they drew that foul too, Kallend? I guess the blacks of the U.S. today should have to make concessions and reparations, since some of their own ancestors sold some of their own ancestors? Where does it all end? Can't we move on from here??

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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No one commented on my Hooters metaphor. But, the point is: Many people today expect others to pay for their failures, laziness, lack of motivation, etc.

No one is asking any one to pay for their failures what people are asking for is an opportunity to fail succeed whatever but when Black folks job applications are mysteriously misplaced at an alarming rate We have to say what gives??

And how exactly did I lose my credibility I was trying to point out how the Slavery and institutionalized Racism still affect Black people today.

Do you believe if you white (any race of people for that matter) people were systematically oppressed for 400 yrs. After 425 as a whole they would be on par with the rest of society

Look, I've skipped posts, and don't even know if you're black, white, yellow, red or purple.

What I do know is that if someone black or white applied for a job I was offering and couldn't even punctuate a sentence -- like you don't bother to do in you posts -- I wouldn't hire him, period. Basic schooling should have taught this skill. If a person gets out of school and can't write like an educated person, he isn't done; he needs to go back in. And I sure as hell don't want him representing my company in correspondence with my letterhead on it. (hypothetically)

Now, I have come to believe, based on what I read all over the place (and in papers I typed in college for my fellow students, as well as stuff I read posted on the internet) that kids who come out of many modern schools either have not learned how to write and speak correctly, or have learned but don't bother to -- which in a practical sense is equivalently bad.

Bill Cosby, in his recent comments, mentioned that blacks "can't speak English." He cited a couple of common, grammatically awful phrases. Some would call it "ebonics." Stuff like, "Why you ain't?" "Ain't got no," "What dat is?" et cetera. Is it any wonder that someone would be reluctant to hire a job candidate, or admit a college applicant, who speaks and writes this way? It is sub-standard.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Um, you usually go to the penalty box for 1/30th of the game or until the other side scores, not every game for the next 20 seasons.

This game has been in progress since colonial times.

So let's see.....

400 years times 1/30.....

that comes out to what, about 13 years and four months?

Funny, we've had reverse racism in the system for longer than that, and I don't see any sign of the "cultural leaders" calling for it to end.

That's because there was more than one foul committed during that 400 years.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Our team committed the foul

Our team? So now it's us versus them? Racist much?

Shit, let's just call for race wars right now.

Right!? We're all supposed to be "just human beings," one big happy human family, UNTIL it's time to assess blame for one race's lot in life.

My family came from Russia and Poland. None of my ancestors owned slaves.


Neither did mine or my kids'. We're just "collateral damage".

When you think of the damages the US legal system routinely hands out to victims of trivial injuries, it seems to me that AA is a very minor relief for hundreds of years of oppression.

You should stop thinking of yourself as a victim.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Oks here is the solution.

From this day forward it shall be decreed for the next 400 yrs no White Man Woman or child shall be taught to read or write or attend school of any kind.

If a parent is caught or suspected of teaching a child to read the child shall be shipped off and the parent severly punished.

All white women shall be the personal sex toys of the Black man.If any white man should disagree or chaleenge this He shall be severely punished and shipped off.

I think after this we should all be even steven right.

Oh, good God, Kato! Hate to break it to you, but I'm 35...I've never owned a slave - nor would I want one. My family has never owned slaves - nor would they have wanted to.

So...based on your analogy, let's see...I will ensure in my will that your great-great-great-grandkid (yeah...I'm probably missing a few "greats") will be punished for anything you do wrong today. See how stupid that is? To hold your great-great-great-grandkid responsible for stuff you do today is bullshit - same with what you're trying to say. People are responsible for their actions when they are doing them...their offspring (and go as far back/forward in generations as you want) is not responsible for the original actions.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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So...based on your analogy, let's see...I will ensure in my will that your great-great-great-grandkid (yeah...I'm probably missing a few "greats") will be punished for anything you do wrong today. See how stupid that is? To hold your great-great-great-grandkid responsible for stuff you do today is bullshit - same with what you're trying to say. People are responsible for their actions when they are doing them...their offspring (and go as far back/forward in generations as you want) is not responsible for the original actions.

