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Okay, I think the lesson here is...
Never piss off Miked involving anything with history...he is WAY too touchy!:)Never piss off freaksis and aggiedave involving anything with texas, they relate to it too much!:)Give up on S. Africa, because they can't even play "a gentlemen's game" fairly...shit...they bet AGAINST themselves!!!!! Go H.C.!!:)skreamer
And, freaksis...Dad ONLY graduated summa cum laude...he ain't shit then!!!:$:)
And as far as the jokes re: NZ and sheep being scared...HOW THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE LEARNED ABOUT SHEEP? Why do Scotsmen wear Wellies and farm near cliffs? So the sheep can get away and they push back harder!!!!!
As far as the French go...well, fuck'em. They're always rude to us!:)
And 'ere we go again!!!
P.S. thought I would get all my foul language out in one go!
NZPF A-2584

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hey i'm not bragging, ok, its my dad, not me LOL
just playing the game right along with you guys!
you didn't *really* think i was pissed did 'ya?
heehee! i don't really live in texas anyway, because we are way up here at the top where it actually SNOWS! :o
it gets about 250 in the summer so i guess we qualify as part of texas then...otherwise we're just sandwiched between new mexico and oklahoma up here in the fryin' panhandle
its ok to piss off mike 'cause he's on his medication. that is why he is back posting to the forums, iona wouldn't let him back on till the dosage was regulated again...

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sis, I laughed my arse off when I saw this back at the top. I knew I would get a bite. No matter how big it was.:)I didn't really think you were mad.:D
Hell, we all wouldn't be here if we couldn't take what we give:)I am just surprised you didn't rattle off something about me, but I guess I will leave that to skreamer. That cricket crack is a real sore point with them right now.
Good one, sis:)Arohanui,
NZPF A-2584

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OK, OK now you've done it!
So the captain of our national cricket team accepted money to throw the odd game, and South Africa has the world's highest rates of murder, rape and HIV (gee, wonder how we lost out to Canada in that UN survey...). But you know what? At least we wouldn't claim food poisoning, because our team was sooooo scared before a world cup final that they all got diarrhoea and crapped themself on the day!!!
Oh, but seriously though, that has to be one of the worst cases of bad sportsmanship ever (right after Hansie's little *indiscretion* anyway). Your team of world class whingers stayed in a 5 star hotel and ate from the same buffet as all the other guests in the hotel (which was sold out). Next Kiwi who says we poisoned you, why I'm going to slip some rat poison in his coffee... :)/s
PS Canterbury might have won the Super 12 last year, but the Brumbies were by faaaar the 'superior' team (and I'm not Australian)

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i gotta say all you europeans and your weird sports! cricket? polo? rugby? water polo of all things? oh and let's not forget soccer...americans like soccer too, but we don't go ape shit over it and start killing each other, starting riots and all that business...and god bless canada, i like canada, but i do think riots over hockey are a little excessive too...ice hockey is my favorite sport to watch (other than skydiving) and i get pretty damn pissed off at scotty bowen sometimes and i pretty much stay pissed at anyone on the sharks or the coyotes, but i haven't ever gotten destructive over it...
hehe! :D i am going to get it for this one! yee-haw! i'm proud to be an american, where at least i know i'm free...and i can um, watch my government intrude where they aren't wanted, and um...ok never mind...

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Some hockey fan tried to tell me that it is the fastest non-automated sport in the world (or some crap like that), so I asked him if he had ever seen video footage of base jumpers jumping off Kjerag and reaching terminal velocity...
His response : 'Huh?'

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Okay, Now I gots to hurts somebody!!
Firstly, to the "so-called" South African that posts from England...I wasn't in NZ when the whole debarcle over poisoning happened, but that doesn't mean I don't have an opinion on it. After 6 years of hearing the Kiwis drill it into me...I started to get a bit passionate about it.
NO, they were not "afraid", and NO they were not "intimidated". Explain to me this then, Mr. S.A., why is it that every time...EVERY TIME you have played the Kiwis for the Tri-Nations (EVERY TIME) you have lost, and not just by a little either. Sure, you can beat the Aussies when you meet them, but hey, ANYONE can beat a team that comes from such an "under handed" (note the specific reference) country. Yeah, they may have had ALL 3 world "thingies" going into the Olympics, but hey, even OJ can buy what he wants, so why should that stop the Aussies.:)Secondly, (and this one hurt) Sis, I have started to fall in love with your posts...I thought we had a lot in common by the way you elude to your sense of humour in your posts...I "actually" started to like you, BUT now you've gone and done it. You had to go and mention the one thing I love more than (or almost as much as, depending the time in the season) skydiving...ICE HOCKEY. AND, to boot, you specifically mentioned THE team that I LOVE. I can understand your frustration at S. Bowman, shit, I wish someone would clone his brain so other coaches could win as much as he, but to rag on the SHARKS...that is where I have to draw the line!! "You cross this line _ , and you die...okay, you cross this line _ ,and you die, this line _ and you die, this line _ you die...Okay forget it...you knock on my door and I ain't coming out!!":D:D
What on EARTH could you hold against the Sharks?? Aside from Marchment being the league leader in plus/minus (for the hockey uneducated...he fights A LOT), there is nothing...NOTHING to hold against them. So, without getting personal (which I will try not to), do tell. And please don't tell me that your favourite team is that sh**ty team for your state that has that MOST INCREDIBLE ARSE of a goalie named Eddie "Beagle eyes" Belflour!! Now there is a team to HATE.:)Well, there is my latest rant. On this one, I WELCOME the reprieve!!:D
NZPF A-2584

