
Life as a Guy!!!

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Hands clamped firmly over mouth!! Taking in a deep, deep breath!
All I can say is . . .like this doesn't happen to women as well?? If money is what you're looking for then that's what you're looking for. Money will get you a lot of things, (jump tickets and a rig just to name a few), but it's not going to get you someone that you can count on when you need them. It's not going to complete your life, make you feel fulfilled, it's not going to make you any the wiser, it will not help you be a better person, it will not and I say it will NOT buy love. If you have to attract someone by telling them that you have money, you own this and you own that, then you're going to attract someone who is interested in your money and not you.
When I meet someone I don't want to know that they own their own dot.com business, drive a BMW and wear a Rolex, if that's the one thing that they can tell me about themselves then they've said more than enough - now go away! I want to know about the person, and who they are, where they come from and what they have to say about life and their experiences.
Money might provide a lot of things to make life more comfortable, but it will not fill your life with genuine friendship, truth, health, happiness and love.
Ewwwee, I made money sound like an evil, evil thing . . . I think you need to rid yourselves of this bad influence . . .immediate put all your greens in a envelope and mail to Divadiver. (Just kidding!!)
Just my .02$

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When I meet someone I don't want to know that they own their own dot.com business, drive a BMW and wear a Rolex

Umm... not so many people fall into this category these days... :)
"Oh, you went to a movie this weekend? That's nice. Me? Not much."

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I'm with Diva...I don't care if you have money. Thank you I do a fine job of taking care of myself without your money. BTW guys, you do it to a chick with money so get real. Thus a 300 page will with a pre-nup attached to it. I think I like my independence.
What I want is a guy who is sincere, honest, faithful, sexy, playful, encouraging, and a skydiver. He must be a good listener since I like to talk. Enjoy the sights and sounds nature entertains us with. Be willing to share his feelings without holding judgement against me for mine. And be willing to deal with a crisis rather than turning and running.
Money is not part of any of that except the skydiving and a true skydiver would do that no matter what.
What do you think girls????
Talk about $0.02 worth!

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Hey Viking-
I saw that film a couple of years ago at the Spike and Mikes Festival of Classic Animation, loved it, have wanted to see it since. I was in a bitter place when I saw it, but I'm not anymnore, but I still think its funny as hell, Thanks for the link!!!!
The same guy did another one, same sort of animation, but more of a 'When Harry met Sally' type of story, if I can find it or remember the name I'll post it for ya.

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What I want is a guy who is sincere, honest, faithful, sexy, playful, encouraging, and a skydiver. He must be a good listener since I like to talk. Enjoy the sights and sounds nature entertains us with. Be willing to share his feelings without holding judgement against me for mine. And be willing to deal with a crisis rather than turning and running.

Hell, if I knew a guy like that, I'D marry him!

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What I want is a guy who is sincere, honest, faithful, sexy, playful, encouraging, and a skydiver. He must be a good listener since I like to talk. Enjoy the sights and sounds nature entertains us with. Be willing to share his feelings without holding judgement against me for mine. And be willing to deal with a crisis rather than turning and running.

Sorry Mouth. I'm taken! :D

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It worked fine for me last night, before lunch, and just now. Something is wrong on your end Speed; prolly something to do with running NT 4 rather than Win9x. I'm using Windows 4.10.2222A (aka Win98 SE) and Media Player If you have WMP 7, click Help, then "Check for player upgrades..." to see if that does you any good.
Now that I think about it, isn't there something about NT 4 not supporting DirectX? That may be your problem right there.
Blues, Squares,
*insert sub-100 character sig here*

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Now that I think about it, isn't there something about NT 4 not supporting DirectX? That may be your problem right there.

Win NT definitly does NOT support DirectX. I tried on my machine at home (WIN NTS 4) with no luck. Tried it from work (WIN 2k Pro) and it works fine. Upgrade to WIN 2k :D.

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