
tell your weekend stories here!

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hey everyone!
i didn't jump this weekend since i'm trying to save up for the boogie i'm going to go to in holland next month and a new reserve. since i'm tlitude starved help me out! tell your great weekend stories here! tell it all, the jumps the party (if ya stuck around for it) and any other intersting details. this is the no holds barred thread to do it in! so start spilling the beans!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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Shit, way to go Omri! Here's to the youngest licensed Israeli skydiver! Mazeltov! B|
Well, my weekend started pretty crappily, had to stay in Friday night to finish a uni assignment (my own fault for leaving it to the VERY last minute as always). Then according to all the weather forecasts (both TV and net), the DZ was supposed to be rained out. I was bitching like hell (sorry boss dude!), but decided to drive out anyway. What a good move!
Repeated the Warp level 4 jump I fluffed last week and nailed it to the wall. Had 2 more coach Warp jumps today and passed - cleared for my Warp 3 ways next week. One of the other instructors (Chris) said he wanted to do those 2 jumps with me and Rusty (my Warp RW coach - top bloke). I told him I couldn't afford to pay all 3 slots and was going to find a Cat.10 fun jumper who would be willing to jump with Rusty and me, and pay their own slot. Chris then had a quick chat with Rusty, came back to me and said that they would each pay their own slot on one of the two jumps. How cool is that! So I will only be paying for two slots, but jumping with TWO instructors! And Rusty gives the camera footage free. Man, I am getting so close to my Cat.10 I can almost taste it!
My last jump today was a camera jump, none of my family has *seen* me skydive, so I got video and stills - Rusty took about 20 stills of me geeking the camera and also filmed me dumping. Can't wait to get the pics back, scan 'em and mail 'em to the family.
happy happy skreamer

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what's "cat. 10" mean? i know it is a level of skill along the licensing in the bpa but what does it let you do? also what are "warp" jumps? do you fall really fast durring these jumps? (mr.sulu, warp factor 8, and steer clear of the romulans please)
okay enough of the questions.......glad to hear ya had a great time this weekend, i got video of my graduation jump and had to wait a month to show it to my family. i did show it to everybody and their brother in the barracks though. hopefully you can get your family to comeout and watch you jump someday. next time i go home to visit, my parent are going to come out and watch me.

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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OH.. lol. my weekend started a day early, on friday afternoon. Worked friday. partied my ass off friday nite. Begged for a place to crash too :) lol. got me a bed friday nite. Saturday involved fighting a hot air balloon (that didnt launch) @ 7am sat, taking a staff photo (i was sooo trashed looking). Working all day sat. Bonfire sat nite. Yellin at the fools to stop running thru the fire. The DZO tells me that i was saying "dont go in the fire! youll get hurt! im too drunk to drive an ambulance! i cant help you if you get hurt!" Our friend Jerry came down from CSS and so did our friend Brandon. Um, saturday night was interesting to say the least. But this time stacy knew where i wandered off to~all her plotting finally came thru :) Sunday morning.. well, lets just say that it came bright and early. Took a shower :). Worked all day sunday~but didnt do much work. My mom stopped out at the dropzone tonight to see me (i hadnt seen her for more than 2 minutes since thursday) So that was nice to have mom out at the dz for a little bit. Um, watched some cool vids tonight.
And now, its 9:08 pm and i have a book to finish reading (200+ pages) and a 4 page report to write about it for tomorrow. Have a group project due tomorrow. Have a take home exam due tomorrow. Oh wow. must get homework done. Must stop reading dz.com! Night all!
Oh yeah! i ment Fruce this weekend! Hi frucenator!

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Had a good weekend, even though I only got in 4 jumps, they were quality. Started off with a 3-way sitfly, then a 2-way, then a couple of coached jumps (8-way, then 5-way). I screwed up the exit on the 8-way by losing a grip (on the coach nonetheless!). We had an 11-way practicing all day that was cool to watch.
The 5-way was cool because I got sandwiched between two guys who didn't exactly turn in place. I was getting sucked down to the guy below me and the guy above me was also getting sucked down. I just slid out and watch the high guy go head down and start tumbling. It was hilarious and nobody got hurt.

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I had a fabulous weekend.
1. Moved into my new house about 5 minutes from the Drop Zone
2. Great working atmosphere in Manifest this weekend, we had a blast
3. Was invited onto organized jumps with Roger Ponce several times, we did a 5 point 12 way on one of them!
4. Hung out with Derek Thomas and the Sunpath people on Saturday night, Got to drive the Sunpath Suburban around, that thing kicks ass!
5. Ended the weekend with a rodeo dive with Derek which, well, if you see the video... hmm. It's just pretty darned funny.
6. Got my official D license #.... D24017
thats it.