You miss the point I was trying to make it was not about punishment it's about leveling the playing field.

Answer this question do you believe after 400 yrs of oppression and mistreatment of any race of people within a society that after 25 years of "every thing being Ok" that the people that were oppressed would be on par with the greater society??

Blue Skies Black Death

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Even a child of a non-white single mother of four living in the projects who attends a "poor" inner city school can do whatever s/he can dream of if s/he will only work for it. They only need to be shown the way. Perhaps that's where we've failed - we aren't teaching young women, blacks, Mexicans, "economically disadvantaged," etc, how to turn their dreams into reality - or in some cases, even how to dream.

Lisa- That's one of the most intelligent things I've read in this entire thread.

The LAUSD school I was speaking of in my previous post has ONE councelor for the entire school. One person to arrange schedules, help with college applications, student loans, making sure each kid has the right classes for the school they want to go to. One single person doing this for around four thousand students. One person to teach these kids how to get into college, because their parents don't know...they never went. According to the principal at that school, only about 2% of the parents have any college at all, and in most of those cases, it was community (2 year) college that wasn't finished.

The other school I was speaking of, has three counselors for only 2500 students. THREE of these wonderful people who work with students about college loans and applications and who schedule classes and make everything come together. Three people whose doors are always open for any student to walk in with questions about college essays, applications, loans, and things like that. 100% of teachers are fully credentialled. Most parents have college degrees and are familliar with the application and financial aid process.

One must ask, which school is better equipped to help the youth of this country to attend college?

The person who started this thread asked for a solution. Its not a complete solution, but it would be a great start if we made sure EVERY child had a school like the one I went to, with a qualified staff, nice buildings, textbooks and everything else that kids in the suburbs have that kids in the city don't.

Fix the gap in education, and we will BEGIN to fix the gap in the workplace.

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we made sure EVERY child had a school like the one I went to, with a qualified staff, nice buildings, textbooks and everything else that kids in the suburbs have that kids in the city don't.

And to take it further, if you want to make sure that each of the children has equal access to SOMEONE who can help them, you probably need to have 20 counselors at the inner-city school.

A lot of children with knowledgeable parents never avail themselves of what's at school; they already know. If you don't already know, then the counselor is there to make sure you know, and then to help you through the application process. As I did for my son.

Having one kid who family spoke German, and another whose family spoke English, both be transplanted to Germany and have to apply for work -- which one is likely to do better? It's possible for the English-speaker to land on his feet, but he has to be enough better than the German-speaker to overcome the innate problems with not speaking the language.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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What I do know is that if someone black or white applied for a job I was offering and couldn't even punctuate a sentence -- like you don't bother to do in you posts -- I wouldn't hire him, period. Basic schooling should have taught this skill. If a person gets out of school and can't write like an educated person, he isn't done; he needs to go back in. And I sure as hell don't want him representing my company in correspondence with my letterhead on it. (hypothetically)

I see your point but I'm not applying for a job with your company. I'm trying to express my points of view.

I graduated HS in 1985 worked in fast food for a 1.5 yrs. Went into construction after that (apprentice, Journeyman, Foreman, General foreman, Superintendent)
I've started my own Co. earlier this year.
So if my punctuation and grammar is a little rusty forgive me.

Blue Skies Black Death

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Answer this question do you believe after 400 yrs of oppression and mistreatment of any race of people within a society that after 25 years of "every thing being Ok" that the people that were oppressed would be on par with the greater society??

That is a yes and no answer.

Yes, in that there are a lot of blacks (using black since that's what seems to have started this session off) that are in excellent positions - they've worked their butts off, talk professionally, and do not ask for things based on their skin color - they want to PROVE they can do it based on their skills alone.

No, in that there are, also, a lot of blacks that talk slang (which will not get them the professional job), feel that all whites owe them, think that welfare is the way to go because "damn...I can stay home and make $X just by popping out kids but if I work, I only make $Y dollars...not worth it." Even those that live in the projects know what they would need to do to get ahead in life...they chose what their outcome will be - will they stay in the projects or work their ass off to be better?

