
Whuffo for a day?

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Well, not really a whuffo, but 22 mph gusts over the DZ made me use my saturday for more whuffo-like pursuits... I actually played golf with my family...
Luckily, I was able to at least get in the air, in a cessna 172, but the whole "staying in the plane" thing threw me off.
Is it just because I'm new, or will I spend the rest of my life unable to concentrate when I can see a beautiful sky? The sight of a huge, bright blue sky evokes a real, emotional reaction that I never knew until I experienced the total freedom of skydiving...
Hoping tomorrow brings better weather and blue skies for all concerned,

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I spent MANY MANY MANY days on the ground trying to get off Student Status. One very wise man once told me ... "You can't jump if you are not there". or it's also called the "hurry up and wait" game. I a lot of ways, you learn sooo much by sitting on the ground waiting to jump. Especially when winds are high.

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If I called myself a whuffo every time I sat at the DZ in crappy weather waiting for a blue hole/ winds to drop/ rain to cease/ snow to end/ hail to desist.....I would practically be a full-time whuffo. Along with the rest of my sorry, wet little country.
Florida huh? You guys better know how how good you've got it. We end up so frustrated here that we queue up to do 'cloud base' lifts on bad weather days...'What's your minimum exit altitude?' 'Erm...whatever cloud base is?'

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Marc, I couldn't argee with you more! I not only find myself starring at the sky like a kid in a candy store, but also throwing my head out the passenger window of my friends car like a freeking dogB| just to get a taste of HOME!!! Whuffos look at me like I'm on the best drugs they've never had. Maybe they're right?:)Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. I know someone out there can feel me!

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Hurry up and wait is definitely something we get our fair share of in this sport. don't feel bad if it's shitty out. No reason to ever quit doing what you did before you started jumping either; you just have to spread your time out a little more. Granted, you might lose your edge in some of the other things you did before, but that's what the skydiving bug does to people. "Hmm, I bet I could get $700 for my slalom ski!"

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There's hurry up and wait...

I can't tell if I'm being mocked or not! Come on, I can't be the only skydiver who also happens to play golf (very badly at that)... :)Guess it's a good sign though... one of the tandem masters at my DZ found out I was almost off student status, and said "Hey! That means you're one of us now! You've been around long enough to screw with!" Yay...? Heh heh..

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Is it just because I'm new, or will I spend the rest of my life unable to concentrate when I can see a beautiful sky? The sight of a huge, bright blue sky evokes a real, emotional reaction that I never knew until I experienced the total freedom of skydiving...

yep, you'll probably do this forever. I also have a sort of Pavlovian response to planes flying overhead--I have to stop and look, try to figure out how high it is, and what kind it is. My whuffo friends find this particularly annoying...I stop listening to the conversation and get this sort of dreamy look as I watch the plane go by...

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