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And please don't tell me that your favourite team is that sh**ty team for your state that has that MOST INCREDIBLE ARSE of a goalie named Eddie "Beagle eyes" Belflour!! Now there is a team to HATE.

Well SCREW YOU TOO buddy!!! I live in Dallas! I work right next to Reunion Arena! I LOVE EDDIE BELFOUR!!
Not that I don't have a sense of humor about his not being the sharpest knife in the drawer. Check this out; it's a feature (by my employer, so I'm not criticizing it) that has to be the funniest thing I've seen in a while:
Jess the Bandwagon Hockey Fan
(and $#%@#% proud of it!!)

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Well...I must say I am hurt! You started to fall in love with my posts and now...you hate me??
Maybe you'll forgive me, even after you find out that the reason I don't like the Sharks is the same reason you don't like the Stars! Ed Belfour rules...and they treat us so shitty when we are down there because of him...I just can't respect that! Eddie is...unique. He has a horrible temper, is very withdrawn from everyone, but he is a bad mother in the net. I know what he did when he left to go to the Stars wasn't cool, but he did what he had to do. Otherwise, I have nothing else against the Sharks...in fact I probably hate the Red Wings way more...hell, I might even hate the Avalanche more! But all those teams are our rivals! These are the only teams I don't like by the way...and don't even start with that ice hockey in texas crap, because california ain't no canada either! lol
can we kiss and make up? ;)
oh, P.S. Let me add I have been a hockey fan for years, I am not a Stars fan simply because they won the Stanley Cup. I watched for years before, and I KNEW they would win it one day! I was right! ;) I really respect Ken Hitchcock's coaching style, and I like all the guys on our team. I haven't watched this season as much as I would have liked because of the hours I work...at the domestic violence shelter we don't get cable and I work 4-midnight so that pretty much eats up my hockey time! :(
Edited by freaksister on 3/16/01 04:43 PM.

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Okay, :P:P picture these two lip locked!!
For the Avs comment alone...you are forgiven. I HATE the Avs...actually the only good thing to come out of the Avs is Mike Ricci, because he LOVES it in SJ and he is a kick ass player. I hated to admit it when he was still with them, but I have always like them.
Ok, the truth on the Belfour thing. I USED to love him. Shit, I even have a Sharks jersey with his name on it (which gets HEAPS of boos at the Arena when I go)!! I used to think he was a god in the crease, but when you go to a new team and then start baggin' your old team because "their fans have no respect for ice hockey". That hurts. He was LOVED for his two seasons in SJ, and he had NO REASON WHAT SO EVER for making that comment. D. Sutter would have made a press release about it when it happened, but he just figured that if Eddie didn't know a good thing when he had, he never would have. so that is why he is bagged so harshly. If he had gone quietly, all would have been good. To bag fans, is asking for it. I actually don't mind M. Modano too much (TOO MUCH).
So, you are forgiven. I would take you out for a dinner and make it official, but I don't know if I can handle the 11 hour drive right now.
It will be interesting to see skreamers response now.
There, a nice big kiss and make up!
NZPF A-2584

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. Sure, you can beat the Aussies when you meet them, but hey, ANYONE can beat a team that comes from such an "under handed" (note the specific reference) country. Yeah, they may have had ALL 3 world "thingies" going into the Olympics, but hey, even OJ can buy what he wants, so why should that stop the Aussies.
we didnt buy anything hell the way the aussie dollar is we couldnt buy a pizza from the steas without going into national debt :-)
i take offence to that we may be a bunch of lying cheating sex loving obnoxious easiily agrivated drunk pricks but we r not underhanded....... by the way what does underhanded mean :-)