I know both types of individuals. The first one has my respect - They are taking full responsibility for themselves to get forward in life. The second one has absolutely no respect from me - Wanting things given to them because of their skin color and well...for 400 years my race was oppressed, you whities...etc. I have no respect for someone who doesn't go balls to the wall and do what they want to improve their life. The whole personal responsibility thing - don't blame 400 years of slavery for where you are today...go out, bust your ass, prove that you are just as capable as anyone to do the job, etc. You are responsible for where you are in life. Not me...not my ancestors, not other white's ancestors, not the American Indians, not the original African tribes that sold some of their own people into slavery - YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHO/WHERE YOU ARE. If there is an injustice, fix it...do something about it, but do not ask for special treatment just because of your skin color.

I'm female....there are a lot of men out there that think I should be at home, bare foot and pregnant. I have chosen my life's path - I will not allow someone to say "You're female therefore you can not...." :D A man said that to me one time - "You are female therefore you can not shoot as good as a man nor can you ride motorcycles." Know what's funny? I set out to prove him wrong - not accept his version of what I as a woman am capable of. I shoot better than him and I ride a motorcycle. I did not scream "I'm female. Allow me to stand closer to the target...don't make me do a road test when learning to ride a cycle." No...I said - "Screw you...I will do what you say I can't, using the same metrics that you get judged by, and do it better WITHOUT asking for a special privilege just because I'm female."

You and I bleed the same color. I will treat you as good as you treat me. I do not give a damn about your skin color, your religion, your sexual preference, your ancestor's history, etc. You will earn or lose my respect based 100% on how you behave.
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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How do you ensure the equal treatment or should we just take your word for it.

We already have EO. We don't need AA.

AA is just reverse racism.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Fix the gap in education, and we will BEGIN to fix the gap in the workplace.

Nice facilities and qualified staff are a start, but fixing the gap in education is going to take more than just improvements in the schools. It's going to take a fundamental shift in how people within "disadvantaged" communities think, act and dream to truly close the gap.

For change to occur in an individual, that person must first want to change and then work to make the change happen. The same applies to communities. Changes brought in from outside the community are not likely to take hold if the members of the community are not a part of the planning and implementation. Sure, people from outside the community can and should assist, but the initial impetus and the majority of the effort has to come from within.

There's only so much that caring, qualified educators can do; if the community sees little value in education that will be reflected in the schools. If the community values education and expects their youth to succeed in school and life the majority of those kids will succeed - regardless of the quality of the school's facilities.

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Oks here is the solution.

From this day forward it shall be decreed for the next 400 yrs no White Man Woman or child shall be taught to read or write or attend school of any kind.

If a parent is caught or suspected of teaching a child to read the child shall be shipped off and the parent severly punished.

All white women shall be the personal sex toys of the Black man.If any white man should disagree or chaleenge this He shall be severely punished and shipped off.

I think after this we should all be even steven right.

See you don't want fair, you want revenge...

Revenge for things I might add never happend to you, and were not done by me.

You think you would be happier if your familiy was still in Africa?????

Your lucky to be here even if your Great, Great, Great Grandfather was wronged...YOU are better off for it. Just like I am better off since my Great, Great Grandfather left England.

Don't be pissed at me for something some white guy did 300 years ago, and I will not be mad at you for the black guy that stole my bike when I was 13.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Shit, let's just call for race wars right now.

we already have them everytime a black kid does something stupid and gets hurt...


how about these riots :


http://www.cnn.com/US/9611/13/st.pete.ruling/ ST. PETERSBURG, Florida (CNN) -- A Florida grand jury Wednesday cleared a white police officer of any wrongdoing for shooting to death a black motorist last month. The shooting sparked a night of rioting on St. Petersburg streets.

The Pinellas County grand jury said St. Petersburg police officer Jim Knight had reason to fear for his life when he shot and killed 18-year-old TyRon Lewis.

"We have determined the death of TyRon Lewis was the result of a justifiable homicide under Florida law," said Bernie McCabe, Pinellas County State Attorney.

