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I have looked extensively on the web and havent been able to find anything...you are probably going to have to have someone custom draw something for you...that is going to be your best bet. but if you find one let me know!!! Everybody that I know that has a skydiving tattoo has had to have someone draw them...usually a friend of a friend sort of thing.
"I'll jump anything!"

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I just got a skydiving tattoo. I got a hat in Z-Hills with a picture of a person under canopy, so I took that and a picture of myself under canopy and asked the girl if she could do it. She made a photocopy of the hat, then traced it onto some kind of carbon paper, and put that on my ankle. Then she colored it to look like me, under my canopy. It looks great!! As soon as I get the pictures developed, I will post it for everyone to see!!

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most tattoo artists sort of have a protfolio. I don't think you'll find much on-line. I have a friend who is an awesome tatooist and a pretty good freeflyer as well. He did mine.
on the old dropzone.com in the employment section there was a guy saying he would tattoo for jumps. Maybe email him.

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I just got a skydiving tattoo a month ago. I designed it myself. I took the canopy from the USPA wings (or the ARMY Aribirne Wings) and added it to my father's Air Moblie Wings with a rifle and a lightening bolt behind them (for all you military guys they are the original Air Assualt Wings). They look like the USPA wings but are not as curved upward. And just to make it real I replaced the shield with a ying/yang for the balance between skydiving and life, I need one to have the other.

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OH! thank you guys! Im getting a frog tatooed on the top of my foot, sort of climbing up with his tounge rapped around my ankle catching a fly. But you guys inspired me! I think that i might get a frog with a rig on his back, freeflying or something! ah man. the tatoo just got so much more awesome looking!

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I am part of the marked fraternity/sorority. I have a self designed (f***ing awesome)B| tribal silver fern draping over my shoulder. But here is my question...
How would you get a fairly ornate item like a canopy or boxman translated into a tribal design so it was more abstract? I have considered the whole skydiving tattoo thing myself, but would want it to be more abstract than just a canopy or freeflyer (not picking on those of you out there with them).
so, if you have any suggestions, or have one designed could flick them on to me. I PROMISE I won't plagerise anything out of. I don't believe in that sh*t. Just looking for inspiration.
Not expecting heaps, but anything is better than nothing.
NZPF A-2584

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Well it's not on my bod yet (soon!) but mine is gonna be a variation of some artwork I found on a t-shirt. Front view (so no worries should I change what kind of rig I jump... matching is SO important) of someone diving down to a formation in an RW suit, full face helmet and tevas. It's goin on my right ankle :)pull and flare,

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ummm just had another idea :)the michigan suits logo is cool too, this guy tracking with a big head and a full face helmet with like cool striped in the back of him that shows that he is going really fast, i think thats cool too
Free Skies,
Omri :S

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God, I can't believe I forgot about this...
on my jumpsuit there is a really cool tribal design of a kinda headdown, kinda track.
I would scan it in, but I don't have a scanner. The guy who made my jumpsuit designed it himself (considering he is 1/2 Maori) it seemed to fit with his suit making business.
BTW, his suits are professionally done and custom made. If interested..let me know. With the exchange rate they work out to be less than 140$US. He jumps himself so he knows exactly what a suit should have/be made of.
If anyone wants to see his design, send me an email and I will run to kinko's (with my suit...can you imagine that one!?) and photocopy it.
For the price of a stamp, you can use his design to inspire your tattoo. I don't think he would even mind if you stole it...more business recognition for him!!!
Just remembered, so thought I would share.
NZPF A-2584

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I have 2 tattos and want 2 more. One of the ones I want I want to have to do with skydiving but I don't want the traditional person under canopy and haven't been lucky, either, finding something I like or drawing something I like. I have decided between 2 ideas though....you guys can tell me which you like best:
1. a set of wings going around my right ankle or
2. a really cool dove representing both flight and peace
Which do you like better?
The tattos I have now are a surf flower (hibiscous, my favorite) w/ ocean waves behind it on my lower back and the second one is a little crescent moon with 2 little stars on the inside of my left hipbone, kinda low. I want to add a really cool little sun going behind the moon to that one and then of course, a skydiving tattoo on my ankle.
Tattoos are AWESWOME they are so artistic and can be really cool if you really think about them and make them really mean something to you. I drew all of mine and they made a carbon of my drawing and then tattooed it on me. If you aren't a great drawer, then find someone who is and tell them what you want. Make it original and actually, some tattoo artists will then pay you for your drawing if they like it and think customers will buy it. I got my surf flower tattoo real cheap b/c of that.
Let me know, guys which of the two options for my skydiving tattoo you like.
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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