
CSS.. summed up :)

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nice page! looks like it was a little crazy!(ccs, not the web page).....
you have either to much time on your hands or yout just good. it would of taken me like 6 months to get around to doing something like that. great job on the story.... i liked how the links played into it!

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Hehe. I summed my trip up a little more succinctly. It went something like this:
Drive down, Drink, Skydive, Drink, Skydive, Drink, Skydive, Drive Home
I may have left a detail or 2 out there, but that covered all the main points ;)

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hehehehe. i wasnt gonna mention the balloons on here but since you guys did... That was one of the best parts of the whole trip! :) lol. Im partying my ass off w/ a friend and all of a sudden somebody grabs me (literally reached out and grabbed me) "come on, ive got something youre gonnna loveeeee!" man, was he ever right. Had a really funny time in that camper :) hehe. theyre the ones that lent me and my friend the pillows. It took me 2 days, and walking into numerous campers trying to figure out which one i had been that had the balloons, to finally return the pillows to the rightful owners. Ah, what a boogie.

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Why in the hell didn't you tell me who you were?? I knew that you were a Factory Diver but you didn't tell me that you and Cavin worked together...we talked for ten or fifteen minutes and you never said a word about that...Hell, I'd have bought you a case of beer...any friend of his is a friend of mine...I even learned my hooks from watching/questioning him...best damn canopy pilot/flier I ever saw...Small world...

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That was me and my wife that gave yall the pillows. Ours was the winnie you can drive that has all the scooby doo stuff and the black lights, etc. "the ambiance will seduce you." You are all correct, it was a great time.
To those of you from Cross Keys and points north (namely The Ranch): Kris and I were at CK during the POPS meet (though I am not quite a POP) and we were at The Ranch the next weekend. I think they had an RSL meet that weekend, but I was too trashed to notice! Anyway, we get up that way at least once a year. We will definitely be there for the Ranch Pond Swoop competition.

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OH! While we have both been sponsored to some degree by Dan for a while, Caven and I had never formally met prior to that boogie. He is a hoot! Odd that we had not met, as my dad owns the DZ in Opelika, Alabama and I had skydived at Thomaston and most of the other DZ's he frequents before. I have lived in NC since '84 and jumped at Raeford primarily since then(DZ heaven if you ask us). Actually, I had not been at CSS since they had a D-18 twin-beech and a dirt strip! I didn't like it then, but was very impressed with the new facility and the good vibes.

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That was me and my wife that gave yall the pillows. Ours was the winnie you can drive that has all the scooby doo stuff and the black lights, etc. "the ambiance will seduce you." You are all correct, it was a great time.

ROFLMAO! hehe! oh man, is that ever a riot! maybe thats why i didnt recognize any of the campers i went into trying to return the pillows. I thought the ballon people gave me them so i was searching for the camper that looked like the same on that i had gone balllooning in. hehe. small world isnt it? oh man, thats just too funny. Well, tell your wife that i appreciate the pillows. Sorry for the grass on em. some people [JIMBO!] dont know how to take their shoes off when they enter somebody elses domain (my leaky, parts missing tent) This is hilarious. You and your wife really came to our rescue. Jim was about to have to ball up a shirt to use or something. you guys are angels. by the way, the guy that actually handed me the pillows, who was that? He was a cool dude, i just never remembered his name (wonder why? :)
small world...

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by the way.. you got there late thursday night.. did you happen to see my 'powerlifting'? i didnt mean to drop craig, i just couldnt stand up without the extra weight of somebody on my shoulders, let alone with him up there! hehe. did you happen to partake in the sing along? all i gotta say is that i couldnt hear the guys sing "build me up buttercup" enough! hehe. cant wait for the next boogie.

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That was me that handed yall the pillows. How we became aware of your plight was that we were walking back down the hill from another buddy's (Charlie Lynn) tent. We heard the "lack of pillow" complaints and decided to help! That was Friday night, wasn't it? Maybe it was Saturday, hell, I don't know; I was rolling my ass off both nights! Anyway, it was me that actually gave yall the pillows, and yes, I am cool as hell. LOL!
King of all Skymonkeys

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We heard the "lack of pillow" complaints

yeah, i have a habit of being too loud. Ask stac about when she was trying to sleep :) hehe

decided to help!

such a good person! :)

That was Friday night, wasn't it? Maybe it was Saturday, hell, I don't know; I was rolling my ass off both nights!

um, lemme see, wenday was quit, thursday was the um canadian night :), friday was the night that i had to share my friggin tent! thats it! it was friday night! weve figured it out :)

and yes, I am cool as hell. LOL!

ROF. thats funny. You are cool as hell. but i still dont remember you giving us the pillows. Who was that other guy then? man, now its gonna bother me! lol

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I am pretty sure you are talking about Brandon. He was partying with us most of that night. He is kind of stocky, and I think he had on a floppy hat that night. He and Alan, but Alan didn't wander around too much. His was the trailer that was "home" to the K-bottle, but we had it in our RV on Friday night for QUITE some time. On Saturday, it stayed in his camper, which was up against the building, hidden behind mine.

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