Knight was standing in front of the car after it had been stopped for speeding when the car lurched forward several times. The officer fired after shouting warnings that he would do so, the grand jury said.

After the October 24 shooting, about 300 people roamed the streets of south St. Petersburg, setting 29 fires, looting buildings, and hurling firebombs, rocks and bottles. Several police officers and firefighters were injured.

Damages have been estimated at up to $5 million.

According to a police statement, Knight and his partner, Sandra Minor, stopped Lewis for a speeding violation. Lewis and passenger Eugene Young declined to roll down their windows or open their doors, the statement said.

Knight went to the front of the car because the windows were so heavily tinted he could not see inside, the statement said. Meanwhile, Minor used a baton to break one of the windows, and the car lurched forward toward Knight, police said. He fired two shots, one of which hit Lewis in the chest.

The grand jurors said they believed that the degree of tinting exceeded Florida law and that Knight made a reasonable response in moving to the front of the car so he could see inside.

The jurors also said they did not believe race was involved in Knight's decision to shoot. Knight has been on administrative leave since the shooting.

Only hours after the grand jury ruling, Knight was suspended from the police force for 60 days. A police review panel imposed the suspension because it found that Knight "placed himself in a position of disadvantage and danger by moving to the front of the vehicle to confront the occupants. This tactic is not consistent with our training or policy, which instructs sworn members to employ 'reasonable means to avoid the danger.'"

St. Petersburg police said, in advance of Wednesday's hearing, that they planned to patrol streets to watch for further rioting that could break out because of the ruling.


The cop acted really stupid by moving to the front of the car, but the tinted windows made it the only choice since they would not roll down the windows.

So two kids were speeding, with illegal tint. They refuse to comply with police requests to open the doors, or roll down the windows. They refused to comply with police demands to stop moving towards the officer. The officer fired (and was justified in doing so). So people went out and did 5 MILLION in damage.

Who was wrong in this case?


At least 20 people were arrested and 28 buildings were burned in a 25-square-block area. About 11 people were injured, including a police officer who was shot and a newspaper photographer who was beaten, as hundreds of people swarmed through the streets shortly after the shooting.


What the hell did the photographer do to deserve that?

what about this:


June 18 (Day 169, Running the Course): Race riots have raged in Benton Harbor, Michigan for the last two days. Last night about 300 bottle-throwing black, domestic terrorists attacked riot police, burned at least 5 buildings, and stabbed or beat about a dozen people. Today, 150 state troopers were brought in. The riots were sparked by the death of a local black, age 28, who crashed his motorcycle into a building and died while resisting arrest during a high-speed chase by local police, who were white.


So some jackass runs from the cops and gets killed...So then all hell breaks loose since he was black.

Uh he was running from the police and killed himself.

If these were white people that did stupid things...I really doubt there would be riots over it.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Do you believe if you white (any race of people for that matter) people were systematically oppressed for 400 yrs. After 425 as a whole they would be on par with the rest of society

As long as you contiune to try and waive historical data that HAD NO DIRECT EFFECT on you, and contiune to use that to try and explain away a cultures lack of drive and use it as a reason for your current day failures...You get no respect from me.

You are gonna get the same answer when you say that BS as the guy that claims he is downtrodden since his Mommy didn't show him enough love...


The Chinese had to face bigotry, the Irish, the Germans, the Japanese, the Native Americans, the Hispanic, Blacks, Catholics, Jews and now the Islamic people. Hell the United States was CREATED to get away from bigotry...Does England owe me for oppressing my Great, Great Grandfather?

Nope. I'm glad he left England, and you should be glad you were born in America. You are more free here than just about anywhere else in the world.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Do you believe if you white (any race of people for that matter) people were systematically oppressed for 400 yrs. After 425 as a whole they would be on par with the rest of society

As long as you contiune to try and waive historical data that HAD NO DIRECT EFFECT on you, and contiune to use that to try and explain away a cultures lack of drive and use it as a reason for your current day failures...You get no respect from me.

You are gonna get the same answer when you say that BS as the guy that claims he is downtrodden since his Mommy didn't show him enough love...


