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Promised myself I would not post to this forum ever... but I can not help myself

I hate this war, I think Bush is an idiot, and we should not be in Iraq.

But I am so fricken proud of the USMC and having been a small part of it. Our guys look like they are getting the shit sandwich again and are carrying on in the best traditions of those who came before them...


What would Vic Mackey do?

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'The fighting has already been difficult. Aside from at least 87 U.S. soldiers, about 880 Iraqis have been killed this month — including more than 600 Iraqis — mostly civilians — in Fallujah, according to the city hospital’s director.'
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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I too thought I would never post on this thread, but need to reply to your post. Amen Brother!! I had several USMC friends back in the Nam days while I was serving in the Navy flying in the Gulf of Tonkin on P3 Orions, drank with them and visited a lot of them at the Naval hospital in Oakland after I got back to Moffett Field from our deployment. Those marines were the best and bravest guys I ever met, bar none. A salute to all Marines and Soldiers serving both now and then!!!!!

Always remember, when you get where you're going, there you are!

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I think that all that oppose the war have NO malice against the guys deployed.

They were sent there to do a job. It's the guys who sent them there that people have a problem with.

I am proud of our troops and the way they go about their dificult job, just have a problem with kiss ass Blair.

"This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave

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Respect for my bro's

Semper Fi!

-Bryan Frmr CPL. USMC


- Former 4thANGLICO Marine

____________* *____________
(____________\ \|/ /____________)
(_________\ | /_________)

Death From Above

Trying this in "code" form for ya... ;)
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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'The fighting has already been difficult. Aside from at least 87 U.S. soldiers, about 880 Iraqis have been killed this month — including more than 600 Iraqis — mostly civilians — in Fallujah, according to the city hospital’s director.'

How would you define a civilian since Iraq has no Army fighting against our troops?

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Non combatant.

Does that mean they are only bad guys when they pull their rocket propelled grenades and ak47's out of the holes and shoot? And they are non-combatants when they throw them back in the hole and run like hell telling the Marines "They went that way! We love America!"

Skyrad... Why don't you share your background with everyone.. Where you are from, ethnicity, war experience.. Maybe then come people will understand your stance on things.


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Skyrad... Why don't you share your background with everyone.. Where you are from, ethnicity, war experience.. Maybe then come people will understand your stance on things.

I've always believed it doesn't matter where a person's from, what ethnicity they are, or what experience they have, it's what comes out of their mouth (or keyboard) that matters. I think Skyrad's comments speak for themselves. He's entitled to his opinion just like everybody here. Not that I agree with him, or think I can change his mind, but I know where he's coming from.

My opinion: good job Marines. If they've got an AK or RPG, kill 'em.

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Why should that matter?

For myself, i have no war experience, only military training up to squad CQB and company-scale live firing running exercise (a whole company sweeping a terrain range filled with pop-up targets). I think i have a pretty good look into what the shit is like, good enough that i don't want to be there. Good enough as well to picture that a soldier under fire fighting back doesn't look twice what he's shooting at.

But is it really that hard to believe that not every damn poor iraqi school boy and his mum are AK-flinging, RPG-hauling antiamericans???
Is it so hard to believe that a US fighter-bomber pilot misses an actual resistance strongpoint because ground guidance was misdirecting his fire and blows up the family hiding in the house one block away?? You know how fast things from the air can miss a spot by far!

If you are not allowed to seriously doubt what an honest man does, it is time to start doubting!
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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Skyrad... Why don't you share your background with everyone.. Where you are from, ethnicity, war experience.. Maybe then come people will understand your stance on things.


Most of what you're asking is a matter of DZ record, if it really interests you so much do a search. As for my stance on things, its pretty simple really. I was against going to war on the pretext of the removal of WMD's, with no exit stratagy post war. That as is now proving was a stupidly ill concived idea. I accept that now the troops are on the ground the mess that has been created needs to be resolved before anyone goes home.
I feel that the American troops that were sent were ill prepared for the job they now find themselves in. Instead of working on a hearts and mind approach to nation building the US military has adopted a confrontational stance and is using disproportionate use of force without due regard for non combatants.
I don't think that this will help keep Americans alive in long run and has done much to destroy residual goodwill among the Shia population of Iraq.
Sadr has risen from a junior cleric to someone of status. He was counting on a disproportionate response and he got one. Still most educated Shia are not siding with him but that can all change quickly if the powers that be don't stop letting Sadr keep calling the shots. All it will take to screw up totaly is for the 2500 US troops to go into Najaf and try to arrest him.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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All it will take to screw up totaly is for the 2500 US troops to go into Najaf and try to arrest him.

