
Diary of a Madman

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Ah...the dz.com forums!! They are like an open diary of my life are they not?? LOL
For those of you who tuned into the movie halfway through, *go change the channel.* This episode of "As the Prop Turns" is over! All that survived are friendships (thank God)!!
Can I get some praise up in this motherfucker?!! I freakin' LOVE YA'LL's ASSES. (ignore my proper use of the English language)
The thing is: Ya'll keep my life interesting! I gotta have drama!! Drama Queen!! Damn I would make a great gay man. Oops that was stereotypical and prejudiced wasn't it! Well fuck me I can't win for losing.
Peace, peeps! Now let's get some good jumps in, get drunk, go home and masturbate in the shower, and hug our friends (uh-better hug them before you go home, LOL)
Your Sister
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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I think we can all agree --
There IS only ONE SIS !
There will only be ONE SIS !
There will NEVER be ANOTHER SIS ! and...
The world couldn't HANDLE another SIS !
Ape, you are DEFINITELY too much ! (he said, while trying to re-assemble himself from the puddle of jelly he was reduced to while laughing his ass off at April's latest diatribe straight out of left field !)
The PLF .....er, Puddle !

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What, ya'll think something special is up with the Sis?? LOL
I always masturbate in the shower!! LOL (well, sometimes, on a good day)

I should't have to should I?? hehe
Thy Sis
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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I always masturbate in the shower!!

Ya know, I feel compelled to respond to this, but having quoted it in this post, I have no idea what to say. The possibilities are so vast. A most curious feeling. I guess I'll go take a shower....

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Freaksis, you are TOO MUCH!! I could never admit in public that I masturbate in the shower. Er, uh... forget I mentioned that. Yeah, and there's no reason for anyone to be suspicious of me taking a 20-minute shower at the DZ. I just move really slow in the mornings. Er, um, don't take that the wrong way either. :$
But yeah, like I was saying, High Priestess Freaksis can come to the DZ.com forums and get all the praise she wants because she's frikkin CB|B|L.
Blues, squares,
*insert witty sig here*
PS Is there any news on the Freaksister World Tour? Cities, dates, possible opening acts, sponsorships, etc?
Edited by PalmettoTiger on 5/28/01 08:29 PM.

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Respect. The show(er) must go on!
Come to think of it, we have showers at our DZ now.....nice, new clean ones...just perrrrfect for after a hard day's jumping....
Although the new TurboLet we have has an AMAZING vibratory effect on the way to altitude...I had been enjoying its secrets privately for a number of lifts until someone brought its...er....massage-like qualities to the attention the rest of the plane...So I (and a lot of others I guess) were busted. Damn! Now we all sit there grinning at each other when we the engine revs up...he heh....
Shit my DZ is a filth bed!

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Yep, Ben, we definitely need to pay a visit to Hinton SOON!!! (but don't go telling them about me and the bunny, planet head-butting, being smelly, floaty, back-slidy etc). In fact don't tell them anything about me (not a problem considering you're always talking about yourself anyway!).

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Bagsy the seat between Emma and her girly buddies!!!

Sod that, I want to BE the seat for Emma and her girly pals!!!
(we can talk about the first thing that comes up!;))
So Emma does this mean Ben and I are invited to Hinton? (you did say two girls in your team were single...). Plus there is still the small matter of a rodeo dive (your bf permitting of course)

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MONK!! my sweetie!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!
Yes you have been neglecting me! I am still invited to Eloy? Can I warm up your trailer? It isn't winter anymore, but a little sweat never hurt anyone did it?
(For all girls reading this post, Monk is a HOTTIE) (but you can't have him because you are all too tame)
Good to see you back on the forums, babe!!
The Sis (don't worry, it isn't incest)

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