The Chinese had to face bigotry, the Irish, the Germans, the Japanese, the Native Americans, the Hispanic, Blacks, Catholics, Jews and now the Islamic people. Hell the United States was CREATED to get away from bigotry...Does England owe me for oppressing my Great, Great Grandfather?

I expect he left of his own free will and chose his own destination. Unlike the slaves.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You should stop thinking of yourself as a victim

Maybe Blacks should stop playing the victim?

It goes both ways John.

My Family never owned slaves, my Great, Great Uncle died fighting the South. Why should I be punished?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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You should stop thinking of yourself as a victim

Maybe Blacks should stop playing the victim?

It goes both ways John.

My Family never owned slaves, my Great, Great Uncle died fighting the South. Why should I be punished?

Because of your sig. line, if nothing else.:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You're absolutely right. Changes have to come from within the community as well as from outside.

The thing is... fix the schools and give the kids access to the same resources kids from other neighborhoods have, and it will be much easier for kids and parents from those communities to put a little more faith in the system. Right now, the system doesn't work for them. They have a textbook shortage, condemned buildings, underqualified teachers, and a lack of administrative staff. Would you hire a company that had issues like that to do ANY work for you? Most people wouldn't. So, why should parents and kids accept a school system with such obvious problems? Why should they buy into the system when the system is so obviously broken?

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I expect he left of his own free will and chose his own destination. Unlike the slaves.

So? How is that MY fault?

You think I should be punished because some white guy unrelated to me bought and sold slaves?

And never forget that some African tribes sold slaves from other tribes.

I don't agree with slavery, but it was also so far in the nations past that I never had anything to do with it.

And the simple fact is...The people who were born here due to the wrongs that were brought on their Great, Great, Great Grandfaters, are MUCH better off than if they were born in Africa.

They have a much better chance than some guy in Nigeria to have a good life.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Explain to me how I benefit from today's economy more than a black person does.

Well, let's see. If you don't live in a minority neighborhood then you probably don't have knob and tube wiring. That's been replaced almost everywhere except in city lower class areas. Even though there is slightly more risk of fire it doesn't justify the fact that NO major insurer will provide home owners insurance if it's in your house forcing you to get assigned risk.

If you don't live in a minority neighborhood, your school was probably better funded then one that is.

You are more likely to get a job based on your race.

You are more likely to be given a loan with a better interest rate based on your race.

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Maybe it's time for the white girl from the ghetto school to step in here . . .

I was not at any advantage-- my school got the oldest textbooks, there were holes in the ceilings, our sports uniforms were 15 years old, and we could not seem to get additional funding. There were many low income apartment communities/housing developments surrounding my school, and we were widely reputed to be one of the worst schools in the metro Atlanta area. Yet me and many other white and black students were willing to work to get out of those types of conditions. We graduated from our shitty school and went to non-shitty colleges, where we had the same advantages as everyone else.

There are good teachers in shitty schools and conditions-- take advantage of them and help yourself out of your hole. I did, and so did several others I know, because we weren't satisfied and would not accept staying where we were. But there are far more who just don't give a fuck. Not my problem.


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Do you believe if you white (any race of people for that matter) people were systematically oppressed for 400 yrs. After 425 as a whole they would be on par with the rest of society

As long as you contiune to try and waive historical data that HAD NO DIRECT EFFECT on you, and contiune to use that to try and explain away a cultures lack of drive and use it as a reason for your current day failures...You get no respect from me.

You are gonna get the same answer when you say that BS as the guy that claims he is downtrodden since his Mommy didn't show him enough love...


The Chinese had to face bigotry, the Irish, the Germans, the Japanese, the Native Americans, the Hispanic, Blacks, Catholics, Jews and now the Islamic people. Hell the United States was CREATED to get away from bigotry...Does England owe me for oppressing my Great, Great Grandfather?

Nope. I'm glad he left England, and you should be glad you were born in America. You are more free here than just about anywhere else in the world.

I do agree to your post, except the black marked words in your last sentence. Could possibly be discussed a little closer one day ;)


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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