
The Pub

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When are you guys going to start contributing something for the pub? When it was opened Sangiro asked me to write something. Apparently everybody else would follow suit. None of you have, what's up with that?
I am definitely not the only Board Slut, I think we should make it a rule that when you hit Addict status you have to write a bit about yourself for the Pub. In fact I am going to ask HH to make that an official rule : post 700 times and you have to write a bit of a background about yourself for the Pub.
Anybody second that motion?

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Writing an article is ok, sending a pic is not unless one of you computer geeks comes up with a program that is simple enough for me to use. (My scanner holds bills and my log book...it has never been used.) Nobody said you had to be computer literate to do this.....

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Hi Frank
Just ignore FFF, he's being a real *pontificator*! ;)
I didn't mean people had to wait until Addict status before contributing something to the pub. Its just that the only one doing any work in there is HH, and thats not really fair. Apart from some people listing their web-sites in there, nobody has really submitted anything. If people would just write a bit about themselves and maybe chuck in some photos too, that would be great.
The pub is a great idea, but it'll only work if people start filling it with *stuff*.

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people start filling it with "stuff"

Doesn't "stuffing" something in the Isle's mean -uhh, "intercourse"??
I'm not sure "stuffing" the pub is the right thing to do...what if Kylie catches me "stuffing" the pub?? Man, how would I explain that?? (And I am for sure not gonna' "stuff" you or Iflyme.) Later, dude...

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