
Good Luck and Blue Skies This Sat.

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I wanted to wish a little luck to some people for this Saturday. First of all, good luck and blue skies to all the dotcommer's doing the record attempts and what not at Perris. I'd be in on it, but I'm still on student status. :(
Secondly, good luck and blue skies to Kimmer, who should be doing her AFF level 6. I'm sure she'll rock! :)And also, good luck and blue skies to Michelle on her level 8 (graduation!!! yeah!!!). I'm sure she'll rock too! :)So, any of you that haven't already wished these guys all the luck and blue skies you could muster, throw a little their way this Saturday. ;)
P.S. I know it's self-gratuitous and cheesy, but if you have any left in your reserve after all of that, perhaps you could throw a little my way for Saturday, too. The gods of human flight permitting, I'm gonna try to finish level 6, 7, and 8 that day! All that jumping, beer and friends? It's gonna be a blast!
-can't you trip like I do-

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Hey zclubber1, Even though I can't jump with the group I'll be there this Saturday as well. I just got off AFF status and I somehow convinced myself that it's time to start jumping alone for awhile. When you do your jumps and graduate I'll try to find you and maybe we can head to the "Bombshelter".

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I am in the same boat as gman i do my lvl 3 this sunday but i am still showing up to meet everybody and take pictures and have a good time. and maybe have a beer at the end of the day. Damn its cool to be able to say that :)Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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Good luck to all left coasters this weekend. I'll be thinking about you ALL. Hugs and Kisses all around from me.
Sat is going to be a glorious day on both coasts. If you are on the east coast come on out and we'll celebrate here too. I'll owe beer by Sat sunset. Clay, you coming??

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Kimmer - best of luck (although you don't need it, you're over the hump...)..you rock, chica, and you are the best!
Zclubber - you will have a ball, and again, best of luck.....I want to see your face after level 6.....
Gman, Viking, I can't jump with them, either, so we will be their audience...
Well, all you ".com'ers" coming out: even if you don't jump with the attempt, make sure you come over and say hi; there will be a little post jump party going on, I'd love to give you all hugs (I am a hugger, so be prepared)... and maybe there will be enough beer to go around...(does anyone have an extra ice chest? I have to keep at least 4 cases of beer cold...)
As for me, well, Ed's making me jump an unfamiliar, smaller canopy, so be sure you're there for my landing - it should be either a) outstanding or b) fastfalling. Either way, should be good for a laugh. Bring your cameras!
And all you east coasters, and everyone in the other parts of the world - I swear I will lift at least one beer in your honor!
ciel bleu-

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Gman and Viking (and anyone else for that matter),
Students, licensed, dotcommer's, non-dotcommer's, drinkers, non-drinkers. Doesn't matter. We're all gonna have a blast. I'm a little limited with who I can jump with right now, but I'll drink beer and hang with any and all of you. I'll be the one in the black GoFast t-shirt, sunglasses, goatee, and more than likely a cigarette in my mouth. And if it's after my last jump, a cold beer in my hand and a big smile on my face. :)-can't you trip like I do-

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As for me, well, Ed's making me jump an unfamiliar, smaller canopy, so be sure you're there for my landing - it should be either a) outstanding or b) fastfalling. Either way, should be good for a laugh. Bring your cameras!

oh your damn right i will have my camera and my 70-300 telephoto lens so i can get close ups of your "landing" ;) :)Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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zclubber1 damn you found me out!!! ;) but i have three lens one is a 24-120 (my main lens i love it to death) then i have a 50mm for indoor low light stuff and then my 70-300 telephoto. I am also going to be renting a 16mm fisheye for the day so i can do some really badass group shots :)
Remember when Sex was safe and skydiving was Dangerous?

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It's 200 by Sat Sunset even if I have to sit out a load or two. Beer will be going as soon as I land...meet me outside the hanger with one!!

Just remember - you have to meet her with a beer in one hand(bonus points for multiple beers in one hand), and a pie in the other.. Make sure many others have pies as well..

Watcher will also be doing 100 on the same load...wahoo.

Uh oh.. I guess that means a pie in EACH hand.. Just be sure to put the beer in a safe place so it's not abused..
Oh, and Lisa...if you don't get pied for you 200th, just remember...it's expected of us to pie you at the first available chance.. See ya at Deland.. :)Mike

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In addition to all the dz.com-way stuff . . . Tanya and Craig are having a little welcome home party in the Bombshelter starting 8ish. I think there's a band scheduled.
In case you don't follow this stuff, they just came back from winning the World Championship in Women's Skysurf in Spain.
Anyhow, should be an interesting mix of current and future world champs.
Oh yeah, and the new improved Super Skyvan should be in full operation. I heard a report today that from take off to 12,500 is about -12- minutes!

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