
Anti-americanism explained

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would you enlighten us with the name of the greates country?

I'm pretty sure i left no illusion as to which country i was referring. read it again.


Thank god he was, yes, he "only" was able to control 24 mill people lives mass murder at will and be a risk for those nations around

Why choose that country? for oil thats why! there are plenty of other mass murdering mutherfuckers around, why him? FOR OIL!

Iraq was specifically chosen because they were DEFENCELESS and had no real allies, it would be a cakewalk, a vote winning, oil grabbing war.

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I thought it funny that you chastised me for advising skepticism of the administration's "intelligence".

I think I was disagreeing with your logic in the argument. You basically said 'the government has been wrong, ie lied, in the past so everything they say now must be treated as a lie until proven otherwise.' I still disagree with your logic. I don't think anyone has been proven to be lying yet. (At least not since Clinton left office). There are a lot of allegations but there always are and will be.

BTW, Try not to hurt your arm while trying to do this. We'll get that machine for you soon. I'm taking up a collection. Maybe we'll get that Stroke 2000 for your ego too.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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I thought it funny that you chastised me for advising skepticism of the administration's "intelligence".

I think I was disagreeing with your logic in the argument. You basically said 'the government has been wrong, ie lied, in the past so everything they say now must be treated as a lie until proven otherwise.' I still disagree with your logic. I don't think anyone has been proven to be lying yet. (At least not since Clinton left office). There are a lot of allegations but there always are and will be.

BTW, Try not to hurt your arm while trying to do this. We'll get that machine for you soon. I'm taking up a collection. Maybe we'll get that Stroke 2000 for your ego too.

Must be tough that your champion is wrong so often. Makes you grouchy.:P

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Why choose that country? for oil thats why! there are plenty of other mass murdering mutherfuckers around, why him? FOR OIL!

You are kind of right. Oil was part of the equation. Most of the people on here are probably too young to remember the oil embargo of 1973. It would be easy for Saddam to disrupt the world economy by manipulating the oil supplyand causing false shortages.

Iraq was specifically chosen because they were DEFENCELESS and had no real allies, it would be a cakewalk, a vote winning, oil grabbing war.

Iraq was reported to have the 4th largest military in the world and the best of all of the mideast countries. This statement is ludicrous.

never pull low......unless you are

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Why choose that country? for oil thats why! there are plenty of other mass murdering mutherfuckers around, why him? FOR OIL!

You are kind of right. Oil was part of the equation. Most of the people on here are probably too young to remember the oil embargo of 1973. It would be easy for Saddam to disrupt the world economy by manipulating the oil supplyand causing false shortages.

Iraq was specifically chosen because they were DEFENCELESS and had no real allies, it would be a cakewalk, a vote winning, oil grabbing war.

Iraq was reported to have the 4th largest military in the world and the best of all of the mideast countries. This statement is ludicrous.

I thought that was prior to 1991.

Since 1991 their military was beat up, demoralized, had US and British planes making daily recon missions over their positions, and UN inspectors nosing around on the ground for much of the time. We even admitted that we used the UN inspectorate for espionage purposes.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Please. Too Easy. Everyone knows Denmark is the greatest country in the world. Lots of people are just in denial.

I'll arrange furryner-trips to DK, so they can learn how awesome we are and how we're right all the time. Except when we're wrong, but if we are it's usually not about anything that matters.

Bullshit Sailor

I lived in DK for 4 years and it sucks bigstyle...The JanteLoven and the High Taxes... driving in the summer with your head lights on....All the Turks and Vietnamese...

And the answer any dane has...well we have a good social system...

Bullshit...the social system sucks!The Place is crap and over priced!!!

Yeah great country Danemark !! Costs nearly 3000kr to rent a car for a weekend ,when in London you can get for 50 quid...plus in DK they have 180% Taxes on the cars!!
The only decent thing is the beer!! but hey im glad I am outta there.... Oh and I hate Handball too !!

So stuff your janteloven and all your fat girls with chipmunk cheeks...and dont forget to chew on a hot potato when Snakke dansk!!!

Oh and when England thrashed Danemark in football 4-1 last year even then the danes said they still won...yeah thats denial alright..... Jeg Elsker store Brittania!!!

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Iraq was reported to have the 4th largest military in the world and the best of all of the mideast countries. This statement is ludicrous.

Most of their army were conscripts, i knew a few.
Saudi has way more advanced weapons and better trained armed forces than Iraq. Thats just one example. After the first Gulf war the Iraqi army was a shadow of it's former self.

If you look into why Iraq was chosen to be invaded, you will see the reasons why, mainly because they were the weakest and least defended and also had a shiteload of oil.

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>You are kind of right. Oil was part of the equation.

