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you know you are a skydiver when...rather than posting on this site on a weekend, you actually go skydiving. I got home and found over 300 new messages. shouldn't you guys be jumping instead?
truth be told I only got 10 jumps in this weekend because I was too tired on saturday. but I did get over 50 pack jobs also. can anyone top that?

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shouldn't you guys be jumping

Well, I got to jump!! [huge shit-eating grin] Only jumped twice yesterday, but it was awesome! Finally got my own gear, so no more rentals for me...and no bruises today from ill-fitting gear either, yea!
10 jumps is alot, Grasshopper...the most I've ever done in a day is 4, and I was exhausted after that! Can't imagine doing 10 in a weekend (yet...hehehe)
Blue Skies,

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Quite a few of the contributors to this forum are from the UK, where the weather is often crap (certainly was this weekend), so we just hang out out on dropzone.com and the newsgroups.
British skydivers are some of the best verbal skydivers in the world!

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(I was busy packing)

An average job, at best....
Just kidding. Rule #1 - Never talk shit about your packer
Rule #2 - If you do, don't let it get back to him/her
Rule #3 - Make sure your reserve is in date :)Rule #4 - See Rule 1

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I didn't jump at all this weekend. Whats wrong with me you ask? A lot. But I decided that I would rather not freeze my hands off in the 35 degree weather. Plus I didn't want to spend a bunch of money. And to top it off I wanted to spend the weekend with my girlfriend. I guess I'm going soft. Thats ok. This weekend I'm gonna tear up some head-down with my friends and burn holes in the sky. Its gonna be jammin. Watch it be cloudy or something like that. Ok, I think I might have just jinxed my entire region with that remark. I'll shut up now.
Safe landings,
Alex D-23912

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No kidding Shark!!
On one of my busier days this months (10 jumps that day) I played a pratical joke on my packer. Well on my 9th jump that day I had a line over and cutaway. (He didnt do it on purpose). But it must have been a karma thing.
BTW, I had to buy a case of beer for that one. It was my first cutaway. (Made him sign the logbook too....LOL)

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hey shark, you don't have to be nice to your packer. you just have to pay me. and land in dirt if you have a new spectre. 3 different canopies with less than 10 jumps each this weekend. a lesson for all: buy used canopies if only to be nice to your packer.
T1, those hop 'n' packs really are great aren't they? I did another one on sunday with a 30 second delay. the poor people looking out the plane thought I was going to die pulling so low.
blue skies, black death

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T1, those hop 'n' packs really are great aren't they? I did another one on sunday with a 30 second delay. the poor people looking out the plane thought I was going to die pulling so low.

What height did you "hop" from? what alt did u pull @ ?

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i don't see why you guys are so worried about being nice to your packer! i regularly starve mine, deprive him of sleep and make him go broke skydiving......oh wait i forgot i pack my own chute.............now one thing i won't do is mess around with the pilots girlfriend, she's a cutie and is also half american but i like the plane to slow down just a little when i have to be a floater.

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I actually have done more jumps than I have posts.

You're a real fvckin' hero, gh! Do you live in cali? Are you part of the Cali Cartel? When do you find the time to post? Your DZ must get sunned out a lot keeping you from posting! :S

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