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Well, you obviously don't know all the scandals surrounding your country's sports.
In the final of their "big" test (can't remember what it was for...World Cup, whatever) the Kiwi Black Caps needed just one run, ONE RUN to win off of one bowl. No runs would draw the test. Well, rather than face the humiliation (like REAL sportsman) of losing to the Kiwis ONCE AGAIN, the Aussie cricket team bowled the last bowl UNDER ARMED and drew the test. In what will forever live as the most digusting displays of sportmanship (next to Hansie's) the Aussies will forever be considered as UNDERHANDED in EVERYTHING they do from now on. Sorry guys, but you brought it on yourselves!
NZPF A-2584

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your just jealous cause we beat u at everything :-) what was your score at the olympics he he he he he he he he
hey no fair no eskimos have attacked me yet where r u u stupid eskimos
to anyone that has not been offended in this tounge in cheek (for the dumb people JUST A JOKE) please tell us so we can make this a trully multicultural pay out session :-)

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just to prove im not totaly countyist
Only in Australia...can a pizza get to your house faster than an
Only in Australia...are there handicap parking places in front
of a skating rink...
Only in Australia...do chemists make the sick walk all the way
to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can
buy cigarettes at the front.
Only in Australia...do people order double cheese burgers, large fries, and
a diet coke.
Only in Australia...do banks leave both doors open and then chain the
pens to the counters.
Only in Australia...do we leave cars worth tens of thousands of dollars in
the driveway yet we put our useless junk in the garage.
Only in Australia...do we use answering machines to screen calls and then
have call waiting so we won't miss a call from someone we didn't want to
talk to in the first place.
Only in Australia...do we buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight.
and just to plove im a prick
An Australian was walking down a country road in New
Zealand, when he happened to glance over the fence and see a farmer
goin' at it with a sheep. The Aussie is quite taken aback by this, so he
climbs the fence and walks over to the farmer. He taps him on the shoulder
and says, "You know mate, back home, we shear those!" The New
Zealander looks frantically around and says, "I'm not bloody SHEARING
this with no one!"

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Hi WmBlaine,
You're going to regret bringing up cricket!!
"The Aussies bowled the last ball 'underarm' & this was unsporting".
Actually... No!
Cricket was originally played with the ball bowled underarm. It wasn't until girls wanted to join in games in victorian times that overarm bowling started. this was 'cos the "Girlies couldn't bowl correctly"(underarm) due to their skirts & bustles.
So... Strictly speaking, that last ball was actually the only ball in the series that was bowled properly!
Still, I suppose it's as good an excuse for failing to win as any.
Anyone got any comment on the idea that New Zealanders are best summed up by their national emblem... The Kiwi... You know, the bird that can't fly?:D:P
Mike D10270.

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why is it that every time...EVERY TIME you have played the Kiwis for the Tri-Nations (EVERY TIME) you have lost

1998 Tri-nations
Team ________ : GP W D L PF PA Pts
South Africa ___ : 4 4 0 0 80 54 17
Australia ______ : 4 2 0 2 79 82 10
New Zealand ___ : 4 0 0 4 65 88 2
So, help me out here... If my team won all four their matches (scoring 17 points) and the Kiwi team (I would say *your*, but you don't qualify) lost all their matches (scoring 2 points) tell me again how we lost ALL our matches... Now you are probably going to say that that was 1998 and ancient history. So let's talk about the 1999 World Cup when that little French wing (also one of the smallest in the world), made the kiwi team look like total dicks! Of course France beat New Zealand AGAIN last year (42 - 33), but you obviously are aware of that. Then of course there was last year's Tri-nations, I know South Africa didn't win it, can you remember who did?
Looks like after 6 years of living in New Zealand you REALLY know your rugby!!! Well done! (let me guess, you're a JAFA?) :)Yep, I've been living in the UK since January 96, I go home twice a year of course - but you know what? I like it here! I've been called worse than a plastic pom before anyway... ;) I actually see it as coming full circle - my grandparents left Scotland during the Great Depression. Now South Africa Greatly Depresses me, so I prefer to live in London. But, you don't want me to bore you with all the stories about what life in South Africa is like now... Bit sad though that I know I won't (can't) settle down there one day. Oh well, whatever, lets get pissed!!!
PS all my kiwi mates are from south island - we have HUGE arguments, but I'll give them this, they do know their rugby and boy can they drink!
PPS skyhawk, your batting line-up is still awesome, but it is ageing quickly (particulary the Waugh bros.), also your best bowlers are carrying a hell of a lot of injuries...
Our time will come, oh yes, our time will come!

