
Friends and Bigways

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I have to say that was the best weekend I have had clothed in years. I ahve to tell you because my family and Wuffo friends just don't understand the pure joy of a bigway. I got out friday afternoon and studied for my B licence and got it. Saturday I went to Tony Demonico and Kate's 20-way camp and met Dave (aka Wingnut) and made 4 great 20-ways flying my slot well each time. Then I made my first 2 night jumps (definitely not my last). Then night ended with a bunch of drinking with Carl (DZbone), Anthony (Clubber), Kimmer, Michele, and Dave. I do have to say that the first hour of sunday sucked but nothing that asprin couldn't cure. Then 4 more 20-ways and top it off with a 35-way that actually built and turned a second point (with one wrong grip). Next a fun 4 way with Calr, anthony and Diver123 with Dave shooting video. It was not quite perfect. Then another mellow night at the DZ followed by two 7 ways this morning. I don't think that it could have gone any better, unless they let me into the 60 way camp in a few weeks. Hope you all had fun
Flare Damn it!!!!!

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damnit i am going to pop if it takes me a long time to get my A!!!!>:( DAMN YOU SCHOOL!!!!!! but when i do i will be up to parris to get my presecond jump out of the Skyvan. It damn near imposible for me to hit my legs coming out of that plane!!! :)anyway that film is going to the developer in the morning and i should have it back by wend at least and thurs at the most. Just hope they came out good.
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet

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yup this past weekend was a blast!!!!!!!!
i left vegas about 5pm and eneded up picking up a hitchhiker just as i was about to get on I-15 out of vegas. having somebody to talk to made the drive alot shorter!!!! ended up droping him of in Compton. we both didn't know where we were before we looked at a map, so we could call his friend to pick him up. i was like i don't think i really want to be in this part of town. i finnally made it to perris about midnight. after taking me 1 hour to set up my tent i passed out and went to sleep. did the 20 way skills camp thing on sat and sunday and it was a blast!!! had an awsome time meeting the others from dz.com and everyone at perris was very nice. was talking to this one guy named steve i think. we chatted for a while and i ended up doing a solo jump outa the van on sat and he followed me out on his skysurf jump, so i was looking for someone on that load to sign my log book and i found him. got him to sign it and he added a little comment on there which i though was cool. his comment read like this( 95' freestyle campion) (can't remember if it was world or u.s.) so the people ya meet at diffrent dz's.....cool........ i just can't say it enough this past weekend was so cooooooollllllll!!!!!!!!! i only made it to my slot once when i wasn't in the base(4 in base, 4 diving to dock) but when i eased into my slot on that formation of like 17-20 it was sooooooo cooooooool. ya gota try bigways if ya can...... and some of the video, with the clouds behind the formation is just awsome..........

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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WAAHOOO! It was a great weekend. That 35 way on Sunday afternoon was great. I watched the video from that one. Kate and Tony do a great job teaching. It was great to meet everyone I did, even though I'm sure I missed meeting a few of you. Good vibes all weekend! Can't wait to do it again!
Blue Skies,

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Gotta agree! Awesome weekend.
Just a ton of killer people, drinks (who's idea was it to drink that nasty-ass cement mixer shot >:(), and of course a bunch cool/interesting jumps.
The good: Two jumps out of the DC-3, one of them an 8-way.
The bad: An attempted 2-way sitfly with Diver123. I just kept tumbling around until I noticed my left steering toggle flopping around over my shoulder while I was on my back. Flipped to my belly, dumped, and ended up with end cell closure and a hard spin. Fixed that and ended up landing really out between some trees and a big ass pile of tires.
And the ugly: On one jump, my canopy got caught in a dust devil AFTER I landed and dragged me 30-40 yards I know now that I should have cut it away, but luckily I didn't get hurt, just dirty. I looked pretty ridiculous! :$ The 4-way with Chris, Carl, Randy (hmmm, a freeflier doing RW??), and I (and Dave on video) was a blast, but man was it ugly!! (I still can't believe I was the one that floated! :o
Dave, you should post that clusterfuck so it'll remind me fo what not to do from now on!!
It was great to meet a couple of you for the first time too. (It was about damn time, Lara!)
Anyway, awesome, awesome weekend!
-can't you trip like I do-

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I'll fifth or sixth that. We missed some of you guys out there. I hope you had as much fun as we did! Nice, clean two-plane formation 34-way, and props to Quade for some AWESOME video of it! Fun (some more successful that others ;)) small-ways with the peops.
And dare we forget to mention one soldier who's got the paper, but not the pre-second freedom jump? Hmmmm???
Again next weekend??

