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well will you look at that, I got a hangnail.

Hey, hangnails are no laughing matter. I have a terrible one right now, and not only is it making it hard to type, I'm just sure it's going to keep from getting my ripcord out when I jump next week. Serious stuff, man.

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Hey, hangnails are no laughing matter. I have a terrible one right now, and not only is it making it hard to type, I'm just sure it's going to keep from getting my ripcord out when I jump next week. Serious stuff, man.

DUDE just bite it off!!!!!! bite it off!!!!. The worst is when you get one on your big toe B|

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lemme get this right... youre telling him to bite it off...esp. the ones on your big toe? does this mean that youre one of those totally unflexable guys that tries his hardest to bend his leg up to his mouth to bite his nail off? eww. hehe. just wash your feet before you start your toenail desert.

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That disgusting! If only you knew the psychological impact of bringing back memories of my ex-roommate. Please, somebody give him a toenail clipper! And a waste basket. Nothing quite like finding somebody else’s toenails stuck to your clothes. Iiissshhh!!!

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I agree with the post about the old roommate...my ex boyfriend used to bite his fingernails *and* all the skin around them until they bled. He would spit the nails/skin out onto the floor. No matter how much I bitched he would not use a wastebasket. Now this is disgusting!! Then he did the same thing when he clipped his toenails. I guess I should be glad he actually used clippers on the toenails instead of his mouth. I never walked barefoot through our living room, for a whole year. Then I started skydiving and broke up with him. New dating rule: In the future, anyone I date or consider dating, or just want to have sex with, can't have a fingernail/toenail problem! Ewww!!!
LOL Although, they say true love is blind!!
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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