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Ok skreamer, I knew I would get a bite, and BOY did I get one. Now here is yours...
Firstly, so ONE year out of how many you won. Okay, match that up to the total and you will see that you are still last (yes, I am scratching here!!:)Secondly, after 6 years, yes, I don't my rugby very well. Sh*t, it took me six years to figure out why kicking to touch was a GOOD thing. (I kept booing everytime the crowd would cheer!!) I know my cricket a little better, but still, when you don't grow up with it, you don't have to basis for knowledge like someone born there would.
AND, and this hurt...you fricken Seth Efrikan...I AM NOT A JAFA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent 6 years in Otago (Highlanders!!) have my degrees from the uni there, and I LOVE DUNEDIN!!! Next to that my favourite city would have be Chch, then Wgtn. I BLOODY HATE FUCKLAND!!!!!(funny how when you replace one letter it fits the cities image SO much better!!) And, I will happily meet you at any pub and test my stomach against yours. That was the ONE thing I did study...LOTS!!!
And, to miked...enough with your knowledge of history already. No, I can't match your wits (if you've got any!!:)
So, I got a bite from my comment, and you got one from yours!! On ya!
Oh, and this one ought to get skyhawk going...
There's a saleman in Sydney(Seednee) and he goes on this tea break from his conference. He is walking down the street outside the convention hall and spies a prostitute on his side of the road up ahead. Figuring he isn't very hungry, he sidles up to her and says, "how much would you charge for a hand job?" The prostitute says, "800$". "800$! You have got be joking!!?" the man replies. The prostitute informs him, "See that Porsche over there?" "Yuh" the man says. "I own that because I give the best hand jobs in all of Sydney." Amazed, but curious the man rationalises that it would take her quite a few to build up to a Porsche, so he figures, "why not!" It was the best hand job he has ever had!!! He goes back to the conference satiated.
The next month, he is in Sydney again at a conference, and again, he spies the same prostitute, but on the other side of the street. So, remembering how good he felt after the last visit, he crosses the street and approaches her. "Hey! I don't know if you remember me, but I was wondering how much for a blow job?" The prostitute replies, "1200$". "Fek off!! 1200$ for a blowjob!!?" the man retorts. "Aye, you see that store over there?" the prostitute inquires. The man looking, "yuh." "Well I own that store because I give the best the blow jobs in all of Sydney," the prostitute proudly exclaims. Remembering back to the way he felt last time the man again figures, well, "what the hell." Wax flew out of his ears on climax!!!! "Wow, that was amazing!!" he says as he shells out the 1200$. While doing up his pants he wonders to himself and then asks her, "How much do you charge for a good hard shag?" The prostitute quips, "2000$" "Look", the man says, "I know the hand and blow jobs were both GREAT, but there is no way I am shelling out 2000 quid for a root!" The prostitute comes back, "Well, you see that office complex over there?" "Yeah, yeah, lemme guess, you own that because..." the man starts, but is interrupted by he prostitute, "NO, but I would if I had a fanny."(women's hoohoo)

So, now that all the Sydney-siders out there have just been outed, I don't see the tourism numbers climbing fairly soon, except for those who like a bit that.
NZPF A-2584

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OK dude now you've done it!!!>:(
On the count of three - SKULL!!!
One, two.......
*glug* *glug* Three!
woo-hoo the saffers win again!
:)As for you skyhawk : Funniest two banners ever seen at Newlands cricket ground
1) Shane Warne was destroying our batsmen, banner read 'The game's not over until the fat boy spins'
2)Ricky Ponting got pissed and got the crap beaten out of him, about 20 Cape Town boys painted themselves a black left eye, their banner read 'The Official Ricky Ponting Supporters club'.
PS I hear you Antipodeans have discovered two new uses for sheep : wool and mutton! :)

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ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
our cricket team isnt getting old. fat lazy and undersexed *cough* Shane Warne *cough* but hey it was your stupid people that he was calling :-) mayby but not old :-) we just r not playing the best ever cause Bradman died so leave us alone.

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I find this thread very amusing, Some of the reguler at this NG are complaining about the negatice vibes because some other people contine to slam a certain DZ and then the same regulers from this NG continue to bad mouth another skydiving websight. IMO Sounds like a high school clique of immature teens who think their clique is great and everyone else is beneath them. I visit both NG's and read the threads that interest me. I'm not going to waste my time counting the times the the other NG was slamed in the first page of this thread. If the skydiving community is supposed to be a family then lets act like mature adults and stop and bad mouthing DZ's and NG's and learn as much as we can from all avaiable source's. No one if forceing anyone to read the B.S. threads on either news group.

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