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Next time I'll be in Perris will be the 15th. (Like it matters to you guys.) Bummer. Feel left out. Doin' the FJC on Sat. Ground crew for a demo that evening and another FJC on Sunday. Why don't y'all make a mini-road-trip at lunch and go over the hill to Snore? Afterall, Lara made a jump over there Saturday 'bout midday, went back to elsinore and did 2 more jumps! But then again, she IS the Tomb Raider.

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I am so jealous of all of you. I went to the doctor today expecting to get a smaller cast on, but noooooo, I get about the same size cast for another six weeks or so. Thank God it's alot lighter this time though. Well, I will be seeing you guys whenever I get a chance to go out and watch. I certainly won't be working anytime soon so I should be able to make it out pretty often.
BTW I got my A license number 38927
Blue Skies!


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You got it, Shark. Road trip to Elsinore! I'll actually be staying at the Lake Elsinore Casino next weekend. Sounds like fun, I think. :S
OK, here's another Bomb Shelter portrait!
Hint: Albitross is sitting at the bar, but you almost can't see him.

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Okay, I'm really pissed off. Did too much housework on Saturday, tweaked my back and spent the rest of the weekend whacked out on pain pills trying to recover. Although I did see Albie at the Bombedshelter Friday evening (thanks for the brew! :)I'm gonna keep trying; you'll see me out there eventually! ;)
pull and flare,
I chose the road less traveled. Now where the hell am I?

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sorry bout your back lisa. i was looking forward to meeting you. as for the shark, well, no excuses, i know that fjc can be compressed into 30 minutes!!! :)kelly,
no fair cheating, you've met me before, ya know what i look like, we gota keep these people guessing......
p.s. i got my "B" while i was at perris, just gota wait for my new card in the mail with my number!!!
p.p.s. my number of non home-dz people i've met from dz.com is up to 13 people from 3 dz's.

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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wow, so i lag in this post, but i couldn't help but throw my two cents in about this fabulous weekend, even if it is already wednesday...
first van jump, first dc-3 jump, and first big time encounter with the dz.commers. 14 jumps in three days with chill time in between. ahhh how i do love this sport.
how neat was it to roll up at perris with randy (diver123) one day and grasshopper another and actually have people to seek out? what a neat little family dz.com is. (and yes anthony, it was about freakin time! glad we got to roll up in the 3 together! and no worries, your sitfly will get there.)
i was able to run over from elsinore to perris on saturday (one van jump) and sunday (one dc-3 jump) and made 3 or 4 jumps at elsinore the same day, with multiple slurpee stops and ample time snoozin' under a tree to boot. so it is totally do-able for all of you considering a multiple dz day.
it's just too bad i couldn't drag sharky with me, but he was too busy learnin' to be a coach and getting hosed by my boyfriend in the eval process. HA! (just remember mark, every problem he threw at you as a pretend student, he learned from me when he jumpmastered me as a real student) just kidding, mark did awesome...his coach students will be lucky to have him.
i wish i could have met more of you out there, and maybe sooner than later (now that the new crop of A-license holders are poppin' up...kimmer, get on it!!!) we can finally have that dz.com record jump with more than 4 people! yeehaw! i am still gunnin' to have it at the chick boogie october 13th and 14th, but we'll see.
anywho, that is about all i have time to ramble on about...lucky for you. ha ha ha.
it sounds as if we all had one hell of a weekend. what a bunch of lucky bastards we are. have a great rest of the week everyone, saturday is just around the corner!

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Hey guys, sorry it took me so long to write! First of all, it was awesome to finally put some faces to the names! Having just moved down here a few months ago, I was struggling a little getting some jumping buddies together so this weekend definitely helped.... Now, about the whole RW comment... It's true! I did my first...eh...um...4 way I guess you'd call it. I never gave those guys any credit until I tried it. It's pretty cool! I'd be down to try that HG again cause we didn't quite make it the first time. Thanks for the awesome weekend! We should have a few more some time. I'll keep my eyes open for you guys this weekend.
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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