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Great weekend. We had a Casa at our DZ this weekend. I got off work Friday and ran out to the DZ and managed to make a jump. We did a 3-way, with me and another guy backing off the tailgate into an iron cross position, so our bodies slowly tilted back and we were looking down past our feet at the Casa flying away. Then I looked down and realized the other 2 were way below me. I went to swoop down, and I guess I punched my chest out too hard and the next thing I knew I was heading at those guys head down (that's completely new to me). That was a fun dive.
I showed up on Saturday and made 5 jumps. We had an organizer, so all the dives were between 9 and 14-ways (at least coming out the door). It was fun, and I got a lot of big-way (errr, medium-way) experience even though all the jumps didn't go exactly as planned. I think the best jump of the day we pulled out was a 2 point 12-way. Saturday night we had Fish Stew and Fried Fish, which was really good, then we hung around the bonfire getting really messed up on Saturday night. I personally got nice and messed up, did a little fire walking myself, and even learned not to catch falling beer bottles on my head. ;)
I spent the night at the DZ on Saturday night. I wasn't planning to jump at all on Sunday for $$ reasons, but 2 of my friends (Tom and Chip) hit 100 so we went and did a 14-way for their 100th. It was a fun dive, even though it never got together properly. I had a lot of fun busting Tom's chops for falling out of his own 100th jump, even though it wasn't really his fault (someone went under him and stole his air). I spent the rest of the day Sunday packing to pay off some of my jumps and watching the other jumps. It was quite a bit of fun just watching, with CReW and other big ways. The CReW guys managed to put a 9-way diamond together by the end. The funniest part was watching the 10th guy trying to get in. We didn't realize until he got on the ground later, but when the canopy had opened, it had split a rib from front to back. On the video you could actually see blue sky through the top of the canopy. He was actually able to control the canopy, and even tried to dock on the other 9, but they told him to stay away since the canopy was having problems. He chopped it and pulled the reserve at 4k, and one of the other guys actually swooped the main and caught it (which I have to think was incredibly stupid, but he got away with it, so it looked cool). All in all, it was a great weekend, and I'm looking forward to the next time we have the Casa back in June.

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GREAT weekend up at Skydive Dallas. We had the second anual Freaks Flock Together boogie. It was a blast!!
I don't know all the official numbers but there was something like 170+ people registered for the boogie, plus they did something like 50+ tandems on saturday and they had 25 tandems scheduled for sunday. I didn't participate in any of the orginized hybrid dives myself, I'm still trying to get this sitfly thing down, but I did get to see some video of them and they looked awesome.
Personally I only got in three jumps on saturday, but they were good jumps. First jump on my own pack job and the damn thing actually opened. My third jump was outstanding. Actually held a stable sit for the whole jump. What a great feeling that was. Then to top that off at the door prize drawing I actually won something for the first time in my life, and it was 50% off a vector three container!! Now I just have to save up enough money for a main and reserve. WOOHOO!!
Had a great time partying that night with freaksis, among others. She said she would write an article for the front page here. ;)
Sunday morning by some miracle I was actually up to see the swoop contest at 8:00 am. I took some pictures with my crappy little disposable camera. If any of them come out I will let you all know and get them scanned into my computer tonight if you all want to see them.
Unfortunately I had to leave early on sunday, so I don't know how the rest of the day went, but the weather was as beautiful as it was on saturday so I'm sure it was a great day.
All together it was a great boogie and I congratulate everyone who orginized and participated in it.
Blue skies,

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Had a great weekend myself. At least an eventful one! hehe
I only got 3 jumps, which is actually not bad at our DZ..lol. Think, one C-182, first nice weather in a month, lots of students who didn't get to jump after their classes over the last three weeks and tandems galore!
We got there early Saturday to get up before the students got there and the guy who's been doing coach jumps with me (Thanks again Tony! You're a miracle worker!) went ahead and signed me off to do solos! He told me to spend some time jumping by myself just to get a bit more experience, and stick to doing RW work with C-licensed or better, but hey..that means I can fill slots on the C-182 between students! More jumps!! Then for my 'graduation jump', he did a CRW with me! We went up to 6,000, pulled immediately and played around with our canopies. It was a blast! I actually docked on him for a few seconds, but ended up landing more towards the back of his canopy then the front, so didn't get hooked up for a bi-plane like we'd intended to try...but it was an amazing experience!! I definately want to keep trying that...it was so fun!
Winds picked up so I didn't get to jump the rest of the day because when they finally came back down, I let some who hadn't gotten to jump yet at all take any slots open. Got a couple more jumps the next day. Did some solos, practiced tracking, did some flips and just played. It was so cool not trying to 'pass anything'...just going out and playing.
I did get a bit bruised up on my second jump Sunday, better then the alternative that I thought was going to happen tho! LOL! The winds were good when I went up, but by the time I got back down they were gusting some and I wasn't getting any forward drive at all on my canopy...as I floated over some trees. ACK! I ended up getting just enough at about 400 feet or so to get me just over them and landed safely tho...flared too high since the winds were back up...dumbass...was still flaring like I did earlier with no winds, higher and faster. Duh! But it's all good :) Didn't land in the trees and they were happy with me for not getting over the hangers, staying out to the side of them and telling myself I'd land whereever I safely could.
I jumped, I tracked in a straight line, I landed, I lived....it was great!!! Woohoo!
OH!! I got to 'see' (not completely..you'd have to ask Merrick about that since he was on the same load) a nudie 100th jump (he landed rather close...it was hilarious! The students were like "that guy's naked!" hehe) And I got to pie someone for his thousandth dive! Gawd I love skydiving!!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."
Edited by Pammi on 4/30/01 07:26 AM.

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