That's really sad. We could have used that 100 billion to _completely_ wean ourselves off foreign oil, so we would never again have to care what some sheik said to some mullah, and which country likes us and which one doesn't. We'd prefer to kill eight thousand men, women and children with the money, I suppose.

>Iraq was reported to have the 4th largest military in the world . . .

Let me guess - the CIA came up with that one too. They must have hidden all their F-16's and A-10's in the same place they hid the WMD's.

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>You are kind of right. Oil was part of the equation.

That's really sad. We could have used that 100 billion to _completely_ wean ourselves off foreign oil, so we would never again have to care what some sheik said to some mullah, and which country likes us and which one doesn't. We'd prefer to kill eight thousand men, women and children with the money, I suppose.

>Iraq was reported to have the 4th largest military in the world . . .

Let me guess - the CIA came up with that one too. They must have hidden all their F-16's and A-10's in the same place they hid the WMD's.

Be fair - the CIA did get it right about the African uranium. Someone just ignored the warning.

Seems the White House believed everything except the stuff that was true. Really bad luck, that.:)

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>You are kind of right. Oil was part of the equation.

That's really sad. We could have used that 100 billion to _completely_ wean ourselves off foreign oil, so we would never again have to care what some sheik said to some mullah, and which country likes us and which one doesn't.

Then Saddam could have kept the torture chambers and rape rooms. What would we care, we don't need their oil. I guess that's the lefts version of compassion.

never pull low......unless you are

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>Then Saddam could have kept the torture chambers and rape rooms.

Of course, without the war we'd never have gotten our secret military prison, or gotten to do this to kids. But hey, if it makes it a bit cheaper to fuel up the ol' SUV it must be worth it.

>I guess that's the lefts version of compassion.

My version of compassion is to not kill kids with US bombs; I don't know what the 'left' version is. If someone else does it we should try to stop them, but I consider it worse to actually blow their arms off. If we kill the people we're trying to save that's bad.

BTW I hear the torture chambers in Uzbekistan are going gangbusters now that they are our allies and all. Funny how the right conveniently ignores them when bringing up Saddam's atrocities.

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I actually tend to disagree with Bill there. I for one am happy that Saddam is gone (actually met some Iraqis and can appreciate what they have gone through over the years).

The problem I have is:
1) Misleading people about the reason (urgency) for war
2) Clumsy diplomacy that stopped a broad coalition being built (even if that could have taken a year or two) and preparing post intervention policies.

People might want to study some of the arguments the French put to the US when warning against rushing to war. One of their main concerns was the knowledge that Iraq as a “State” was only being held together by the brutal regime. The tensions between ethnic and religious groups have always been great. The French were directly warning against civil war like conditions and instability in this strategic country. The current situation is getting close to the prediction and there would be full-blown civil war without the Americans present.
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I guess that you are on the right track towards recovery.....first step is recognition....Glad that Saddam is gone...

About the broad coalition:
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Marshall Islands
Solomon Islands
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States

are these not enough for you?:D
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Does he go to environmental rallies and protest big cars? If he does, I'd say he's a hypocrite.

"At the rally, Senator Kerry and representatives of organizations leading the charge against ANWR spoke against domestic exploration and instead encouraged people to rely solely on energy efficiency and alternative fuel sources. However, the behind the scenes reality was very different than the message being delivered. "It's unconscionable for Senator John Kerry to stand on stage and tell the American public to accept higher gasoline prices, forego energy stability and to hold Congress to his standard of environmental integrity, while behind the scenes, he and his friends arrive in chauffer-driven SUVs and limousines," said CREA President Italia Federici."

From CREA. While this may not be the most impartial website, it still brings to light something which I find interesting, and, as you catagorized, "hypocritical."


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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I've lived in France (since we somehow got on the subject). I have a few good friends in France (as if that will help qualify my statement). I can pretty much say, from experience, that French people seem to like making a sport of nitpicking American culture.

Hey Trent, just out of curiosity, were you living in Paris? The reason I ask is that I know some French folks and when I asked why they hate Americans so much they responded it's not the French, it's the Parisians, and they hate everyone outside of Paris. :P

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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Please don't confuse anti-war, or even anti-Bush(hell lets throw in anti-Blair too), with anti-American.
I am anti war, (until somebody offers me more conclusive evidence and/or justification but lets not start on that one again) but I am not, repeat NOT, anti-American.
When I object to the war, I am not trying to disrespect any member of the armed coalition, my criticism is of the politicians (and I mean politicians in a global, not local sense) on both sides of the Atlantic, and around the world who have let things come to this sorry state.

Nacmac, you my bro. B|

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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I think we should quit the joking and just invade. We KNOW they have weapons of mass distruction.

Its a good thing you didn't write "destruction", or you might have had some egg on your face now!


Bum's the word!

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