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hey guys/gals,
I got back from the dz today, menaged to do only 3 (dummy pulls) jumps but those 3 jumps were awesome, started course on wednesday, we had 2 days of ground school and 6 flys in the wind tunnel.
on friday we had only 2 jumps cuz there was an accident, an english guy tried to do a 360 turn at 300ft and he was injured pretty bad so the dz was on hold for about 3 hours but by that time it was already dark, and on sturday we went on the 1st load an did the 3rd and final dummy pull and when we went on the 2nd load we were forced to go down with the plane cuz the winds were blowing at 20kts, landing with a cessna 206 is worse then jumping out of it!
so i had my fun for that weekend, it was awesome!!!!! and i'm going next week to finish the course!!
btw, all 3 of my landings was standups :)Free Skies,
Omri :S

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kewl, gald to hear your finnally in the air! just watch out for the wondering camels in the landing zone! they might look fun to swoop but it's not advisable, i hear they will spit on ya if swooped at a high rate of speed. now an acuracy landing on the back of one betwwen the humps is worth a case of gold star though!

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well didn't have freefall yet but the canopy ride was cool, on the 1st jump i had a little line twist, on the 2nd closed end cells and on the 3rd the chute just opend below me but it opened good
on the next time i have about 5 secs of freefal and then 15 and after that i jump from 12,000ft
Free Skies,
Omri :S

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Congrats man. Keep us posted. Freefall rocks!
BTW. My guess is that you won't have any problems with freefall since you've spent some time in the wind tunnel. Did they have you work on turns & alti-control in the tunnel?
Blue Skies!

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the rest of the group that did the course with (we were 9 people) learned to control up and down movements, forwars and backwards, spins, and how to deploy while maitaining stabillity.
I just played around and learned to do a barrel roll.
oh and for the first time i was wearing a "cool" protec helmet in the wind tunnel and not the ordinairy big helmets that hockey goally keapers wear!
Free Skies,
Omri :S

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LOL! That's the first time I ever heard anyone call a ProTec "cool!" hehe Just goes to show ya'...it all depends on your *perspective.*
Speaking of perspectives, mine has been one of me looking UP for too long now! Jeez! St. Patty's Day was almost a month ago!
Omri...glad your jumps went well!! I was wondering where you were! I am happy for you! Hope the weekend is windless for ya!
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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Speaking of perspectives, mine has been one of me looking UP for too long now! Jeez! St. Patty's Day was almost a month ago!

Girl, don't lose your currency at SDD. They are SO pissed at me. They said next time it happens, I'm starting back on AFF L-4 and they're not kidding. Oh, but you've got 2 months, right? !@#$%@!# A-license-holders...:)

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