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Okay, the flyer is really up now. yea!
I'm curious about the design - will guys wear a long sleeve men's t-shirt with this design? need input but dont know how to create a poll.... duhhhhhh
:)"It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to
others. "

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Since we're organizing record loads, howabout an all dz.com chick-way??? I'm sure there will be lotsa volunteers to video. Then an all dude drool way while we watch y'all pack in the heat....:)BTW Mandy, nice ad on your web!

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I am so there! Kat told me about it a little while ago. Can't wait.
Mandy - can't wait to jump with you! Are you going to summerfest in Chicago? We need more girls there...
I think a dz.com all girl jump would be cool - with Michele at the center!!!

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in reply to: Do we get still get t-shirts?
That's a good question. Actually, I'm trying to figure out how many to order. If there are enough, the boys can buy them cheap in the gear store, I guess. I'm pretty sure the $175 package deal is just for the girls... But I'll find out for sure this weekend.

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Get a vRW big-way going or sumpin'. It is kinda weird to think that I won't be at Elsinore tomorrow... as that used to be the case pretty dang often. Me... I'll be at my new home DZ, beautiful Skydive Oregon, where my mom will be funding the jumps for the weekend. I've had my brother and sister in the sky (my bro went twice)... it just might be mom's turn to do a tandem. mwuHAHAHAAHA
Hey, did Christiaan do the flyer? Is that his site? I didn't know he did the whole art thing. He's got that fat, tight, vector style. Good stuff. How's that guy doing? He seriously has to be one of the nicest people on the planet... stark contrast to yours truly. ;)
- Macaulay

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okay, so i have e-mailed a few of you, but i guess this is my first real post. crap, does that mean beer? anyway, i just thought that i would throw my two cents in here because i saw regina's article thingy up on the homepage. the word about this boogie was bumping around all over elsinore this weekend and it looks like it is just going to rock beyond belief. i cannot wait for other chicas to turn points with. as a bellyflyer, i find myself to be the lone source of estrogen in nearly every dive i make. so i am totally looking forward to this boogie. (now don't get your panties in a ruffle, shark, you know i love jumping with you!) and hey, maybe by october, i'll be able to do a few freefly jumps with the girls...considering after 85 jumps, i did my first freakin sitfly this past weekend. damn, is that more beer? well, anyway, i am not much of the forum contributor, but i sure like to read them from time to time. so anyway, yeah, i'm rambling, as i often do. okay, anyway, SKYDIVE CHICKS ROCK! woohoo!

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WOOHOO! WCChica did Excellent on her sit fly! Great coaching is key, isn't it?!
It felt like such a chick weekend, didn't it? Macaulay would have been impressed bc these girls are CUTE!
Thanks for posting the Boogie info on the front page, Sangiro. Between you and July Parachutist's mini photo feature on skydive girls, it's really beginning to feel like a chick friendly sport.

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When I was referring to a dz.com bigway - I just meant a bunch of chicas on a skydive... it could be a hybrid dive - that way anyone can go and have fun - plus belly fliers get to go way faster than they're used to that way... talk about a hard arch! My boyfriend organizes hybrid dives almost every weekend - I could bring some ideas...

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now shark when i said i love jumping with you, did you also understand that phrase was to make a second point which is that we are going to trample you guys at the SSL? i sure hope you understood the full meaning of my statement. hee hee. JUST KIDDING! do not hold me to this post when we come in dead last!

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Oh Well then....Chicks Boogiefest at Elsinore and my family lives and jumps there! Ok twist my arm. I'll be there! Woohooo. October will be perfect weather.
P.s. Did I miss the post about how to get tickets?

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