Which is why they haven't gone after Sadr's Shia like they've gone after the Baathists in Fallujah. You're right though, the US and Governing Council did drop the ball by letting Sadr become the figure he is.

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'The fighting has already been difficult. Aside from at least 87 U.S. soldiers, about 880 Iraqis have been killed this month — including more than 600 Iraqis — mostly civilians — in Fallujah, according to the city hospital’s director.'

How would you define a civilian since Iraq has no Army fighting against our troops?

Thanks for hijacking this post into political BS-rhetoric... fuck dude, start your own.

What would Vic Mackey do?

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'The fighting has already been difficult. Aside from at least 87 U.S. soldiers, about 880 Iraqis have been killed this month — including more than 600 Iraqis — mostly civilians — in Fallujah, according to the city hospital’s director.'

How would you define a civilian since Iraq has no Army fighting against our troops?

Thanks for hijacking this post into political BS-rhetoric... fuck dude, start your own.

Asking how he defines a civilian is hi-jacking a thread into political BS-Rhetoric? Whatever, Dude.....

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Yeah, I mean look at the spirit of my original post. Obviously I ain't gung ho about the war, but I was kinda inspired to read about USMC walking wounded going back into battle and stuff...

Jeez. I mean, no big deal, thread creep is normal...

Crap, this makes three posts to this forum, which is three more than I ever meant to make. I'll shut the hell up now.

What would Vic Mackey do?

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I appreciate the original point of the thread, and yes, your USMC guys rock!B| They are professional and very good at their job. The IWO JIMA spirit lives...

Semper Fi

But the British Army is better!:P:P;)

Seriously though - thumbs up to the USMC.:)

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Hell yah dude. We friggin rock the house.

The Marine Corps was the most proficient work (or wartime) environment that I have ever experience. There is a good reason why it took about 1-year of civilian time for me to adjust back to the laid-back mentality of the world after getting out. Frankly, it isn't surprizing to see that these guys practice the best interests of our country (and do it proudly). That is what we were there for in the first Gulf issue and thats why we're there now. USMC will always continue to be a primary combat organization for the US. Helllllll yeah....represent..


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But is it really that hard to believe that not every damn poor iraqi school boy and his mum are AK-flinging, RPG-hauling antiamericans???

Is it really that hard to believe that the few kids in the pictures were not "poor Iraqi school boys," but were AK-flinging, RPG-hauling antiamericans?

Is it really that hard to believe that they were armed and their still breathing comrades took the weapons to fight another day?

Is it really that hard to believe that maybe journalists were posing the bodies/scenes to achieve the desired effect? (afterall, it's not like that has been happening since cameras were invented or anything)
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Got one Word for the F...ks.

Waaaaaaaaaa tired of the whiners and crybabys.
Taking out Saddam was necessary. You dont like Bush thats Your opinion but hes our Commander-n-Chief respect that. Dont like our men dying anymore than anyone else.

As far as some of the BS in Iraq ***NUKE***
Sometimes you gotta get mean in this world Plum MaDdog Mean.. Drive on
The glass is half full or half empty doesn't matter. Let go and have the Lord guide your path. He will take care of it all.

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I think that all that oppose the war have NO malice against the guys deployed.
They were sent there to do a job. It's the guys who sent them there that people have a problem with.

Right now we've got a girl living in our home whose boyfriend is a Marine in Iraq, his second tour. She just got a letter from him telling her how hard they'd been hit, with two dead and nine wounded. I remember this kid when he was in high school, playing bass in a crappy band. I pray every day that he'll come home to her and that Bush and Rummy and all the other big money draft dodging assholes who sent him there will all be gone by next Jan 20th.

And that's a big uh-huh.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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